Detective Training Manual

Chapter 111: Matchstick Men

"Famous Detective Training Manual (

Let's not talk about how this elder sister looks like, just the mouth is definitely of the type that can run a train.

Seeing Zhou Yan said handsome, he couldn't listen to him anymore.

However, he quickly sat back next to Lin Xi and took the piece of paper.

And this paper... is actually a list.

The ones above are all children, I think they must be orphans in this orphanage.

Everyone is equipped with a photo, name, age, special hobbies, personality, etc.

There is even the grade of this orphanage course.

All of these are presented in the form of tables, giving Zhou Yan a feeling of "I'm picking goods".

But there is no way. When it comes to adopting this kind of thing, it is really picking goods. After all, everyone wants to choose an obedient, cute and smart child.

In the list, there are 7 boys and 5 girls, which is 12 people.

It doesn't sound like a lot, but looking at the scale of this orphanage, 12 people are already a large number.

and many more......

Suddenly, Zhou Yan was taken aback, because he recalled the group of children he saw in the class upstairs.


He was counting the children in his memory.

No, there are 13 people in total.

Zhou Yan raised his head and looked at the chubby elder sister in front of him: "Excuse me, are these all the children?"

The eldest sister was taken aback for a moment, but because of the flesh on her face, she couldn't see if she panicked.

"Yes...Yeah, that's all there is to it," she said.

"But, I went upstairs just now, and I remember there were 13 children in the classroom!"

"Haha, maybe you have counted wrong." The eldest sister continued to smile, and then pointed to the list: "All the orphans are really here, you can choose here."

With that said, the eldest sister seemed to have intentionally or unintentionally moved towards the door of the drawing room, blocking it.

This behavior naturally fell clearly in the eyes of Zhou Yan and Lin Xi. It was obvious that this eldest sister didn't want them to go out.

Zhou Yan and Lin Xi looked at each other.

After a short investigation, there was also the strange behavior of the staff in this orphanage.

No matter how stupid you are, you should know that there are weirdness in this orphanage.

Although I still don't know what this weirdness is.

But sitting like this is definitely not enough. If there is an incident of child abuse here, it will be fine.


As soon as this idea emerged, Zhou Yan immediately made up a very dark development.

That is, this orphanage really has incidents of child abuse, but the children have been trained very well, and no one dares to say.

Therefore, when I went to the classroom on the second floor just now, I saw all the children, all of them were very well-behaved reading books, and no one was making noise.

However, when they see someone coming to adopt a child, they will still look at themselves with great anticipation, because only adoption can make them out of this sea of ​​misery.

However, they didn't dare to speak much, they could only use their eyes to convey information to themselves.

Thinking about it this way, before recalling the eyes of those children looking at him uniformly, Zhou Yan's heart shook.

So...what exactly is that [Lucky Star]?

With the passive bonus of ‘Utual Reasoning’, Zhou Yan once again made up another scene.

That is this orphanage, in order to control these poor children, a very **** fairy tale was made up for them.

In the story, there is a thing called "Lucky Star". As the name suggests, this thing can bring good luck to people. As long as the children are obedient, do not make trouble, and do not cry if they are beaten, then they will get this lucky star. .

At that time, you will be able to leave here.

This kind of hopeful call is similar to the brainwashing effect of religion in the concept of preschool children. It is similar to that as long as you endure poverty, you will have a good blessing in the next life. As long as you make a confession on time, you will be blessed by the gods. some type of.

Therefore, this non-existent lucky star has become the hope of all children in this orphanage.

But the administrators here never expected that there was a child who seemed to be unsatisfied with being depressed all day, waiting for the favor of the lucky star.

At the same time, the kid didn't know where he came from, so he knew the thing about "Detective Network".

Children nowadays are just as good at computer operations as they are born with. Often a child can't use all ligatures, so he can already poke a computer.

Anyway, he got the mobile phone of a certain staff member, and in the commission, he released the message of "Looking for Lucky Star".

Because it was secretly, he did not dare to speak loudly, and the staff member who lost the phone was probably looking for the phone everywhere. Therefore, the child's tone had a clear sense of crisis.

This series of hypotheses was instantly formed in Zhou Yan's mind.

His eyes also showed obvious anxiety.

This anxiousness was caught by Lin Xi.

Next second...

"Sorry, we want to see these children." Lin Xi stood up directly and said.

However, the obese staff member shook his head: "I'm really sorry, the children are still in class, just look at the list."

"No." Lin Xi's tone was very strong: "We are detectives..."


As soon as the word appeared, the eldest sister was visibly stunned. Even the flesh on her face could not hide his panic: "Is it something wrong? No one here reports the crime!"

"Whether anyone reports the crime, our detective knows best. You don't have to worry about it." Lin Xi said, "And... you know, what is [Lucky Star]?"

At this moment, the eldest sister seemed to take a step back subconsciously: "Fortunately...Lucky Star? No...I don't know, I have never heard of it."

She faltered.

"Anyway, please cooperate. Now, we want to see those children." Lin Xi's tone seemed to be discussing, but at this moment, she showed her strength as a detective.

In desperation, "Okay... okay." The staff member had to agree, and then turned around to get out of the reception room.

"I'll go with you!" Lin Xi said forcefully again, turning around, and whispering to Zhou Yan, "You are guarding the gate on the first floor."

Only then did she keep up with the older sister's pace.

"Tsk, it's really thoughtful to think, it's all like this, are you afraid that someone will run?" Zhou Yan smiled, and then walked to the gate very obediently.

In this way, if someone really has a guilty conscience and wants to run away, then he can stop him.

During the time he was standing, Zhou Yan also took out his notes.

Regarding this case, although it hasn't reached the point yet, based on the weird atmosphere in this orphanage, he wants to see what the brothers in the book say.

