Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 180 Nightmare Ghost Fairy

Chapter 180 Nightmare Ghost Fairy

When Xuanyuan and his party rode their mounts and flew to the southwest, suddenly a terrifying force pressed them down from the sky.

Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, and he looked at the combination of the sky and the terrain, and many thought the combination of the pattern, and said in surprise:

"'Forbidden Space Immortal Power' is not formed naturally, but arranged by someone using great supernatural powers."

Bai Youniang was surprised when she heard the words, and said:

"'Forbidden Space Immortal Power' is a fairy power! Who on earth has such great power and can spread such a great fairy power!"

Although Xuanyuan has received the inheritance of "Da Luo Tian Shu", he can only rely on the power of Dou Jing and Dou Yuan to arrange a small trend. Xuanyuan can't do this kind of general trend that fits with the nature of heaven and earth at this moment. It is impossible to rely on Dou Jing and Dou Yuan.

Youxue changed back to his original appearance, wearing the unique 'Tianlong Battle Robe' of the Yin family's Tianlongwei, with a strong aura.

The colorful spirit bird transformed into a palm-sized bird, standing on the shoulder of Young Lady Bai, with a pair of eyes full of spirituality, observing all directions.

"Let's go." Xuanyuan stepped on the 'Xianglong Tianbo', and lightly tapped on the corpse marsh, causing no waves. However, at the moment when Xuanyuan was in the corpse marsh, suddenly in the corpse marsh, A ferocious aura was exposed, a huge mouth opened, with ferocious fangs, and it directly swallowed Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan frowned, and reacted very quickly. In his hands, the fighting energy of the wood system rolled up. Without displaying any fighting energy, he blasted out and directly hit the huge fangs. After the miserable howl sounded, there was complete silence, and a moment later, dark red blood seeped up.

"Just now, it was a 'corpse devouring beast'..." Not only did Bai Youniang feel a little chilly, if she walked all the way, she didn't know how many such beasts there would be.

At this moment, as if smelling the breath of fresh blood, groups of crawling 'ghouls' swarmed over. Those protruding eyeballs looked at Xuanyuan and his party with fierce radiance, rotting flesh and blood all over their bodies. The corpse worm wriggled in the flesh and blood, making people feel extremely disgusted.

These 'ghouls' have sharp claws, and each ghoul has the power of at least two hundred flying dragons, which is equivalent to the power of an ordinary peak fighting king, and should not be underestimated.


Bai Youniang felt chills in her heart. Seeing these things, she felt like throwing up. Immediately, Bai Youniang took out a fighting talisman from the fighting ring.

Feeling the terrifying aura of Emperor Dou fluctuating on the fighting talisman, Xuanyuan was startled, it turned out to be an emperor-level fighting talisman, Bai Youniang immediately stimulated her fighting spirit and activated the emperor-level fighting talisman in her hand.

"Pointing to the ground into a steel talisman!"

The purple light soared into the sky.

Emperor-level fighting charms are divided into seven ranks, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, purple rank is the highest, Dou Di is also divided into seven ranks, and seventh rank Dou Di is the strongest. If you are breaking through, you will be Dou Xian.

A wave of berserk gold-type Dou Qi swept out and merged into the large swamp of corpses in front of him. Five miles away, the large swamp of corpses tumbling with bubbles immediately condensed into steel all over the ground. How many fierce beasts in the corpse marsh died under this fighting talisman.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Youniang took out another emperor-level fighting talisman, and Xuanyuan's eyes twitched wildly when she saw it. This girl simply didn't think the emperor-level fighting talisman was money.

It's no wonder that she herself is a person of great status in the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', and it is most normal for her to go out now and be fully armed.

Seeing that Bai Youniang was about to activate this fighting talisman, Xuanyuan quickly stopped her and said:

"There's no need to do this, Youxue, go and clear all these obstacles in front of you."

"Yes, master." Youxue nodded, bursting out with sharp gold-type grudges all over his body, turning into a rain of arrows, sweeping across the sky, and countless 'ghouls' were blasted to pieces, in a state of death. miserable.

"Oh, you're not gentle." Xuanyuan sighed, snapped his fingers, lit the flames and fell, instantly burning the corpses of those ghouls to ashes.

"Young Master Xuanyuan is still considerate." Seeing this scene, Bai Youniang let out a long breath. The scene just now was so disgusting to watch.

But Mochou blinked her eyes and didn't speak, Bai Youniang hurriedly said:


Immediately, Xuanyuan and his party rushed towards the northwest four miles.

The obstacles along the way have been cleared away by the ruthless killer Youxue. After all, Youxue who has reached the strength of the Douhuang is not covered.

Xuanyuan also took care of these dismembered corpses along the way. When he arrived four miles to the northwest, Xuanyuan discovered that the ground here had not turned into steel, and it was not a corpse marsh itself. It is conceivable that, What is trapped here is definitely not something that people in the Doudi realm can touch.

"Greedy old man, how about it, do you think you can gamble for a while?" Xuanyuan said in his heart.

"Well, let's try it out. You've only entered a corner of it, and you've reached this place all the way. There's no reason to back down." The greedy old man didn't seem to care at all, after all, he was a person who had gone through a lot of wind and waves.

Immediately, Xuanyuan took out the piece of 'Ghost Fighting Source' in his arms and asked Mo Chou:

"Did it say anything?"

