Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 335 Little stone!

There is still one day before Xuanyuan and the eight sage kings' stone showdown, but at this moment, the Chengmen stone workshop is already full of people.

Everyone in the Origin Stone District is a person with a special identity and strong strength. Others who are not strong enough, or who have insufficient status and status, have been cleared out of the field one by one. There is a hint of dissent.

Even so, the place was still surrounded by people, and many outstanding people from Beizhou were suspended in the sky one by one, looking at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan glanced at Yin Zhenluo, and his heart skipped a beat:

"It seems that the beauty master has also broken through to the realm of fighting immortals. The aura emanating from her seems to be more sharp to me."

After a pause, Xuanyuan didn't say much, but just pretended not to know Yin Zhenluo.

Surrounded by the origin stone hills in Chengmen Shifang, there are huge boulders that are as high as ordinary people. These boulders have various colors, colorful, extremely huge, various stripes, and various years of history. Traces give people a variety of different feelings.

Xuanyuan stepped on the golden light, and his whole body gave everyone a sense of perfection, as if he was integrated with the whole world!

"This son has reached such a level!" An old man who was the head of Xianshifang sighed with emotion. He is the head of the five great earth masters.

"At such a young age, he was able to integrate with the aura of heaven and earth without any rejection. It's amazing. If this child can develop, his future will be limitless."

Eight Wise Kings frowned, and only then remembered the confrontation between him and Xuanyuan that day, he didn't use his full strength, why didn't Xuanyuan do the same?

Now it is Xuanyuan who is very powerful, he understands Xuanyuan's idea, is to use him to break stones again and again, this huge self-confidence completely overwhelms him, but the eight sage kings have promised Xuanyuan three days, he Sometimes he could only watch from the sidelines, there was no other way, and now he could only hope that Xuanyuan Jieshi would suffer repeated setbacks.

Otherwise, if Xuanyuan triumphs all the way, if there is no stone to stop, the momentum will go forward, and countless people will be more deified for Xuanyuan, and the pressure on myself and Xuanyuan can be imagined.

"That's right, I don't know what kind of physique this kid is, but he is able to blend in with the aura of heaven and earth in such a way that even we can't do it completely." The Eight Sage King sighed with emotion, and now he only hopes that this day will pass quickly, and then I like to bet with Xuanyuan on the next two rounds.

But he didn't know that Xuanyuan was the person who was most rejected by the power of heaven and earth. Without it, it was just because of his special constitution, the "body of myriad transformations", which devoured and transformed all things in the world. Xuanyuan, who neutralizes the power of heaven and earth from a pure fighting source, is able to integrate with the aura of heaven and earth, only because Xuanyuan has enough understanding of heaven and earth.

Seeing Xuanyuan coming to Beizhou Dynasty, Yin Zhenluo's thoughts were very complicated:

"Xuanyuan, why did he come here?"

She came to Beizhou Imperial Capital because of Xuanyuan, and wanted to cooperate with Cheng Yang, but now Xuanyuan came here in person, what does he want to do?

Xuanyuan concealed his identity and was a young man of the Ji family. Naturally, it was impossible for Yin Zhenluo to recognize Xuanyuan on the spot. Everything could only be understood after the fact.

Xuanyuan, it seems that wherever it goes, it can cause a huge sensation. It was the same last time in the Dongzhou Imperial Capital. It displayed the supernatural power of "Nightmare Ghost Fairy", which is unmatched. It dominated the Dongzhou Imperial Capital and shocked Haijia. People dare not act rashly!

Now he is betting on stones with the Eight Sage Kings of the Beizhou Dynasty, and shocked the entire Beizhou Imperial Capital with his exquisite stone skills, making countless princes, generals, royal family nobles, saints and saints of the various fairy houses, the power of which is extremely terrifying. The strong ones came one after another, which is enough to prove Xuanyuan's strength!

This made Yin Zhenluo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The apprentice he accepted that day has soared into the sky, becoming a dragon among men, comparable to many saints and saints.

