Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 15 Sprint! Zombie battering ram!

Walking on the dilapidated street, Bailang's eyes suddenly brightened. He found a large deserted supermarket.

The huge floor-to-ceiling glass was smashed, the shelves collapsed and stacked, and expired goods were scattered all over the place. It can be vaguely seen the grand occasion when it was looted. At this time, there were still a large number of shopping carts scattered at the entrance of the supermarket.

Looking at these abandoned carts, Bailang smiled knowingly, and suddenly had a bold idea.

When he reappeared, the maverick Brother Lang immediately attracted everyone's attention.

I saw him pushing a cart full of bricks and stones and walking forward in the middle of the road. The pallet under the shopping cart was also piled up with heavy sacks. The four small rollers carried a weight that they shouldn’t be able to carry at their age. They rubbed against the rough ground and made dry and unpleasant noises. They creaked and forged ahead. .

Seeing his actions, everyone couldn't help thinking, wondering if he was planning to push a load of heavy garbage into the 'Zombie Welcome Avenue' and crash into a bloody road?

It is theoretically feasible to do so, because the walking corpses in the middle of the road are the weakest. Even if they try their best, they can only hold hands and connect with each other, and use their decayed flesh to complete the feat of crossing the iron chain, resisting the impact of external forces.

However, the cruel reality is... These walking corpses have brains, their IQs are zero, they don't know how to cooperate at all, and they don't know how to hold hands with each other. It is absolutely feasible to break through in one go!

It's just that if you do this, once you are trapped inside the corpse group, isolated and helpless, and blocked from the front and back, you can only grit your teeth and knock down Hei. The walking corpses on the left and right sides were too close to him, and the surrounding monsters could easily grab his body and drag him over to gnaw him to death.

Unless you fly over in one breath, make no mistakes, bump into countless walking corpses along the way, miraculously not be caught by any of them, and insist on not drifting or overturning for a full 30 meters... Only then can you really rush out . But is it possible? It's too difficult!


"Everyone, I have a bold idea!" Bailang said as he parked the cart in front of everyone. That eager expression seemed a little excited.

Then, he realized how long had it been? A lot of people gathered at the intersection, more than a dozen in total. Among them were the 'students' I saw on the top floor.

Armed with various instruments, these young men successfully arrived here under the leadership of the heroic female president. Surrounded by Gao Wen and the others, this girl with a single ponytail and blood stains on her face is looking at herself carefully? When her eyes fell on the cart, her gaze became a little strange.

The survivors at the scene were all in a panic, sitting on the ground and panting. These are more or less hanged, and some look more serious, as if they were seriously injured? The student group is relatively united and eager to help their companions, so they stand on Bailang's side and choose to wave instead of prudently.

"Are you trying to bump into it stupidly?" The eccentric guy jumped out again, trying his best to show his superiority in IQ.

Could it be that he wants to use this method to belittle others to set off himself, and to leave everyone with the impression of 'I am a think tank and responsible for intelligence'? Fortunately, in the next action, refuse to rush to the front line, but hide behind the scenes to avoid risks?

Bailang was too lazy to take care of this snake spirit, so he rolled his eyes and ignored it, and said to the others: "I found a supermarket over there, and there are many such shopping carts in it. I checked, and basically they can be used."

"Oh? Are you going to ask everyone to join you in rushing through the corpses to die, to gain a small chance?" The snake spirit began to spit venom inexplicably again.

There is no injustice or enmity, but there will always be some people in this world who will jump out and point fingers at you. Bai Lang is not a good tempered person either, he looks puzzled at the silly B, and asks:

"Are you an idiot? Why do you have to rush one by one? Everyone can put shopping carts together. Dozens of cars can form a moving barrier, and then you don't have to think about anything, just go all the way! I pushed this car The garbage truck opens the way for everyone, follow up, stand in the center one by one, control the two rows of movable iron walls on the left and right, as long as you run fast enough, these walking corpses will not be able to catch you at all."

"Wori, little brother, you are a talent!"

The 'firefighter-che uncle' who encouraged everyone to collect tools and repair a car by himself also returned to the team at this moment. After listening to Bailang's suggestion, he was immediately shocked and showed admiration.

This kind of garbage truck's thinking of relying on inertia to hate people is not only popular on the earth, but also applies to the multiverse.

The others were obviously amazed by Bailang's method. Thinking about it carefully, although it was nonsense, there was still some possibility. But... this style of painting seems a bit wrong?

It was a good thriller, but it suddenly jumped to the black humorous "Zombie Comedy Channel". Do you think about the feelings of these walking dead?

(Countless walking corpses tied by iron chains kept waving their arms in the middle of the road, waving enthusiastically to everyone: Come on! Come on! I can’t wait!)

There are many people and strength, so it is better to take action than to wait for the dawn with nothing to do at the intersection.

In addition, many survivors were bitten by monsters along the way. Although the wounds were not fatal, they were bleeding profusely, which brought great psychological pressure. If you continue to delay without getting treatment, maybe it will get worse? They also want to pass through this section of the 'zombie avenue'.

So Bailang mobilized most of the people, and finally the survivors ransacked the supermarket and put the usable carts one by one, forming two long queues.

This thing is far heavier than imagined, and it is thick enough to be used as a 'muck truck + battering ram'. As long as the two iron dragons are pushed to roll, they can sprint by inertia and kill the zombies on Yingbin Avenue. Right... Bailang found that the 'garbage siege truck' he had worked so hard to make seemed useless.

"Suddenly I'm looking forward to it!" Looking at the two rows of carts, Bailang muttered to himself.

"What to do next? With such a long cart, it's difficult to control the direction. If we deviate from the center line and rush to either side, we will be dead!"

'Uncle Che' looked at the two rows of carts, then looked at Bailang and waited for the answer, who called him the instigator?

"Controlling the direction is indeed a problem, but if we can maintain the correct direction, and the speed is fast enough, we will succeed." Bailang replied.

"It's easy to say, but what if it bumps into those monsters, causing the direction to deviate, or what if the cart overturns? What if the cart goes sideways? What if it gets caught by an iron chain?" After all, this is taking yourself Everyone seemed worried about taking a risk with their lives, and many people raised objections.

Bailang was speechless: "Well, this is a problem, let's find a solution together..."

In the end, everyone worked together, and at the suggestion of the female president, they found a bunch of steel bars from nowhere, and inserted them into the mesh of the cart, leaving a distance of one body in the middle, keeping a sufficient distance between the front and back, and then wrapped them to death with iron wires. both sides.

Soon, the two rows of trolleys were fastened together by steel bars, and Bailang and others could stand in the center one by one, like rowing dragon boats in a row. The body is protected by pushcarts on both sides, and the distance between the front and rear is large enough to throw away the steps and run wildly without stepping on the feet in the front row.

This structure not only guarantees the balance without overturning the car, but also protects itself from being violated. Holding the steel bar in the hand to push forward + trot forward, as a human mouse, it can also control the acceleration and fine-tune the direction. It is quite like a human centipede. The taste of it is really strange, but there is a kind of ugly handsomeness in it!

In the end, the big repairman repaired the front ends of the two groups of carts. After manually installing an inverted 'V'-shaped bumper, everyone was gearing up and eager to try the "Zombie Welcome Avenue"...

"It's decided, let's call it 'Death Trolley-Zombie Battering Hammer'!" Bailang sighed as he looked at his painstaking work with satisfaction.

The expressions of the others changed slightly, but no one stood up to object. Everyone didn't know each other, and this ghost thing was facilitated by this young man. No one wanted to spoil the relationship, so let him be happy for the time being.

Come on, everyone cast your recommendation vote on time.

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