Mo Chou looked at the 'Wan Gui Dou Yuan' emitting gray light and said seriously:

"It said, it's here, put it on the ground, and then told us to back away."

Xuanyuan frowned, it was impossible to follow suit, he was not a fool, and immediately said to Mo Chou:

"Mochou, use the 'Eye of the Earth Spirit' to see what is buried under the ground."

"Okay, Brother Xuanyuan and so on." Mo Chou made a seal in her hand, and a strong fighting spirit melted into Mo Chou's eyes. Among the ground.

"Mochou saw it." Mochou said while watching, "Mochou saw an old man and a man with a bare head and a golden light all over his body. This man is so fierce, and his eyes are so wide."

The voice of the greedy old man sounded in Xuanyuan's heart:

"Could it be 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' and 'King Kong Ming'? The expression of 'King Kong Ming' is full of anger!"

"No, Mo Chou was almost deceived. Inside was a heart and a bunch of golden things! The two of them seem to be fighting!" Mo Chou said again.

"Heart? Something golden?" Xuanyuan frowned, thinking. "What could this be?"

"I don't know, can't it be enough to let the little girl ask about the piece of 'Wan Gui Dou Yuan'?" the greedy old man said.

"Mochou, ask him, why should we trust him, who is he, and give me a reason to save him." Xuanyuan said.

After a short pause, Mo Chou said:

"He said that he could hear us. As soon as we entered the 'Nightmare Daze', he knew we had come in. In fact, we already knew who he was. The reason for saving him was that he could give Xuanyuan Brother's 'Vajra Buddha Soil' as a reward! That lump of yellow is the 'Vajra Buddha Soil'."

"What!" Xuanyuan frowned, looked at the 'Wan Gui Dou Yuan' in his hand, and said:

"Could it be that you are the legendary 'Nightmare Ghost'? The 'Nightmare Ghost' is a very old character. How could it be possible that you are still alive? Are you lying to me?"

"Fuck, old man, how could I lie to you, ah, I'm so mad, how did I meet such a kid, well, since you want to know, then I will tell you how I survived until now." Mo Chou She blinked her eyes and imitated her tone vividly, which was very cute.

"Anyway, I, 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', is also a well-known figure in the world. I was one of the founding elders of 'Eternal Life' back then, but once I entered Xizhou, I was sealed by the Ten Ming Kings and the Eight Great Bodhisattvas. Later, I After sacrificing a huge price, he escaped to Dongzhou, concealed his identity, and wanted to slowly restore his strength..."

"Fart, you are simply farting. Since you are one of the founding fathers of 'Eternal Life', why don't you go back to 'Eternal Life' to recuperate? Instead, you want to come to Dongzhou alone? And 'Eternal Life' is not all based on the soul. Body, do you practice supernatural powers? Mochou saw your heart just now, if your soul is your body, how can you have a heart?"

Xuanyuan snorted coldly, this person who called himself "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" was full of loopholes in his words.

"Boy, you are so naive. Do you think that I am one of the founding elders of 'Eternal Life', and they will save me at all costs? In this world, the only person who can trust is myself. Once in 'Eternal Life', I will only be swallowed by them and become a victim of their achievements, do you understand? Not to mention that after I created 'Eternal Life', I disagreed with the other eleven elders and directly defected from 'Eternal Life' !"

"As for the heart, I'll ask your subordinates. I don't know how many years ago, three little dragons came in, and I borrowed their bodies to use them, and devoured their souls,' Yin "Sha Wan Gui Shi" has always been the source of my powerful soul to continue my own soul power. I didn't expect you to break the "Yin Sha Wan Gui Shi". What surprised me even more is that you can have both" Biluotianshui''Jianglongtianmu''Red Lotus Yehuo', I am very interested in you! And this little girl is a 'body of a thousand spirits' which is very rare!"

"You actually know?" Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat, it seems that this person is really not simple, from Xuanyuan's heart came the voice of a greedy old man:

"This person is indeed very likely to be the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'. The 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' is moody, and although he is one of the founding elders of 'Eternal Life', he has betrayed 'Eternal Life'. People from that time, few people know this secret."

"Haha, of course I know, you now believe that I am a 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', hurry up, put the 'Wan Gui Dou Yuan' in your hand on the ground, and then step back, as long as you save me, I can give you whatever benefits you want." Mo Chou continued to spread the word

"Mochou, do you think what he said can be believed?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Well, Mo Chou doesn't know either, but Mo Chou doesn't feel like he's lying!" Mo Chou said seriously.

"Okay, since Mo Chou said so, then it's okay if you want me to save you, you have to promise me three conditions, and you must also help me obtain the 'Vajra Buddha Land' and give me a large crystal mine. People know this 'Nightmare Daze' better than you, so it's not too much to save you, the famous 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal'?" Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"It's too much! It's too much! Could it be that the life of my 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' is so cheap, I gave you a hundred catties of 'Wan Gui Dou Yuan' and gave you a pure Dou Yuan vein!"

When Xuanyuan heard the words, the tiger's body shook, and a rune given to him by the greedy old man appeared in his hand, saying:

"Okay, that's what you said. This is the 'Original Soul Annihilation Blood Curse'. As long as you cast this blood curse, don't regret it afterwards. If you kill us, I promise to save you!"

With a big name and long existence, the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' lost his temper immediately.

"Okay, old man, I promise you."

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