On the battlefield.

Smoker, nicknamed"White Hunter", had two cigarettes in his mouth.

Holding a strange-shaped weapon, he kept killing the rushing pirates. At this moment, he suddenly felt his scalp numb and felt that a disaster was coming!

Before he could turn around in time, Smoker activated the"Smoke Fruit" without hesitation!

The tall and strong body turned into white smoke in an instant!

The next second, a figure broke through and punched a big hole in Smoker's smoky body!


Smorg looked down at the sloppily dressed young man in front of him. The bounty posters kept flashing in his mind, but he didn't find the corresponding face.

"Could it be that he recently became a devil fruit user?"

Smog was confused. Even for a Devil Fruit user, the power of the punch just now was too strong.

If he hadn't discovered it in time, he would have been hit by this punch and his head would have been removed on the spot!

"Look, that pirate actually took the initiative to find the White Hunter!"

In the distance, each navy was staring at Fang Ye, paying attention to his every move.

This face was so unfamiliar that the navy could not correctly assess his strength. , cannot make the most perfect countermeasures

"Isn't this looking for death? Although Brigadier General Smoker is not as powerful as General Kizaru, his weapon is the Juju Hands of Sea Tower Stone!"

"That pirate is a little stronger, and Brigadier Smoker's Smoke Fruit is completely defeated! After killing so many of our comrades, Brigadier General Smoker will definitely not let him go!"

At the same time, the high-ranking Marshal Warring States also discovered the situation here.

"That unknown pirate gave up the opportunity to besiege Polusalino and went to find Smoker?"

Sengoku rolled his eyelids and remained calm.

For a moment, he, who had experienced many battles, couldn't figure out what the purpose of this unknown pirate was!

"It seems that the pirates came really well prepared this time. Not only did they avoid our sniper lines in the outer sea, but they also had such an unexpected combat force appear.......It seems that Whitebeard has been planning this war for a long time, and he didn't even keep the Devil Fruit."

After the three generals under the marshal, there is only one person left at this time.

Sakaski, also known as Akainu.

At this time, he is sitting on his seat and looking at Fang Ye who is standing with Smoker. , eyes flashed.

Finally, the corners of his mouth raised, showing a disdainful smile

"No matter how strong you are, you will still be completely defeated by my ability, but......"

Akainu looks at the Moby Dick not far away......

The tall figure on the deck remains the same, no matter what happens on the battlefield, he remains unmoved.

"My opponent is not a little nameless pirate......."......

On the battlefield, Smoker, who escaped the sudden attack, took action decisively after seeing Fang Ye's face clearly!

Two hands that turned into smoke struck out, shooting towards Fang Ye at extremely fast speeds!

Looking at the two big smoke hands, Fang Ye didn't feel the"crisis sensor" prompt.

No danger.

Although Smoker is powerful, he is also a good player in the navy.

But the opponent he encountered today was Fang Ye, someone who could compete with the general.

He will lose this battle!

Fang Ye did not dodge, letting the smoke control him

"You kid, you are really asking for trouble!"

Smorg's face appeared from the smoke, and the two cigars on his mouth were smoking.

He was breathing rapidly and was a little angry!

"Smoker, we are waiting for you!"

Looking at the harmless smile on Fang Ye's face, Smoker was stunned, and then a shadow wearing a straw hat appeared in his mind.......

Before he could react, Fang Ye's trapped arms used force at the same time to break away the smoke that enveloped him!

The smoke dispersed, and Smoker looked stunned and said in disbelief:

"So much strength......Did you eat the fruit of power?"

"you guess? Fang Ye laughed and punched Smoker, scattering the smoke around him.

Seeing that the blow had no effect, Smoker recovered and laughed loudly:

"It turns out that you haven't developed your domineering skills yet, so physical attacks are ineffective against me!"

As he said that, a wisp of smoke came out of his body, and he took the weapon he was carrying behind him.

Ten Hands of Sea Tower Stone!

This is Smoker's weapon, and its entire body is made of Sea Tower Stone, which is known as the"ocean crystal" , is the nemesis of those with Devil Fruit abilities!

Smoker, who has amazing strength, wields this powerful weapon with a speed that is not inferior to that of a sword, and goes straight to Fang Ye's throat.

He wants to win with one blow!

Faced with this blow, Fang Karma didn't dodge.

His right fist was stuck on his waist, and he had already prepared the momentum to accumulate strength.......

The next moment, it exploded with a bang!

Boom -

Fang Ye's fist inevitably collided with Hailou Shi's ten hands, causing a huge sound!


Seeing Fang Ye's unfailing attack, Smoker was shocked!

Didn't this guy's strange power come from the devil fruit?......

But pure physical strength?!

"What the hell......What a monster!"

In Smoker's mind, a burly figure inevitably appeared again.

The man known as the"Naval Hero" relied on a pair of iron fists to stop the attack of the Rocks Pirates that no one could stop.......

Smoker shook his head vigorously. How could this sloppy unknown pirate in front of him be compared with a naval hero?

He looked at the Sea Tower Stone Jushou in his hand, the weapon that terrified countless pirates.

The smoke fruit has no effect on the opponent's karma, so you can only rely on it!


Smog shouted loudly, and Hailou Shi's ten hands roared over and waved down heavily again!


Fang Ye was already prepared, shouted loudly, and punched out again!


"Come again!" boom!

"Come again!"


The two collided one after another, causing a series of roars. Countless people looked sideways at the battle here!

"Look, that pirate is actually fighting Commodore Smoker's Sea Tower Stone with his fist. Isn't he a Devil Fruit user?"

"It's such a terrifying power, I can feel it shaking my blood from a long distance away......I can't hold it anymore. I'll hide behind it for a while......."

"What kind of monster is this? No wonder he was able to defeat General Porusalino twice......."

"But he also couldn't do anything to Brigadier General Smoker......."

A group of marines in the distance knew that they could no longer intervene in the battle on the field, so they whispered.

General Akainu's attention was also attracted by the battle between the two, and his eyes flashed continuously.

"You didn't even take the Devil Fruit. It seems that your strength needs to be re-examined by me......."......

"Come again!"

Smog roared, and used all his strength to stab out the sea tower stone with ten hands!

"I won’t play with you anymore."

Fang Ye murmured, put away the smile on his face, and suddenly turned sideways and slapped out his left hand, knocking Smoker's blow off course.

His right fist went straight towards Smoker's face!

"Physical attacks are ineffective against me, don't waste your efforts......"

Smoker looked at Fang Ye's fist that was about to come, he didn't dodge it, and his words were relaxed.

But the next second, the smoke that his whole body turned into was blown away!


Hailou Shishi lost his support in his hands and fell heavily to the ground.


Smoker was speechless. It would take some time for his smoke body to condense again.

"Put it down!"

Smoge, who had not yet gathered his strength, looked at the scene in front of him and was furious!

Fang Ye actually picked up his Hailou Shishi and wiped it with his hands.......And then carried it behind his back?!

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