But fortunately, the previous communication with Ju Chuan Shizuka made Su Yuan more clear.

After calming down, Su Yuan apologized: "Sorry, I was a little bold just now, Asia, you are really cute."

"No, it's all right, I'm really happy to meet someone as gentle as you, Mr. Su Yuan, just now."

Asia shook her head, not blaming Su Yuan.

Instead, he responded to Su Yuan with a very gentle smile.

The Bible God who pressed down in Su Yuan's kingdom of God stuck his head out again.

What a pure girl, the faith radiated from her body is also so pure, she is a reincarnated believer who can become a Seraph!

"It's also my honor to meet Asia."

Su Yuan felt a little embarrassed to see Asia complimenting him so much.

With his evil mind, facing the angel-like Asia, he really felt a little ashamed.

But soon the cheeky Su Yuan put the matter behind him, pointed to the dim sky, and suggested:

"Aisia, it's getting late now, why don't you stay at my place for one night tonight, how about I take you to church tomorrow?"

"That... um, then thank you, Mr. Su Yuan!"

Asia did not doubt that Su Yuan had any other intentions, and agreed on the spot.

Su Yuan helped Asia lift the suitcase and joked: "Aishia, aren't you afraid that I have ulterior motives? Asia is a very cute and beautiful girl."

Asia blushed shyly, and a blush appeared on the gooseneck.

In the end, Asia replied firmly: "Mr. Su Yuan is not that kind of person. The aura on your body is very warm, and it gives me a completely different feeling. I feel that Mr. Su Yuan was sent by the Lord to guide me!"

The first time she saw Su Yuan, she felt that Su Yuan was a very gentle big brother. (agcf)

It was only the first time we met, but the trust in him was beyond imagination!

"Perhaps, it might be so."

Su Yuan glanced at the **** of the Bible who was clamoring to come out of his kingdom of God, and nodded silently.

God in the Bible is with him, and Asia is also a half-believer.

Even though believers have never met the Lord they serve, they still instinctively have the most solid trust and love.

Aisia, such a devout nun, did not leave the Lord in a few words, which greatly moved the God of the Bible, and wanted to come out to protect Aisia now.

This is the first time she has met such a lovely believer!

However, the idea she wanted to come out was severely suppressed by Su Yuan.

Now that you come out, you'll only make a mess, just stay with me!

After bringing Asia to the small villa, Su Yuan looked at it, and then opened the door with the key.

Asia looked at the things around her in amazement.

Unexpectedly, such a beautiful house belongs to Su Yuan, she has never lived in it before!

Asia couldn't help but fold her hands in prayer.

Su Yuan looked at the cute Asia, and smiled and pulled her in directly.

"Don't be cautious, just treat this as your own home."

Su Yuan tidied up a little and led Asia to the bathroom.

"Asia, take a bath first, and I'll prepare dinner."

"It's so embarrassing to bother Mr. Su Yuan so much..."

Asia looked at Su Yuan who was busy, but she didn't do anything, and was very embarrassed.

At this time, Asia remembered that there is a tradition on Neon's side. She had learned about it before she came, and stumblingly said:

"Mr. Su Yuan, that... Come in and take a bath together, Asia can rub your back."


Su Yuan looked at the innocent and lovely Asia, and said that he wanted to rub his back, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Seeing Su Yuan's surprised expression, Asia immediately lowered her head and didn't dare to lift it up, as wisps of white steam seemed to rise from her head.

Asia was very shy when she said this idea, and Su Yuan's expression stimulated her young heart even more.

Su Yuan felt that if he refused, Asia would probably cry directly, so he could only reluctantly agree.

"Then I want to thank Asia, thank you for your hospitality."

Seeing Su Yuan blinking at himself, Asia jumped into the bathroom like a scared kitten and hid.

"You are not allowed to bully my lovely believers!"

Seeing his nun being bullied by Su Yuan, the Bible God began to feel restless again.

Su Yuan said solemnly: "How can I bully her, this is all her voluntary."

Su Yuan was too lazy to argue with the God of the Bible, facts speak louder than words.

And if the God of the Bible makes trouble again, he will go to the Kingdom of God to have a good talk with her. Now that the God of the Bible can see things outside, that is all allowed by Su Yuan! .

Chapter 1176 Dinner for two~

Although God in the Bible is very distressed, he really can’t do anything about it.

He could only watch Su Yuan enjoy Asia's clumsy back rubbing skills before walking out with a refreshing look.

"Asia, you go to your room first, and I'll prepare dinner."


Asia, who was wearing only a bath towel, nodded slightly in the hazy mist~.

Under the cover of the fog, Asia felt that she was not - so shy.

