Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 95 Karen Ordesia

Chapter 95 Karen Ordesia

At dusk, the crows whistle and the sun sets. The old church is located deep in the black forest. A somewhat weathered figure walked out of the arch, but his back was straight and his expression was unsmiling. He looked like a very stern person. He was wearing church black clothes, with a silver cross on his chest, and a thick Bible in his hand. His expression was slightly silent, but his piety could be felt.

"Hello, guests from afar." The priest touched the head of the little girl hiding behind him, and then said to Jeanne d'Arc and Sakura.

Sakura couldn't understand the priest's words and could only look at him blankly. However, Joan of Arc was blessed with the Eight-meaning Eirin spell card 'Jueshen' and could understand it. Moreover, the languages ​​​​of various European countries were basically the same, even if she did not use the mysterious It is not difficult to communicate with others.

"Hello, Father, I am Joan of Arc, and this is Tohsaka Sakura from the Far East. I hope to stay with you for one night." In Joan of Arc's time, the church was originally a place to provide aid and spread knowledge, but now it does not do this at all. Change.

"Joan of Arc, this is really a wonderful name." The priest praised, and then made a gesture of invitation. "Please come inside. There is an extra room, but the bedding may smell musty as it hasn't been exposed to the sun for a long time. I hope you don't mind."

After Jeanne thanked them, the priest led them to the side house next to them. Along the way, he also warmly said that he would serve dinner. The little silver-haired girl followed closely behind the priest, casting curious eyes over from time to time, especially when it fell on Sakura, she couldn't help but pause for a moment.

After dinner, the priest returned to his room to read the Bible, and at the same time asked the little girl to remember to pray before going to bed. But as soon as the moon hung on the branches, the silver-haired little girl sneaked into Sakura and Jeanne's room.

"Are you from Japan?" The little girl pulled Sakura out of the room and looked at her with beautiful eyes. And the moment the two little girls' fingers touched, a slight ripple rippled. Jeanne opened her eyes suddenly and looked around, but she didn't feel that way.

"Do you speak Japanese?" When she arrived in Europe, this little silver-haired girl was the first native speaker Sakura met. She felt as if she were meeting an old friend in a foreign country. He couldn't help but grab her with his hands in joy, and the little girl ducked back, but didn't use any force to break away.

The girl looked a little younger than Tohsaka Sakura, and her delicate and lovely face did not have the carefreeness and joy that should be expected at this age. Her eyes were slightly dim, and she lowered her head and said, "The priest said that my father may be in Japan." Bian, so he asked me to learn Japanese so that we might have the opportunity to meet him in the future, but I have never seen him until now."

"What about your mother?" The word father brought a complicated look to Sakura's eyes. In her memory, she saw a kind and kind face, but she didn't know why she was sent to that place. But, even so, she began to miss the Tohsaka family's mansion. How are her sister and mother? Father... he shouldn't be sending me away anymore, right?

"Dead. I heard he was killed by bandits." The little girl said in a calm tone, as if she was talking about someone else's business.

"Ah, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. By the way, my name is Karen Ordesia. What's yours?" The little girl tilted her head and smiled, but such a stubborn face was even more heartbreaking.

"...Tohsaka Sakura."

"Then I'll call you Sakura, and you can just call me Kallen."


"Is Sakura here on a trip?"


"What do you mean, you are so interesting."

"So Karen, is she the nun here?" Sakura asked back.

"Nun...the priest said that God's blessing cannot be given before the baptism of infancy. People who have not received blessings cannot become nuns, so I am only here to help as an assistant in the church."

"Baptism in infancy?"

"It's God's protection. The Lord will send gifts equally." Kallen said. The priest is the person closest to her and the reason why she is willing to believe in the existence of God. Although the priest was very rigid, sometimes harsh, and a little stingy, he was a good person. When children in nearby villages are born, they will ask him to bless them.

"Has Kallen always lived here?" Sakura looked around. There were sparsely populated areas and dense forests around her. At night, the black wind blew through, making people feel chilly.

"Yeah." Kallen nodded and kicked the mud under her feet, "Although everything is good, it's just boring. Sometimes I can't see anyone for a week."

"Are you going to Japan then?" Sakura looked at Kallen, and for some reason, there seemed to be a resonance lingering in her heart.

"Is that okay?" Kallen grabbed Sakura's hand in surprise. The little girl's nature cannot bear such pure loneliness. Moreover, maybe I can find my father there.

"Well, Sister Joan is a very good person, she will definitely agree."

"Then it's agreed. Don't go back on it. I'll go find the priest tomorrow morning." Kallen, who was a head shorter, held Sakura's hand tightly. The palms of the two little girls overlapped, as if there were two invisible forces. Overlapping, a weak ripple spread out, and Kallen seemed to feel a tightness in her chest, but it soon returned to normal.

Karen was immersed in her yearning for the outside world and her expectation to see her father. This slight discomfort was quickly driven away by the joy in her heart.

At midnight, the bright moon was covered by black clouds, and the forest was silent.

When the silence reached a certain peak, a certain room in the church seemed to have awakened, and a blood-red light lit up. Then a strong wave centered on the church and quickly spread out of the forest. This fluctuation is not a ripple of power, nor a shock of magic, but a 'charm' that is almost strangely attractive. This charm is incomprehensible to ordinary people. Only those whose body's entire functions are of 'demonic' nature - that is, demons - can smell this fatal temptation.

Click - the pen the priest was writing on in his study suddenly broke.

The strict priest's eyes showed heartache, weakness, entanglement and mourning.

"The child's stigmata...awakened..."

It was supposed to be a few years later, so why did he wake up so quickly? There was a look of death on the priest's face. All the preparations he had made to prevent his body from awakening failed so easily.

He understands that the girl who awakens from the 'torture medium' will have a life of purgatory and darkness, with no hope at all. And he couldn't even provide the only salvation. Just thinking of this, the priest's heart began to ache.

At the same time, in the darkness, Joan of Arc suddenly opened her eyes and looked in the direction of Karen's room.

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