Divine Card Creator

Chapter 524 Dignified president, can't do this? !

day city.

Sword Card Master Association.

Lu Ming is sorting out his existing cards.

He has just been promoted to six stars, and it is impossible to expect the cards to merge into seven stars! Now, he wants to develop all his cards to the top six stars!

after all.

Only in this way can the maximum combat effectiveness be exerted!

for example--

Star card.

Six-star top, can increase a lot of growth! Meteorites can fall from the sky! The sun, moon and star combination set can even present the effect of "my Buddha has come".

This is a big killer!

in the past.

Lu Ming tried his best to avoid the so-called overturning cards, because they were not stable enough.

But this time...

He hopes that the more cards like this, the better! ! !


Lu Ming examined his cards.

The five-star cards that have been mastered so far can be fused into six-star cards——

Star card. (Summon series) (Tested.)

Return card. (Shuttle series) (Tested.)

Unknown card. (Bullhead series) (Not tested.)

And not yet mastered——

Five-star scene card: Tianlun card! The research progress is 16%!

Five Star Melting Card: Elimination Card! Research progress 80%!


"It's all about you."

Lu Ming looked calm.

In the past few days, be sure to make these two cards!

"I'm afraid it will be difficult.


Xiao Xiaojian was troubled.

It is still deducing the enemy these days, and it has used up its old life, but it still can't deduce it. If it is card research, it may not be able to help.

And this progress bar...

too long!


Lu Ming glanced at it, "Why do you have the illusion that you can help?"

Little Sword:? ? ?

Who do you look down on! ?

Although its card research talent is mediocre, its intuition is accurate!

"It doesn't work."

"I have my own measure in this matter."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice, "Give me your best deduction of the enemy, if there is no gain... Hehe, I won't help Xiaobai in the future..."


Xiao Xiaojian suddenly became excited, and went to the corner to study the cards.

And Lu Ming.

Silently watching the development progress bar.

In a few days, it is really difficult to research the two cards. Although these two cards are only five-star, he has already reached six-star...

But the complexity of the limit card is far more than that of the ordinary card.


It's not like there's no chance.

Lu Ming pondered for a long time, and finally, he set his sights on the inside of the association!


A certain teenager is troubled by 'too fast'.


for a long time.

Lu Ming called him to the office.

"See how long it takes to research this card."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.

He took out 50% of the pattern of Tianlun card, Quantum glanced at it, and was stunned. This complicated pattern...has surpassed the ordinary six-star card, okay? !

"Seven, seven stars?"

"Five stars."

Lu Ming sighed.

"It takes half a month."

Quantum said honestly.

half a month...

Lu Ming was silent.

To be honest, the speed of researching this card in half a month has already surpassed Lu Ming by hundreds of blocks! ! ! When Lu Ming studied by himself, the numbers were always astronomical!

But the problem is...

not enough time!


Lu Ming glanced at him, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Used to have."

Quantum Lost, "It's gone now."


Lu Ming patted him on the shoulder sympathetically.


"Remember the title they gave me in the flying competition?"

Lu Ming coughed.


Quantum's eyes brightened.

"I don't know much about other things."


"As far as I know, some spirits are characterized by slowness, such as the Duma clan. Now the characteristics of the Karling can be increased. If you can increase it by one or two..."

Lu Ming meant a lot.


Quantum was moved.

It is rumored that the Duma family really nourishes yin and strengthens yang, activates blood and nourishes kidneys... I never thought that they have such a special effect in this regard!


"Seven days!!!"

Quantum is categorical, "I will make it in seven days!!!"

"Speak to you quietly."

"I have a good relationship with the Energy Warrior Association. They are experts in body control..."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.

"Five days!"

Quantum gritted his teeth, "I can get out in five days!"

Lu Ming: "..."


Lao Tzu's majestic president is not as good as a turtle!



"Can the number of days be lower?"

Lu Ming doubted.

He always felt, why is the time so random? !


"I really can't lower it!"

Quantum tears.

This is really not bargaining!

Five days is really his limit output!

"Then how did you get here in the first half month?"

Lu Ming was suspicious.

"I work eight hours a day, with Saturdays and Sundays off."

Quantum said honestly.

Lu Ming:? ? ?

Gan Li Niang!

Do you think you belong to a state-owned enterprise? !


Do you have no blessings for working like this? ! 996... No, 007 is the society's greatest care and blessing for you! ! !