As soon as I opened the book, sure enough, this case has become the focus of the message.

[Zhu Huizi: This orphanage does not sell human beings, right? I may think too much]

"Huh~" Zhou Yan was startled.

Is this brother so inexperienced? I'm still wondering, is it child abuse? He has already thought about the maddening things like human trafficking?

But speaking of it, children are indeed the easiest ones to become goods.

At an age when their minds are not yet mature, perhaps through some means, they can become unusually obedient.

No noise, no trouble, or even caring about the future, only subconsciously obedient.

This kind of thought unfolded slightly in Zhou Yan's mind, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Look down again.

[Shifeng-Yasuo: I panicked that the teacher in the orphanage beat them and other things, and would insult them, making them fear outsiders. and so. There is something wrong with this kindergarten]

"Indeed, no matter what the people here do, at least they don't want others to know, otherwise they have no reason to panic."

[Detective_: Obviously, the child has been trained very well]

Zhou Yan's hand holding the book clenched slightly.

Well, he really doesn't like children, because they are very noisy and can't communicate with them, but they will only make noise more and more loudly.

But... I don't like it, I don't like it. If something really dark happens in this orphanage, Zhou Yan will definitely dig to the end.

Moreover, before bringing these people to justice, he doesn't mind using five days of detention and a quick fine of 500 to replace these people with a swollen nose and a swollen nose.

[Kung Fu Panda 88: It’s a little horrible kindergarten, which is to control the children and prevent them from contacting the outside world, then brainwash them, do some experiments or train them to engage in some illegal training, and then cultivate the feeling of being a puppet]

Well, this brother's vision is even more terrifying.

But Zhou Yan didn't want to watch it anymore.

A child being trained or abused, and he suspects a bear child who is holding a lollipop and screaming, are two completely different perceptions.

Zhou Yan felt a bit trembling in his heart.

He closed the book.

And at this moment...on the stairs, there was also a sound of footsteps.

Soon, Lin Xi walked down first, and behind her was a group of children.

Exactly 12.

Zhou Yan frowned: "Is there only these?" He asked in confusion.

"Yeah." Lin Xi walked over.

Zhou Yan noticed that after the children walked downstairs, they seemed to line up naturally. It felt as if they were doing this often.

On the other hand, Zhou Yan and Lin Xi could clearly see each of them, as if they were looking at something on the shelf.

Moreover, Zhou Yan can clearly see the tension in these children's eyes.

Lin Xi frowned when he saw this scene.

"Don't be so nervous, everyone." She tried to comfort the children.

"We... are not nervous." A slightly older child replied immediately, but his hands were behind him, seeming to keep rubbing his fingers.

"But..." Lin Xi was about to speak.

"Sister, we are really not nervous," the other kid said again.

The atmosphere is weird and out of place.

Lin Xi didn't know what to do for a while, so she sighed: "Okay, then, sister will ask a question. If you know, tell her if it's OK."

"it is good......"

Unanimously, it's like being trained.

"Who of you... have heard of the'Star of Hope'?"

"No~ See you~ I've been~..."

Still in unison.

Lin Xi looked at the 12 children, and the eyes of the 12 children were all focused on Lin Xi.

None of them bowed their heads shyly, or avoided Lin Xi's sight, as if they were saying that they didn't know, but they were desperately trying to tell Lin Xi something with their eyes.

Lin Xi was startled, and for a while, she was a little at a loss.

She turned her head and looked at the young male teacher standing on the stairs.

"What the **** did you do to these kids?" There was some anger in her tone.

The male teacher shook his head: "No...nothing?"

At this time, Zhou Yan also interjected: "Why are there 12 children after that? There are still 13 children just now."

"How is it possible, there are only 12 children." The eldest sister in glasses who opened the door at the beginning didn't know where she came out, and said, the unkindness in her eyes was still obvious.

Well, all the staff seems to be resisting Lin Xi and Zhou Yan, and all the children have been trained in general, tight-lipped, without saying a word.

The case seemed to have reached an impasse all at once.

"The detective lady, I don’t know where you got it wrong, but no one of us has commissioned a detective. Moreover, it’s almost noon now. The kids are going to have lunch. You can’t let them stay there all the time. Stand here, right."

The chubby eldest sister suddenly came over and said.

Then, regardless of Lin Xi's reply, she turned her head and said to the 12 children: " dear boys, let’s have dinner now~"

As soon as the voice fell, these children lined up and walked towards the canteen on the innermost side of the first floor.

The movements were very uniform, and no one made trouble.

Zhou Yan and Lin Xi looked at each other, they seemed a little confused.

No matter what case it is, there must always be an entry point, but this case is like an egg, not even a tiny gap can be inserted.

Soon, all the people and children walked into the canteen, and there were only two detectives left in the hall, staring at each other.

"What to do?" Zhou Yan frowned.

And at this moment...

Zhou Yan suddenly felt something and hit his back.

He immediately turned his head, and then saw a small stone, which rolled to the side.

Obviously, it wasn't wind blowing, but someone deliberately threw himself with stones.

Zhou Yan immediately looked around, but didn't see any sound.


He also shouted.

Still no one answered.

Zhou Yan walked to the place where the stone had fallen and picked it up.

And the outside of the stone was wrapped with a layer of paper.

Zhou Yan opened the paper.

There are no words on it, just a picture.

It's a villain...

The painting of this villain is extremely simple.

Is the image of a "stickman"

A round circle represents the head.

One hand and one pay, a ‘person’ represents two arms.

And under the arm, there are two vertical lines, representing the two legs.

There is nothing on the whole paper except this symbol.

Zhou Yan looked at this symbol suspiciously.

I asked subconsciously...

"what does it mean?"

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