In the source stone area of ​​Chengmen Shifang, there is a pool in the center, and around the pool, there are tall source stones. Each source stone is of extraordinary value. It is also a hill of origin stones. Xuanyuan cuts in step by step from small to large. Xuanyuan understands that the most valuable origin stones are probably next to the pool. Now Xuanyuan is going to sweep all these origin stones around the pool one by one. , to sense that strange existence.

Xuanyuan was very unconvinced. Originally, he would not lose in the first game, but he was disturbed for a while. The "Heavy as Taishanyuan", which was comparable to the "Tianhu Killing Yuan", lost more than a thousand catties for no reason. It's uncomfortable for anyone.

"Hmm, is this the guy? Big brother's stone workshop has been open for so long, and it's the first time he has encountered such a big enemy. Betting on stones is not only about skill, but also people's hearts. It is his skill to win so many Douyuan." Cheng Yang laughed.

"You can still laugh. This is the stone workshop opened by your most respected elder brother. Are you not afraid that he will close down your elder brother's stone workshop?" Yin Zhenluo said calmly.

"Haha, if it will go bankrupt, it will always go bankrupt. It's a time when there is no way to worry about what to do. It's the same. Why make yourself unhappy when you lose it? Wouldn't it be worse? ?” Cheng Yang has a warm and sunny smile on his face, which is very infectious, with warm words and soft tone, and he is also very handsome, with superhuman aptitude and noble status!

Yin Zhenluo smiled calmly, and didn't say anything more, only heard a laugh from the side, very free and easy:

"Second brother, after all these years, you are still so open-minded. Today I just want to see what happened to big brother, hahaha."

The person who spoke was none other than Cheng Xu, the seventh prince of the Beizhou Dynasty, with the "body of Xuankong". It's just that he cares about others, and there are also many princes with good reputations in Beizhou.

It's just that he doesn't have any ambitions, and cares about the world alone, unrestrained, so these reputations are good and bad, with mixed reviews!

"Haha, brother has been very unlucky recently, do you still think he is not unlucky enough?"

"Not enough, haha, I seldom see big brother being unlucky..."

Many people are speechless about the pair of brothers.

"This person is extraordinary. His demeanor is in harmony with the heavens and the earth. His expression is contented. He is neither arrogant nor rash, neither slow nor hasty. If he were an ordinary person, his mood would naturally fluctuate a lot in such a scene. However, On him, there is nothing to see, so it can be seen that this son's heart is beyond human reach!" The saintess of the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' looked at Xuanyuan making such an evaluation, her voice was still cold, but in her There was a scorching heat in the depths of the eyes.

"Oh? 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' rarely praises others, but I didn't expect to praise this Ji family boy so generously today, which shows how extraordinary this Ji family boy is." The holy son of the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' laughed, The laughter is extremely heavy, giving people the feeling that a mountain is collapsing, full of domineering.

"It's not difficult to cut out the pure Douyuan from those low-value origin stones. It was rumored that he had a 90% chance of cutting out the Douyuan, but he cut the inner Origin Stone hill. The probability has dropped by 10%, if we want to cut these big pure Douyuan now, I am afraid that the probability will drop even more."

Xuanyuan's strength is undeniable, even the "Xuanwu Holy Son" has to admire Xuanyuan's stone skills, he is simply a ghost, unmatched by anyone!

"Hehe, why don't we just wait and see, let's see how much better this outstanding person in Zhongzhou is compared to me in Beizhou?" Jiutian Xuannv smiled, and there was a compelling heroism between her brows, in her eyes But it contains endless grace and gentleness, the voice is soft and firm, not slow or urgent.

"Hmph, if it's Lunshishu, I think I'm invincible. If I use Lun's strength, I can kill him with a single slap. Zhongzhou's outstanding people are nothing more than that. Shishu is just for fun. People who play a lot will always die." He will play with things and lose his mind." 'Xuanwu Shengzi' sneered coldly, his voice was loud, and a resounding slap hit countless people's faces.