"These days, I asked them to prepare energy tea."

Lu Ming said angrily, "How much can be studied in three days."


Quantum was downcast.

It's over.

It seems that I don't need to sleep for the past three days...


Thinking about the president's promise, it's not impossible to fight. Three days, fight for a future! Maybe, that Duma spirit body is really useful? !


And at this moment.

Lu Ming went to Senior Zhou.

The head of the Card R\u0026D Department of the Sword Card Masters Association, Seven Star Card Creator, Zhou Jie.


"There are some lines, I'm afraid I will trouble you."

Lu Ming said.


The expression on Zhou Jie's face froze suddenly, again, again? ! !


A day passed.


With trembling legs, Zhou Jie leaned on the wall and walked out...


"It can't be done."

"I can't take it anymore."

Zhou Jie burst into tears.

"It's only one night?"

Lu Ming was helpless.

"It's really gone."

"I've done everything I know."

"I usually do my research."

Zhou Jie burst into tears, he is not those outsiders!

He summed up these lines and these cards, and also recorded them for the association. Lu Ming also often learns from him!


Lu Ming prioritized the ones that he finished researching...

Very repetitive with him.

How much can he study?

"The textures you gave me are those that I will be good at first, and I will study them all night long!"


"I'm afraid that if you have to research while checking the information, the progress will be reduced by ten times."

Zhou Jie was distressed.

"Female mouth."

Lu Ming sighed.

It seems.

This kind of thing cannot be forced.

After all, not everyone is as fast as Quantum...


What about the rest of the texture?

When Lu Ming was in distress, Li Haoran suddenly sent news that the new president of the Tiandu branch of the Card Maker Association came to visit Lu Ming! ! !


Lu Ming's eyes lit up.

He heard that this is the seven-star boss from the headquarters!


for a long time.

Lu Ming saw this in the square.

"You are Lu Ming?"

The seven-star card maker glanced over and was amazed, "President Lu is said to be talented, but I didn't expect President Lu to be so handsome."

"you are welcome."

Lu Ming smiled.

it seems...

This president is more up-to-date than before.

"This time."

"First of all, I apologize for the past."

The new president is very ashamed, "I heard that the two associations had some conflicts before, please forgive me. If there is anything that can help, please feel free to ask. I hope that the two associations can go hand in hand."

"Where, where."

Lu Ming waved his hands again and again.


Say help...

"I heard that you are quite prestigious in card making, I wonder if you can give me some pointers?"

Lu Ming asked.

"Hey, any pointers."

The new president waved his hands skillfully, "It's just helping each other."

"Then thank you for your hard work."

Lu Ming smiled slightly.


He invited the new president into the association.


An hour passed.

The new chairman's face showed a lot of interest. Unexpectedly, a branch in Tiandu City has such lines, and the way of using them is really wonderful...

Two hours passed.

The new chairman is still in a frenzy.

Five hours have passed...

The new president is a little tired but still excited.

Ten hours have passed...

The new president's face was slightly pale, but he couldn't stop.


And at this moment.

The entrance of the Card Creator Association.

The card makers waited eagerly, waiting for the arrival of the new president.


It's been several hours, and there's not even a movement!

The seniors of the association, hungry, hungry from night to late at night, did not see the shadow of the president...

"Have you contacted?"

"Contacted, but no one answered."


"The time is right, I think I have already got off the plane in the afternoon..."

The card makers were bewildered.


What about people? !


the next day.

early morning.

When the card makers were hungry and dizzy, when the card makers were almost collapsed, the president they were talking about finally returned! ! !


The four original cards floated and brought their president back...


Bring it back? !


Four original cards? !

The card makers' eyes widened suddenly, sword card master?



Several card makers hurried over to help the president.


The president is still out of his mind.


The card makers are full of worries.

"What did your Sword Card Master Association do?!"

Someone scolded.


Glancing at the four floating original cards, they could only hold back helplessly. No one came at all, so why are you so angry with the original cards...


Seeing the president's distraught look, a young disciple who had been to the Sword Card Master Association last time understood somewhat.

"I remembered!"

"Last time those guys saw Miss Tian from the Sword Card Master Association, and she looked like this too!"

"What did they say..."


"Yes, idiot smile!"

The card maker said angrily.


Everyone was terrified.

Could it be that……

The Sword Card Masters Association cut off their new president in an attempt to corrupt him?

