Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 198 What to do?

Chapter 198 What to do?

The Book of Darkness is a legacy of ancient Belka magic. Its energy source is mainly to absorb the magic power and magical qualifications of magisters and devour their "psychic cores". The core of telekinesis is the source of magic power of Nanoha's World Magister.

Collecting the Book of Darkness is actually attacking entities with telekinetic cores, such as magisters and monsters. After making the subject unable to resist, the Book of Darkness will swallow the source of its magic power to fill the 666 blank pages.

"Ordinary elementary school student: Do you want to fight?"

Magical Girl Nanoha is not afraid of fighting, but she just doesn't like to see anyone getting hurt, whether it's a friend or a stranger, as long as it's hurt for no reason, it's always unpleasant.

"Patchouli: You can just leave it alone. After the Book of Darkness awakens, its guardian knight will also complete the mission of collecting the Book of Darkness."

Nanoha held the heart of the rising sun and asked as if she had made up her mind,

"Ordinary elementary school student: Can you really contact the Night Whale, the defense system of the Book of Darkness, without harming Linfus?"

The Night Whale is not a magic program that belongs to the Book of Darkness. It is a defense system added later. The reason is unknown, and its meaning is purely destructive. It turns the Magic Book of Night Sky, which originally traveled to collect magic knowledge, into the infamous Dark Whale. book.

For Nanoha, this must be confirmed.

Linfus is the will of the Book of Darkness. She has been with Yagami Hayate since she was born. She is an existence that can be called family.

"Patchouli: Who do you think you are talking to?"

Miss Witch pushed up her glasses, which she wore all night long when studying the basic runes of ancient Belka magic.

"Patchouli: With half a year to prepare, the additional defense procedures will naturally be cracked."

The immobile Great Library is full of confidence.

"Patchouli: I just need your help when the time comes, and I also need to make some preparations."

"Ordinary elementary school student: Yes, I understand."

Nanoha replied, her tone no longer confused.

"Patchouli: And the Book of Darkness must be awakened as soon as possible. That child has been corroded by the Book of Darkness and has about eight months to live. Collecting the Book of Darkness is not that easy."

"Ordinary elementary school student:......How to awaken the Book of Darkness?"

Nanoha has watched "Magical Girl Nanoha". The Book of Darkness awakens at the same time as Fite returns, which means it will not awaken until half a year later.

"Patchouli: Awakening has nothing to do with time."

Patchouli had obviously seen it too and knew what Nanoha was thinking.

"Patchouli: Although the Book of Darkness has been eroding Hayate Yagami, it is true that Hayate Yagami is the master of the Book of Darkness. The reason why the Book of Darkness awakened was not because 'time has come', but because the master's life was threatened. , and the self-initiated defense technique activated the entire system of the Book of Darkness."

"Ordinary elementary school student: Then..."

Naye thought of something and stopped talking.

"Patchouli: Well, as long as Yagami Hayate's life is put in danger, the Book of Darkness will awaken."

In the original trajectory, Yagami Hayate activated the Book of Darkness because of a car accident. But it's impossible to let Nanoha throw Hayate into the middle of the road now. As for asking Nanoha to shoot Yagami Hayate, it is even more unrealistic.

"Ordinary elementary school student: Then... what should I do?"

"Patchouli: You can think of your own solution. That's all I can help you with."


Naye held the Heart of the Rising Sun, her face couldn't help but become extremely depressed.

"Aozora: Wait, there's a question."

Ye You looked at their chat and found a factor that couldn't be ignored.

"Aozora: Patchouli, you said that you can completely deprogram the Night Whale. Do you need to be present in person?"

As far as Ye You knows, Patchouli does not have the power of dimensional interference no matter what kind of spell or formation she uses. How is she going to deal with the Night Whale?

"Patchouli: MQ."

"Patchouli: I still need to be there to set up the magic circle."

She really forgot this.

Because there are many profound aspects of ancient Bekar magic that cannot be understood at once, what Patchouli said before about "it takes time to prepare" refers to continuing to delve into Bekar's related magical knowledge. She is also confident that she can complete the analysis in a short time. After all, she has the basic units that make up the spell. Then she only needs to cross the river by feeling the stones.

Patchouli, who only focused on the analysis of magic, completely ignored the problem if she was not present.

"Aozora: Let's leave the matter about the awakening of the Book of Darkness aside for now. Nanoha."

"Ordinary elementary school student: Hmm..."

This is the only way to go.

She also didn't think about how to put her friends in danger, which was a very difficult thing for the kind-hearted Nanoha.

The reason why Ye You said this was because he could vaguely understand the meaning of the chat room source code, which seemed to include matters related to 'dimensional transfer'.

As long as the meaning of its reference is fully understood, Ye You may be able to activate it proactively without waiting for the chat room to be passively opened.

After all, he is the head of the room and has the highest authority over the chat room. He could not open it before just because he 'didn't know how to open it'. Now that he has the key, all problems will be solved.

"The most important thing now is to condense the third circuit."

Only when the mental power and physical body reach a certain level can the circuit be constructed, but in turn, the completed circuit will have positive feedback, further strengthening the mental power and physical body.

As long as you complete the third item, you must have enough mental strength to support the calculation of understanding the source code.

After everyone dived, Ye You concentrated again and looked at the chat room panel. Rows of obscure runes surged past him like a torrent.

"Very good. This time, I can see things more clearly."

The world of black cats.

Liuli rarely goes out these days.

This statement is also wrong. She rarely went out before.

As a homebody, it is very common for her to sit in front of the computer in the dark every day.

But she hasn't gone out recently because...she seemed to have seen the Kousaka siblings near home.

This is incredible.

She previously wrote "My Sister", which was completely revised and sold in major bookstores.

Although I don’t know if they have seen it... No, I heard from the editor that there was a brother and sister who were searching for me frantically, so it must be them.

What are they going to do if they find me?

To be honest, Black Cat is still a little scared.

Well, it was actually very scary.

Unknown things are scary after all, especially Kousaka Kirino's terrible character is even more unpredictable.

"What should I do?"

Black Cat was a little panicked.

(What a sin, I forgot to thank those who gave the reward. The author’s remarks contain the recent list of thanks.)

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