Since ancient times, countless people have been keen on betting on stones. This fanaticism has penetrated into the marrow of their bones. Now they are said by the "Xuanwu Shengzi" to be playing with things and lose their ambitions. Naturally, these people feel uncomfortable, but some people are indeed betting on stones. It was desolate to lose everything, so they didn't argue about this topic.

"Ignorant child." Xuanyuan looked at the 'Xuanwu Holy Son' and cursed with a smile.

The expression of the 'Xuanwu Holy Son' changed, and he glared at Xuanyuan, who smiled and said:

"Stone gambling is a kind of mood, and stone gambling is a kind of perception of everything in the world. How can people like you understand all the mysteries contained in it?"

"Stone is also a kind of power, and people are also a kind of power. If people can see the general trend of the world clearly and follow the trend, they will naturally be able to go anywhere. Standing against the real general trend, no one can be spared. Some people have seen some False potential, so they are deceived, so only the end of defeat, some people see the real potential, this is wisdom, people who don't even understand this, what kind of "Xuanwu Shengzi" should go back and plant for a few years De Tian, ​​let's talk about gambling with stones after you have a good understanding of the world!" Xuanyuan has a great understanding of stone arts, so naturally he can't tolerate others insulting the mystery of stone arts.

Every word of Xuanyuan contains the supreme truth, some words are enlightened by Xuanyuan, and some words are contained in the "Da Luo Tian Shu".

It's intriguing to listen to. Those who are hiding in the dark and have a very high status in the Beizhou Dynasty can't help nodding one by one after savoring the meaning of Xuanyuan's words.

"This son is intelligent in mind, and he can realize such principles from gambling with stones."

"This is a great truth. Knowing a stone is like knowing a person. I never thought that this kid would be able to have such a feeling at such a young age. It is really extraordinary."

"Knowing stones is like knowing people, well, well said, but this young man from the Ji family made me understand a truth, made me suddenly enlightened."

Those who commented included the Taifu of the Beizhou Dynasty and several important ministers of the Beizhou Dynasty. The others all chewed and savored Xuanyuan's words one by one.

The 'Xuanwu Shengzi' was extremely angry, pointing at Xuanyuan, his eyes widened with anger, but after a pause, the 'Xuanwu Shengzi' laughed and said:

"Master Ji, hurry up and cut stones, I want to see how good you are."

Xuanyuan smiled gently, and took a step forward. The golden lines interweave to form a large chessboard pattern. From the source stones on the periphery of the pool, which are worth hundreds of millions or billions, there are strange fluctuations coming out, which are fed back to Xuanyuan. In the sea of ​​consciousness, every source stone seems to contain a peerless fighting source, seducing and tempting Xuanyuan.

Life is like this, you have to face a temptation every step of the way, but this temptation has benefits, and naturally it also has risks. How to make a choice requires courage and wisdom to choose benefits and avoid risks as much as possible. If the risks outweigh the benefits, there is no need up.

Faced with these temptations, Xuanyuan carefully sorted out this feeling through different inductions, and what kind of feeling is right.

Between the origin stone deposit and the heaven and earth, there is naturally a heaven and earth battle qi inside, the essence of the sun and the moon, and although some of these heaven and earth battle qi are strong, they may not necessarily take shape.

The formation of each piece of Douyuan requires luck, and the power of terrain gathers day and night. After countless years of evolution, it can be gradually formed.

Xuanyuan closed his eyes, gently stroked a piece of origin stone with his hand, and realized it carefully. For the first time, Xuanyuan felt that the counterfeiting methods on these huge origin stones are often much more refined than those small origin stones. Human handwriting, if he hadn't obtained the inheritance of "Da Luo Tian Shu", which contains many insights of "Da Luo Immortal Emperor" and various fake features, I am afraid that Xuanyuan's judgment will be greatly reduced. Experience is invaluable.