"No, it's impossible, right?"

The card makers couldn't believe it.

The Sword Card Master Association shouldn't do such a thing!


A card maker gently pushed the president, "President, are you okay?"


The president regained consciousness in a trance, and said with an obviously overexcited mood: "I'm doing fine, I think I can last for a few more hours!"



One fell into a dizziness.

Card makers:? ? ?


"Help the president in..."

The card makers were terrified and took the leader back.

It's over.

Something happened to the president.


for a long time.

After treatment, the president regained consciousness.


When he recalled what happened last night, he was still a little excited, terrified and... scared...


those textures.

For card makers, it is the most perfect texture, no matter how high the level is, no matter how high the quality is, they can hardly grasp it after seeing it!


Only then can we continue to study... we can't stop at all.

that passion...

that excitement...


"Your age does not allow you to do this."

The doctor sighed.

"I see."

The chairman nodded slightly.


Just remember that feeling...

kind of...

"Persist a little longer, and I will be able to study a small pattern immediately. If I work harder, I will be able to study a large pattern immediately. If I continue to struggle, I will definitely be able to improve!"

Such a wonderful feeling.

Think here.

The president actually has another urge to help Lu Ming study the texture! After all, it has been a long time since he has made such obvious progress in Seven Stars...



People will die!

The president trembled.

He is very aware of the feeling of being excited all the way and then dying...

It's so abnormal.


those lines...

The chairman is confused.

A breakthrough between life and death?


Seeking stability and slowly improving?


The president pondered for a moment and finally made a decision.


And at this moment.

Sword Card Master Association.

After a whole day of struggle, through the joint research of Quantum, the president of the Card Maker Association, and Zhou Jie, the research on the texture of the Xiaoxiao card was finally solved! ! !

First card, done!

The latest card in the Melting series - Six Stars! ! !

"It's so cool!"

Lu Ming felt at ease.

Let two masters help me research a five-star card...

What an honor!


Just when he was about to thank the new president, he got a shocking news - the new president resigned.


That's right.

The new president resigned directly and returned to the headquarters.

According to what he said, because his body was weak, but he couldn't resist the temptation, he simply decided to stay away from Tiandu City, a place of right and wrong...

Lu Ming:? ? ?

Can it be like this?

It is said.

The disciples of the Card Creator Association are all crazy...


The law enforcement organization of Tiandu City, the anti-pornography and anti-illegal office, even made a special trip to the Sword Card Masters Association to inquire about Miss Tian's activity schedule yesterday...

Miss Tian:? ? ?

Association disciples:? ? ?


The association has surveillance video, which solved the matter.


It always feels weird.

What happened this time alarmed the chief of the war department even more. After understanding the ins and outs, the minister patted Lu Ming on the shoulder, "Young man, don't catch a single one."

Lu Ming is innocent: →_→

This matter really has nothing to do with him!

He really just invited that senior to help make the card!


The ghost knows that this one has no stopping power at all!

Look at Zhou Jie! ! !

He couldn't hold on any longer, so he knew he was climbing out by holding on to the wall... How can the president of your majestic headquarters not be able to do this? !

Spicy chicken!


never mind.

These are the little things.

The elimination card has been completed, and the Tian Lun card has been over half with the help of this master-level boss, and the rest can be left to Quantum and Zhou Jie!

And Lu Ming...

He calculated carefully.

If you study together with these people, it is estimated that you can also play a 1% role.

too weak!

Rather than that, it is better to give up!

Lu Ming has limited time now, so he will not waste his precious time here.

"They study cards."

"It's better..."

"Let me test the cards."

Lu Ming took a deep breath.

This operation is very dangerous.


As for cards, it is better to understand the functions as much as possible.

In Lu Ming's hands, there are still two fused six-star top-level cards that have not been tested for their functions. They are the six-star bull head card and the newly completed six-star melting card.


That's it for you.


When it comes to the test, Lu Ming is going to the First Academy.


After a pause, he gave up.


Come to think of it, the testing area of ​​the First Academy was established by myself...


If this is disassembled...

Thanks to panic?

never mind.

Lu Ming sighed.

If something really happened in rescuing my sister this time, it could be regarded as leaving something for the children of the First Academy, and I could be regarded as a little bit of great achievement.

As for testing...

Execute special circumstances.


for a long time.

Lu Ming came to the suburbs quietly.


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