Detective Training Manual

Chapter 460: I need a little atmosphere

"Famous Detective Training Manual (!


Benjamin shouted, a gentleman, he was a little impatient for the first time.

Because if you link the behavior of the murderer in this bombing, you will come to a very ridiculous conclusion.

First of all, he has the same face as the legendary detective 100 years ago.

Secondly, 30 years ago, there was a painting depicting a scene that will happen today, which means that someone has foreseen that today the cleaning woman will meet Edwards.

On the other hand, it was this person with a scar on his face, and it was probably to attract Edwards that bombed the police station.

And all this was planned 30 years ago.

So why does the criminal have the face of a legendary detective 100 years ago, appeared again 30 years ago, and appeared again today, but his appearance has not changed a little after these three appearances?

Well, the simplest explanation is... these three guys are the same person.

But this is too ridiculous, 100 years, who can live so long?

Also, what is the meaning of this painting?

Edwards got into the police car and told the driver where the woman lived when she was a child: "Go here, hurry up."

The screams were loud, and a row of police cars swiftly headed towards their destination.


At this moment, a small park.

This park was built more than 20 years ago. Originally, it was a wasteland. Only a few residents built houses here. However, due to urban planning, all the houses were demolished. In the following years, it was rebuilt. park.

And the aunt of the cleaner who cleaned in the orphanage lived here back then.

The original location of his house is now a flowerbed.

And beside the flower bed, there was a person sitting.

It's the criminal with a mask.

He blew up a police station at noon today.

To be more precise, he bombed a room in the police station. Except for walls, windows, office work, and some documents, he only killed a policeman who deserved to be sentenced.

emmm...Although this policeman only ran away after hitting a family member to death, he only changed the information of the accident without authorization, so he should not be sentenced to death.

Maybe it's just going to be imprisoned for 40 years, or 30 years, let him go.

Anyway, he has been blown to pieces now.

In fact, the person wearing the mask felt a little unhappy. For some reason, he couldn't blow up the entire police station. But thinking about it the other way round, it didn’t seem to mean that the entire police station was blown up, but the sound was louder , The smoke and dust are thicker.


Some pigeons are pondering bread crumbs on the ground.

This is a very strange scene...

If it is summer or early autumn, then sitting in the park and feeding the pigeons with some breadcrumbs will certainly not give any surprises, but it is winter now.

In this season, how could there be pigeons in the park?

But those pigeons were jumping about there, eating the crumbs on the ground with their sharp little mouths. The man in the purple suit didn't know where to get a piece of breakfast bread, crushed it boredly, and sprinkled it on the ground.

At this time, the sound of the police siren came from a distance, and the weird man looked in the direction of the sound, and then continued to lower his head nonchalantly, looking at the dove under his feet.

Soon, the police car stopped in twos and sevens, and seven or eight officers got out of the car and quickly surrounded them with stun guns.

"Don't move!"

"be honest!"

They shouted at the man who feeds the pigeons.

The person feeding the pigeons did not stop his hand movements, but at the same time, he did not have any overreactions. He just continued to spread the bread. The police officers around saw that the opponent did not seem to have any resistance, so they did not call out'put the bread down 'Such weird words.

Soon, among the crowd, Edwards walked out.

He looked at the weird man sitting on the flowerbed, and then at the pigeon under his feet.

On the snow, breadcrumbs, pigeons... this kind of weird picture makes him feel very uncomfortable, as if it is around this man, some common sense has been distorted.

"Hello... this is Benjamin Edwards, I saw your message."

Benjamin stepped forward. He was on the way, hesitating about what the painting 30 years ago meant.

Could it be that someone wants to tell himself 30 years later that he will meet a weird person today, and then...go to the place where the painting was, and you can find this weird person.

And the person who left this painting is the weirdo himself...

Okay, well, no matter what, this kind of thinking is too weird.

But what if the criminal is really found at the destination?

Edwards is a Sherlock-level detective. Although his ideas can be wild, he still finds it difficult to accept this setting.

Until... he really saw the man feeding the pigeons with his own eyes.

"Hehehe—hello—" The man raised his head and finally said the first sentence, his voice was a bit hoarse, not good at all.

"Did you manage the bombing today?" Benjamin asked directly.

"Of course, didn't I already show my face under the camera. Oh, sorry, maybe I am wearing a mask now, you didn't recognize it."

The man said apologetically, quickly took off the mask, and then leaked a very ‘cute’ smile at Benjamin.

Benjamin felt even more weird...

What the **** is this guy going to do?

Does he really look like this?

What does that painting, a legendary detective from 100 years ago, have to do with him?

Why is he waiting for himself here?

Benjamin had too many questions, and he didn't know where to start.

And in the end————

"What's your name." He still asked the most popular question.

"Hehehe--what do you think you can do if you know my name?" The weird man smiled, and he grabbed a piece of bread with his hand, and kept kneading it until it became a small dough. He threw it in his mouth again.

This behavior made Benjamin even more uncomfortable.

"I always want to know your name."

"Oh, but..." The man hesitated: "But I don't want to say, because some people know who I am, some people don't, so if I'm here, just say it casually. If you lose my name, then people who don’t know me will feel like they have suffered a lot."

"..." Benjamin frowned. He obviously didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but he seemed to be sure that this guy's spirit was a little abnormal.

"Well, the next question, why are you bombing the police station?"

When asking this question, all the police officers around were pointing stun guns at this weird man...As long as he made a little dangerous action, a bunch of clicks would instantly knock him down.

"Oh, this is a good question, yeah, why should I send a bomb to the police station?" The man scratched his head, seemingly thinking hard about after a few seconds.

"Oh, really, I can't remember it a bit, I have to find something to help me remember." He said.

"Help you remember?" Benjamin's brows became tighter.

"Hehehe, yeah, I need a little atmosphere, otherwise I can't remember it a bit." The weirdo said with a smile.

"Atmosphere?" Benjamin's pupils shrank suddenly, and he actually followed the other side's thinking at this moment!

But... it's still late...

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