Su Yuan also did not cook by himself, but took out the gourmet-tablecloth.

"You are much more useful than those artifacts!"

Su Yuan touched the gourmet tablecloth and covered it on the table.

Then Su Yuan went directly to Asia's room and helped her clean up the room in front of the extremely shy Asia.

Looking at this warm bed, Asia didn't know how to express her gratitude.

She had the idea that this room was her home.

However, after thinking of her identity, Asia finally did not speak.

"Asia, it's time for dinner, come here."

"Hey, I'll be right over here!"

Asia rummaged through the suitcase, and most of the clothes in it were thrown into the washing machine by Su Yuan.

The nun clothes she just wore were also in the basket, and it was impossible to put them on again.

In the end, Asia could only find the advice in the room to put on the shirt, her white and tender feet tapped on the tiled floor, and slowly came to Su Yuan.


Looking at Asia who came out wearing only a thin long-sleeved white shirt, Su Yuan subconsciously covered his nose.

"No nosebleeds, that's fine!"

After seeing that the palms of his hands were clean, Su Yuan looked up at Asia and said, "Why did you come out wearing such a dress?"

"I'm very sorry, that...my clothes have been washed. Mr. Su Yuan is the only thing left in your room. I can only..."

Asia felt that her face had not returned to normal overnight, so she could only keep bowing her head and apologizing.

Su Yuan looked at Asia who apologized repeatedly, as if he saw a cute thing.

How can you be so cute!

Su Yuan stepped forward and grabbed Asia's shoulders, stopping her from continuing to apologize.

"It should be me who should apologize. As an apology, I'll take you out to buy some clothes later, please!"

"That... well!"

Asia's light-white fingertips shyly rubbed the corners of her long-sleeved clothes, and nodded with a blushing face.

After experiencing a collision of inner thoughts, Asia still agreed to Su Yuan's request.

Because she wanted to spend more time with Su Yuan, a gentle person, before she went to church.

Asia couldn't help but feel sad when she thought that she was going to leave here.

But Asia decided to forget about it for now, and looked at the dining table with energy.

After seeing that there were no bowls and chopsticks and food on it, several question marks appeared on my head.

Su Yuan saw Asia's doubts and didn't make a fool of himself. He pointed at the tablecloth and said, "Aishia, what do you want to eat, tell me directly and give you a surprise!"

Asia, who absolutely trusted Su Yuan, thought for a while, then whispered, "Pudding, I want to eat a pudding."

Asia's voice was small, a little embarrassed.

As a nun, what she usually eats is very simple, it's all things like cheese crumbs and potatoes, and she rarely eats meat.

Desserts like pudding, when she was walking on the road, she saw an advertisement for this on the TV on the street. Now that she thinks about it, she wants to try it.

Looking at the embarrassed Asia, Su Yuan knew that he had to be tougher.

Then Su Yuan got up and held her in his arms, and said to the gourmet tablecloth at the dining table, "A cream pudding!"

After Su Yuan spoke up, in Asia's surprised eyes, the gourmet tablecloth turned into a beautiful and delicious cream pudding.

"It's amazing, is this magic!"

Asia looked at the scene in front of her in amazement.

Su Yuan sniffed the fragrance of Asia's hair, leaned against her ear and whispered: "No, Asia, this tablecloth can make any kind of food, it is an artifact."

"Really... Mr. Su Yuan, you actually have an artifact?"

After hearing Su Yuan bluntly say that this is not magic but an artifact, Asia looks very surprised.

Because Su Yuan was willing to tell her this secret.

As someone who has possessed divine tools since childhood, of course she knows how important this is.

"Of course, it's okay to tell Asia this kind of props. I believe you will keep the secret for me, Asia."

Su Yuan hugged Asia affectionately and said with a smile.

Asia felt the warmth in her ears, and at the same time felt a little more moved in her heart.


Just when Asia was about to directly say that she had an artifact, Su Yuan blocked her mouth.

To be precise, block it with pudding.

"It's not good to eat dessert first, but Asia, if you like it, eat it."

After handing the cream pudding to Asia, Su Yuan used the gourmet tablecloth to conjure up a series of oriental delicacies.

Only two people eat, and Asia does not have a big appetite.

Su Yuan chose relatively bland food, lest she get sick.

If you used to eat small dishes such as pickled radishes and potatoes all day long, and suddenly you eat big fish and meat one day, your body will definitely not be able to bear it!

This is the reason why wild boars cannot eat fine bran.


Looking at the food piled up in front of her, Asia also let go of her stomach.

However, her appetite was too small, and she only ate a little, and she couldn't eat any more.

Su Yuan didn't eat too much, but sent these basically untouched stir-fries to the Kingdom of God.

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