Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 267: The Grand Palace

Xuanyuan stepped on the blood, and flew side by side with Bu Jingsha to the direction of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'.

"Xuanyuan, you really didn't disappoint me. From the time I saw you back then, I knew that you must not be an ordinary person in the future. Now time has proved all this. Although you are only in the realm of Douzong now, but But you have already surpassed countless Douhuang powerhouses, when you step into the realm of Douhuang, I am afraid that there will be few opponents in the realm of Douhuang." Bu Jingsha praised Xuanyuan without hesitation, not flattering or flattering Flattery, but admiration from the heart, Xuanyuan is indeed a rare talent he has seen.

"Brother Bu, your advancement is also very fast. While in charge of the 'Doulong Neimentang', you can also enter the realm of the sixth-rank Doudi in just two years, which is already extraordinary. At least among the people Xuanyuan has met, he is the best." Xuanyuan also has a good impression of Bu Jingsha, Xuanyuan is very clear about Bu Jingsha's attitude towards him that day, Bu Jingsha must know that he has only four years to live, and he can still live Treating yourself as always is commendable.

"Haha, it's because I used merit points to go to 'Time and Void', and it took more than ten years to reach today's state." Bu Jingsha waved his hand, disapprovingly, changed the topic, and said with a smile :

"In a few days, it will be the competition of the true disciples of the 'Dulong Xianfu'. Many people have prepared for this day for many years, just to compete for the position of the 'Dragon Ranking'!"

"Huh? Those who are on the 'Dragon Fighting Ranking', probably have boundless cultivation at this moment, right? It's not easy for the latecomers to be on the top? Isn't that self-inflicted humiliation?" Xuanyuan laughed dumbly.

"Ha, those seniors who were once on the 'Dragon Ranking', they either went out to practice, or were promoted to the elders of the 'Dragon Immortal Mansion', they will no longer participate in the 'Dragon Ranking', this time if you Once you enter the 'Doulong Xianfu', you will definitely meet a lot of acquaintances." Bu Jingsha laughed.

"Oh? Could it be that Chen Jinsi, Liu Xiangxiang, and Fang Yuyou have all entered the 'Doulong Xianfu'?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile.

"More than that, even Zhao Manfeng, the original inner sect examiner, stepped into the realm of Dou Zong and became a true disciple. He seems to have broken through the shackles of his own mind. Over the years, his accumulation has allowed him to enter the realm by leaps and bounds. Talent, but it’s not bad, Junior Brother Xuanyuan, you made me understand a truth.” Bu Jingsha smiled, and felt relieved and joyful in his heart.

"Oh? What's the reason?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Aptitude is not important, potential is not important, starting point is not important, what is important is whether one's heart is unshakable, what is important is whether one's will is firm, fate can be broken, so I believe that after five years, see When you come to Junior Brother Xuanyuan, you will be even more dazzling and become the mainstay of my 'Doulong Xianfu' in the future." Bu Jingsha patted Xuanyuan on the shoulder, his eyes full of admiration.

This kind of behavior is either for the purpose of winning over Xuanyuan in the future, or it is out of sincerity, it makes the pig-headed emperor feel comfortable watching it.

"Wang, that's right, you have vision and understanding." The pig-headed emperor said proudly.

"Surely you are the legendary pig emperor?" Bu Jingsha said with a smile.

The pig-headed emperor barked:

"Wang, it's not the Great Emperor of Pigs! Just call me Great Emperor."

Bu Jingsha laughed, and bowed his hands to the pig-headed emperor:

"The junior has already seen the Great Emperor."

"Yeah, good junior." The pig-headed emperor Ruoyou nodded.

Bu startled and laughed loudly, and said to Xuanyuan:

"How about it, Junior Brother Xuanyuan, do you want to participate in the battle for the dragon list?"

"It's natural, I must participate. That day in the 'Land of the Underworld', those immortals from all the big caves and the big aristocratic families pressed me to the death. Now there is such a bright and upright boy who killed their carefully cultivated children. How could I let go of this opportunity? I won’t be Xuanyuan if I don’t let them feel heartbroken and hated for a few days.”

Xuanyuan laughed very casually, as if he was not afraid of letting others know, and Xuanyuan also knew that some people might want to take advantage of this opportunity to kill himself. Whoever kills who will depend on the strength in the end, Xuanyuan also wants to borrow This time, break through your own limits.

"Ha, then I'm looking forward to the day when Junior Brother Xuanyuan shines." Bu Jingsha was surprised at first, but finally smiled happily. Xuanyuan is indeed a lawless person:

"Every year in the competition of the Dragon Fighting Ranking, many people always die. If you participate in this competition, you can't help yourself. Brother Xuanyuan, you have to think carefully. Although you can kill them, they can also kill you. of."

Xuanyuan raised his head, looked directly at the blue sky, and proudly said:

"Then it depends on who kills whom."

"Okay!" Unknowingly, Bu Jingsha chatted with Xuanyuan all the way, and soon came to the "Doulong Immortal Mansion".