Xuanyuan walked to the stone forest outside the pool, and began to distinguish the fake origin stones one by one, as well as those huge origin stones that would lose money. Her strong judgment really made her shudder:

"His stone art attainment is too incomprehensible. I didn't expect things to evolve to this point. It's hateful. This Xuanyuan doesn't go to other places. Why did he come to my 'Chengmen Shifang'? By the way, it's Shihou He wants to pursue Shihou, Shihou was seriously injured by the first prince, and now Xuanyuan is coming to avenge Shihou, the first prince deceived Shihou in the name of Xuanyuan, and wanted to take the fighting fire from Shihou, and his deeds were revealed , Xuanyuan has always been revengeful, and now he must really want to win Chengmen Shifang!"

"Forget it, it's not easy for him to win and close the entire Chengmen Shifang, but the loss is too huge. The Beidou Army has wiped out 7,000 people, and now there are six Beidou armies fighting in all directions, which requires huge expenses. The money is a human figure!" Yuechang racked her brains, thinking about how to deal with Xuanyuan, but seeing such a huge rock, she had no choice.

In this situation, Yuechang suddenly realized something, and was startled:

"Arrogance, this kid is too arrogant. Could it be that he is saying that he is not going to succeed? Yangmou, this is Yangmou. In the face of all Yangmou, all conspiracies are useless. If I knew it in one We must restrain him from the beginning!"

Yue Chang's intestines are almost regretful, Chengmen Shifang is destined to have a catastrophe, and this loss is destined to be unavoidable.

However, things are not as simple as Yuechang imagined.

While Yuechang was thinking, Xuanyuan suddenly spoke.

"I want this source stone."

The source stone that Xuanyuan pointed to gave people a very clumsy feeling. It looked like a sword but it didn't look like it.

But it also gives people a specious illusion, as if everything is illusory. Yuechang looked at this clumsy stone and smiled lightly:

"Master Ji, the price of this clumsy stone is 1.8 billion Douwang coins!"

Xuanyuan knew that the price of origin stones around this pool was extremely high, almost all of the origin stones that cost less than 100 million Dou Wang coins were counterfeit, and Chengmen Shifang was very good at catching people's hearts , it seems that every piece of high-value origin stone can be cut out of pure Douyuan. If you buy a higher value, can you unlock more valuable ones!

In the higher-priced source stones, they were even mixed with different types of sources. The weight was not much, or the same, or a little less. All of these were for the long-term, to catch big fish.

If there is no sense of morality of the "Immortal Emperor of Great Luo" in "Da Luo Tianshu", Xuanyuan's judgment will drop a lot. On the contrary, it is the morality of "Immortal Emperor of Great Luo" that makes Xuanyuan quickly distinguish some The source stones that have been made, because as long as the source stones have been faked, there will be an extremely subtle defect, as if something is missing, and the stone gambler needs a natural sensitive feeling!

It is also because of this that Xuanyuan was able to quickly exclude all those source stones that had been used for tricks, and chose this clumsy-looking clumsy stone.

"Well, you can deduct the money yourself."

After Xuanyuan chose Zhuoshi, many people couldn't help but frowned, and they discussed privately, with the five great earth masters as the leader!

"The clumsy stone, the boy from the Ji family actually chose the clumsy stone. This kind of clumsy stone looks bulky, but it feels like there are thousands of things in it, but everything is specious. I have cut a total of 700 clumsy stones. The probability of Douyuan is only about 30%, among the source stones he selected before, many of them contain Douyuan, but he didn't choose them, what is the meaning of this?" The old man in charge spoke very slowly .

"I don't know, this son's selection of stones has always been very unexpected. Even if we cut countless stones, we cannot guarantee that the characteristics of each source stone are the same. Some always have their own special features. The shape of the clumsy stone he chose is formed, and it can be seen that this clumsy stone has been deposited in the soil for a very long time!"

"It gives people the feeling of being all-encompassing and carrying everything on the earth, but Zhuoshi has this characteristic! Many people are often deceived!"

"It seems that it is very difficult for him to obtain a Douyuan that exceeds the price of 1.8 billion Douwang coins!"

"It's hard, it's hard..."

Xuanyuan didn't pay attention to other people's thoughts, and danced the 'Swallowing Demon Sword' in his hand, and he was about to start to unravel the stone. In the face of the facts, everything was just a cloud.

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