Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 620 St. Freya Academy

Chapter 620 St. Freya Academy

Kevin, who is imprisoned by his mission, seems to be right but not right, and seems to be evil but not evil.

Ye You wanted to avoid him, but Kevin was honest.

Ye You will naturally repay Li, and there won't be so many twists and turns.

"I don't know what you have been through, nor what mission you are on. My understanding of you is only a one-sided impression of just two meetings. Moreover, the impression is not very good."

Ye You stared closely at Kevin's still unwavering blue eyes, which were like the ice of the deep sea, as if nothing could shake his inner thoughts.

"You are powerful, there is no doubt about it. The greater the ability, the greater the scale of the radiation. And currently, I can't see the perceptual logic of human behavior in your words and deeds, which is scary. Absolute rationality, not People are machines and rules."

"So, we can act together temporarily, but whether we can cooperate in the end depends on my judgment. Is it acceptable?"

After finishing speaking, Ye You took a deep breath, placed his left hand gently on Xi'er's shoulder, and dropped his right hand naturally. This was actually the starting movement of the technique, ensuring that it could be activated immediately.

He looked at Kevin, watching his every move.

"That's good."

Kevin stretched out his palm forward, "Humanity needs people like you."

So, don’t just talk about all human beings, it’s very embarrassing.

Ye You did not shake his hand back, but was reminding him that his current judgment was that he could not cooperate yet.

Kevin naturally retracted his hand, "Now I will take you to go clubbing in those three worlds."

Ye You took Xier and followed Kevin.

"Aren't you afraid that I will get the core of truth and run away?"

Kevin's answer was very calm, "Even if I run away, I will just maintain the status quo. There will be no worse results than this. I have been waiting for more than 1,500 years in the Quantum Sea."

Kevin walked forward like a rock,

"The First Herrscher has been born. From now on, he will only fall into worse situations, and the enemies he faces will only become stronger and stronger."

Ye You thought about it, and he repeatedly mentioned the words Herrscher and Enemy.

This is roughly similar to the gasterozoa, a disaster that destroys the world.

And he said he was trapped here for 1,500 years?

Ye You didn't reply, just walked forward silently.

Kevin's character was just like his image. He was a man of few words. Ye You didn't ask questions, and he would never say much.

Xi'er was not good at speaking out in this situation. She just lowered her head and squeezed Ye You's clothes tightly.

Although the actual time at the bottom of the Quantum Sea was only a week, in the senses, it was a longer relationship than a century, and I had already subconsciously relied on Ye You.

The three of them passed through one world after another silently.

Finally, Kevin stopped and stared silently. There was a sphere there that seemed to be coated with a rainbow light film that was different from other bubbles in the world.

"The first maze is ahead."

Kevin said, "According to my guess, the maze has about three levels. If you solve one level, you will automatically enter the next level."

Ye You nodded,

"Confirm again, I have no intention of helping you. That world bubble was constructed by the Herrscher in your mouth, which means that his consciousness remains there. You are hostile to each other, and I will ask about your situation from him, and then Judgment, whether I will hand over the core of the truth to you. In other words, it completely depends on my mood."

Kevin stared at Ye You and said, "Yeah, okay."

"You seem confident?"

"No, I just can't think of a better way. Besides, there's a human light in your eyes."

"Why do I feel like you are scolding me?"

Kevin put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and stood tall, "I'm no longer fit to move forward. Letting him be aware of my presence will only cause an overreaction."

Ye You looked forward and jumped up with Xi'er. Kevin stood on the floating rocks and quietly stared at their backs submerged in the bubble of the world.

After entering the world bubble built by Kevin's No. 1 Herrscher, he actually returned to his student days.

The classroom is bright and bright, Ye You is sitting in the second to last seat by the window, and Xi'er is at the same table.

The only thing that made Ye You feel uncomfortable was,

"Is this a girls' school?"

The classroom is full of girls.

They can also see Ye You's existence, but they are accustomed to it.

"Brother Ye You."

A smile appeared on Xier's face,

"Is this the school? Xi'er has always wanted to go to school. It's great."

She picked up the exercise book, looked at the watermark on it and said, "St. Freya Academy...Brother Ye You, this school seems to be called St. Freya Academy."

Ye You looked at the happy Xi'er and said with a smile: "After you get out, Xi'er can do whatever she wants."

"Yeah. Brother Ye You is the best."

During lunch break, Ye You and Xier explored St. Freya Academy.

Kevin said it was a "maze," so where is the "puzzle"?

Nagato Yuki sent information about the world bubble analysis.

"Big Moe God: This is similar to an information space. It is a world formed by the builder's previous cognition and memory."

Past cognition and memory?

In other words, St. Freya Academy should really exist in the world of the First Herrscher, and the First Herrscher has lived in it.

Is it a student or a teacher?

Finding the First Herrscher may be the key to the puzzle.

Otherwise, if you don’t even know what the question is, how can you solve the puzzle?

Ye You and Xi'er shuttled around St. Freya Academy, paying attention to everyone they met.

Half a day passed, and Xier's attention had long since shifted to other places.

"It's so big and beautiful here."

Seeing the green belts and pools of the campus, the romantic European-style buildings under the blue sky, and the chalk columns in the center of the square, Xier let out a sigh.

"It would be great if I could enroll in school with Sister Bronya... Hmm!"

Halfway through, Xi'er covered her mouth with her hands in a panic, showing her big timid eyes, looking at Ye You, and then explained at a loss:

"No, that's not the case. Xi'er is also very happy with Brother Ye You... No, it's not 'also'. In short, Xi'er also likes to be with Brother Ye You, huh~ uh-"

Ye You looked at Xi'er's slightly flushed face and couldn't help but chuckle and said, "I know."

Just three words made Xi'er calm down.

Looking at Ye Yourou's face, Xi'er seemed to have a warm current running through her heart.

Brother Ye You is really a very good person. He can understand Xier at any time.

"——You are here!"

A stern yet charming voice suddenly intervened.

A woman comes from the corridor.

Ye You couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

It was a woman with long blond hair, tied into small braids with a red bow at the end.

At this moment, she is wearing a professional teacher's suit, a white shirt, a gray jacket, and a short skirt. Her curvy and exquisite figure is on full display, especially her pair of beautiful legs wrapped in silky black silk. She is walking and swaying on high heels, releasing an astonishing amount of sexy energy. charm.

Yakumo Purple?

She walked up to Ye You and Xi'er, raised the corners of her mouth, held the pointer in her left hand, and patted it gently with her right palm.

"How dare you skip my combat skills class? It seems I have to teach you well."

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