"Doulong Xianfu" is a fairy mansion suspended in the sky, very vast, majestic, and mighty. In "Doulong Xianfu", white mist is transpiring, auspicious clouds are floating, auspicious air is rolling, and countless white cranes are hovering in the sky. 'Doulong Xianfu' danced and hovered over the sky.

The gate of "Doulong Immortal Mansion" was opened, and eight true disciples of "Doulong Immortal Mansion" stood guard in front of the gate, and everyone was in the realm of Douzong.

When they saw Bu Jingsha and Xuanyuan descending on the dragon, they bowed quickly one by one:

"I've seen Brother Bu!"

Bu Jingsha nodded and pointed at Xuanyuan with a smile:

"Well, I'm afraid you are all familiar with this one."

Youxue transformed into a Youlong and changed back into a human form. Beside him is a pig-headed emperor the size of a cow. His whole body is white and tender, showing off his perfect figure all the time. The pride of the face.

"He is Xuanyuan?" A true disciple asked in surprise.

"That's right." Bu Jingsha laughed and said, "From today onwards, he is a 'True Disciple'."

"I've seen Senior Brother Xuanyuan!" The eight true disciples standing in front of the gate bowed to Xuanyuan one after another. Not to mention, when Xuanyuan was a disciple of the inner sect, he dared to challenge Xingyun, which was enough to convince them.

"You don't need to be too polite." Xuanyuan smiled elegantly, looking back behind him, he could see thousands of miles away, surrounded by mountains of immortals, like the supreme central immortal mansion, with all kinds of grandeur.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, follow me!" Bu Jingsha strode out, Xuanyuan came back to his senses, followed by eight gatekeeper disciples bowed to Xuanyuan and his party again:

"Respectfully send off Senior Brother Bu and Senior Brother Xuanyuan."

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, now that you have stepped into the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', you can look at your 'Doulong Inner Order' again." Bu Jingsha smiled at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan took out the 'Doulong Nei Ling' in his arms, and was taken aback:

"It turned out to be the 'Dragon Fighting Order'."

"Well, that's right. Next, I will take you to the elder Chuangong. Since you have become a true disciple, it is natural to pass on to you the supreme supernatural powers of the 'Doulong Xianfu'. The elder Chuangong will determine your cultivation characteristics. And teach you supernatural powers!" Bu Jingsha explained.

"Hmm." Although Xuanyuan practiced the supreme immortal art and even Dao Jue, the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' is also a fairy mansion with extremely rich heritage, so naturally he would not come up with second-rate magical powers. Looking forward to it, I believe that with my own performance, I will definitely be able to get supernatural powers that are not weak.

Inside the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', all the pavilions, towers, pavilions, and even the corridor floors are made of dragon scales. Could it be that 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' has such a great hatred for the Dragon Clan? Xuanyuan thought of this in his heart.

"Dragon Stone, it's too extravagant. Dragon Stone is the place where the dragons live. In the future, it will be colored by the breath of the dragons and integrated into the blood of the dragons. After thousands of years of precipitation, it will be gradually formed."

Xuanyuan walked on the floor. Although this place was not surrounded by fairy mist like the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', it exuded a powerful aura, simple, vicissitudes, and vast.

"Huh? These are earth dragon scales! They actually used earth dragon scales to refine the barriers of the corridor!"

"Hahaha, the dragon scales of the earth dragon are extremely strong, and they are the most difficult to damage when they are made into corridor barriers..."

Along the way, many things made Xuanyuan sigh. Seeing the combination of seventy-two blessings made Xuanyuan very surprised.

"'Spring wind turns rain', 'earth rejuvenates spring', 'peace of mind', 'gentle wind nourishes injury'..." Xuanyuan muttered to himself.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan is really proficient in stone techniques and terrain as the rumors say." Bu Jingsha watched Xuanyuan point out the layout of the "Doulong Immortal Mansion" one by one, and was amazed. Xuanyuan is indeed a talent.

"It's just superficial, it's hard to be elegant." Xuanyuan said modestly.

A group of people passed through many palaces and corridors, and finally came to a place called the Great Hall of Chuangong.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, I can only bring you here, and the next step is up to you. The elders of Chuan Gong have always done things fairly, and it's up to you to get any inheritance of supernatural powers." Bu Jingsha smiled slightly. , as soon as the voice fell, he cupped his hands and said goodbye.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Bu." Xuanyuan nodded, looking at the four words 'Chuan Gong Hall' written on the top of his head, as if each word contained supreme power, and all kinds of supernatural powers gathered together, giving people a feeling. A kind of high and unpredictable, like a prison, all-encompassing feeling.

Xuanyuan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and walked into the 'Gong Chuan Gong Hall'.

As soon as Xuanyuan stepped into the 'Pavilion of Chuan Gong', he immediately felt like falling into an ice cave, as if he was in an endless abyss, his whole body was icy cold, and a breath as vast as the sky shrouded it, giving people a great feeling. Feeling deterred and depressed, Xuanyuan was determined, fearless, not affected by anything, kept extremely calm, and prepared to make a thunderous blow.

"Who did this? Could it be Jiang Yitian's arrangement?" Xuanyuan's Five Elements Dou Qi circulated and rolled out, and the 'Five Elements Immortal Emperor' appeared behind Xuanyuan.

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