Fang Ye didn't hide anything and nodded naturally.

"What a weakling, surrendering so quickly?"

Stark was still very angry and vented his anger everywhere.

Loki curled his lips, how about you try to get punched by him?

Of course, as the god of trickery, Loki is not someone who surrenders casually/ his mind , a careful plan has been made, and being captured is also one of them.

The sound of jets sounded, and a fighter plane appeared above everyone

"Hey, good job."

Natasha controlled the fighter plane and shouted to several people.

Then, Fang Ye and Su Ziqiu were invited onto the fighter plane.

Together with Loki, who was shackled, they flew towards Fury's battleship.

"Hello, I'm Steve Rogers, the driver is Natasha Romanoff, this......"

"Tony Stark, we've met."

Fang Ye shook hands with him with a smile and said softly.

After chatting for a few words, Fang Ye noticed Su Ziqiu who was staring at Loki.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Ye touched Su Ziqiu's hair and asked

"Nothing, just......I feel he is very capable of fighting, why did he surrender like this?"

Su Ziqiu tilted his head and said softly

"Indeed, I thought so too."

The Mi team nodded, looking at Rocky sitting silently in his seat, feeling a little headache.

Tony shook his head, looking at the Mi team with eyes full of contempt.

"Isn't it normal to surrender when you are unable to defeat someone? Maybe you should update your storage from hundreds of years ago"

"Fury didn't tell me you were coming back."The Mi team was also a little angry by him.

"Similarly, Fury didn't tell me. It seems that I need to reconsider whether to accept his invitation."

The two started bickering as soon as they met, and Natasha shook her head.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in the sky!

"Strange, the Meteorological Bureau did not warn that it will rain today?"

Natasha was a little confused. After all, the information they obtained was extremely accurate. Even such trivial information as the weather had no errors.

Tony looked at Loki, who was shocked by the thunder, and mocked:

"What's up Bambi? Are you afraid of thunder? Do you want to take your mother over and give you a hug?"

Loki spread his hands, not interested in Tony's ridicule.

"I'm more worried about what happens next."

Just as he was talking, the fighter plane suddenly sounded an alarm!

"Something alive is approaching!"


Suddenly, the door of the fighter plane was forcefully opened, and a man wearing strange armor appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh, another surprise."

Tony raised his hands, and the energy beam began to charge!

Unexpectedly, Thor, the god of thunder, stepped forward and knocked Tony away with a hammer.

Then he grabbed Loki, swung the hammer and left.

"Looks like another troublesome Asgardian."

Tony stood up and walked to the door

"Hey Tony!"The Mi team wanted to stop him,"You should designate a battle plan before setting off!

Tony looked back at him and said,"My plan is to fight.""

Then he jumped down and chased after the two people who left!

The captain looked at it for a while, then stretched out his hand to pull off a parachute bag, and then jumped down!

"Aren't you going to follow? Natasha turned around and looked at Fang Ye, who had his legs crossed.

Fang Ye spread his hands and said,"Okay, then I'll go and have a look to prevent the Tin Man from getting beaten up.""

After comforting Su Ziqiu, Fang Ye jumped down.

Natasha looked at his jumping action and asked in surprise:

"Hey, doesn't he need a parachute?"......

Jumping off the fighter plane, Fang Ye decisively performed the air dance technique.

The whole person slowly floated in the air.

Then, with a thought, the whole person flew out, no slower than Tony's speed!

Not long after, Fang Ye saw Tony on a small island.

I saw that he and Thor, the god of thunder, were already on opposite sides, facing each other.

"You'd better get out now, Tin Man, or I'll hammer your armor to pieces!"

Thor Thor raised the hammer in his hand and warned Stark.

"You should consider the consequences of your mother catching you wearing her cloak."

Tony didn't say much, and went straight into fighting mode!

As soon as he finished speaking, the battle was about to break out!

Thor, God of Thunder, threw hard and threw the hammer in his hand directly!

Tony Stark was hit from the front, and his whole body followed Then it flew out!

Thor waved, and the hammer turned around strangely and flew directly back into his hand!

Tony Stark didn't say much, gathered the energy cannons in his hands and hit Thor directly!

Fire burst out, and Thor Thor was also hit and flew out, breaking several big trees!


A bolt of thunder suddenly appeared from the ruins, and the power of Thor instantly hit the reactor on Tony Stark's chest!

After being knocked back several steps, Tony I was so blinded by the dazzling thunder that I couldn't even open my eyes.

"The energy is charged to 400%! Jarvis

's voice rang in his ears.

Tony was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted,"Then let him taste this.""

Raising both hands at the same time, the energy-filled light shot out directly!

Thor, the God of Thunder, was hit again, and his whole body flew out again!

"Damn monkey!"

With an angry roar, Thor, the God of Thunder, directly raised his war hammer!


A thunder suddenly appeared in the sky and rushed towards Thor, the God of Thunder. The terrifying thunder began to fill the air, filling the surroundings instantly!

Thor's eyes were defeated, and thunder surged in them.!

The whole body was shrouded in thunder, and the pale light illuminated the surroundings!

"Try this!"


There was a loud bang, and thunder filled with the power of Thor shot out from the top of the hammer, heading straight for Tony Stark!

"It's so noisy."

Fang Ye moved, and his figure disappeared instantly!

Although Tony Stark's armor can absorb thunder as energy, such a huge attack is likely to overheat the reactor load on his chest, and even burn his entire body. Roasted!

Fang Ye had to take action!

In an instant, Fang Ye appeared between the two of them.

His right hand instantly turned into flames, and balls of flames poured out from his palm, wrapping up the lightning bolts!

All the armed colors were attached to his left hand, Easily withstood Tony Stark's energy beam!

The energy escaped and merged around Fang Ye, creating a huge explosion!


Flames wrapped around thunder, flashing with a large number of sparks, instantly filling the entire island!

A huge shock wave It spread directly, razing the forest to the ground in an instant!

The shackled Loki stood on the rock admiring the gorgeous explosion, and sighed!

At the same time, he felt happy in his heart.

Fortunately, he surrendered, otherwise he could catch Tonys at the same time with his bare hands. Fang Ye, who was attacked by Tucker and Thor, definitely had the strength to kill him before others arrived!

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