Detective from The Future

Chapter 1037: Sting

It can be heard from the conversation that Song Hongmian had a lot of prejudice against Ma Xiaolin.

Han Bin asked about the specific reasons, but the other party refused to say more.

Han Bin could only find Ma Xiaolin again, "Ms. Ma, what is the relationship between you and Chen Zihe?"

"He is my husband."

"But according to Chen Zihe's mother, you two did not get a marriage certificate."

"Yes, we do not have a testimony, but apart from the marriage certificate, we are no different from ordinary couples. If you don't believe me, you can ask friends around Zihe. They can all testify. We often go out to play together."

"Since you are a husband and wife, why don't you get a marriage certificate."

"In the beginning, we wanted to get the certificate, but Chen Zihe's mother disagreed. She didn't like me. Chen Zihe tried to persuade me a few times to no avail. I was also angry. I won’t get married if I don’t get married. What's the big deal, anyway. Children, is there any difference between getting the certificate or not? If two people don't love each other, even if they get the certificate, they can get divorced.

On the contrary, if two people really like each other, they can live a lifetime even without a marriage certificate. "

"How long have you known Chen Zihe?"

"It's been more than two years."

"The specific time?"

"October 2018."

"What is the contradiction between you and Song Hongmian, why does she have prejudices against you?"

"An old lady, half of her body is in the soil, she is so careful." Ma Xiaolin sighed, "Actually, strictly speaking, I can be with Zihe because of Song Hongmian.

Two years ago, I was walking my dog ​​outside the community. I walked on the right side. Song Hongmian went retrograde, and the two of us met. My dog ​​leaned over and sniffed it. Chen Hongmei overreacted and kicked my dog ​​directly. My dog ​​was terrified, so she gritted her teeth and frightened her.

Song Hongmian had a bad temper, so he kicked my dog ​​swearingly, put a foot on my dog's head, and knocked my dog ​​down. I was so angry at the time that I quarreled with her, and in the end she even frustrated me, not to mention that my dog ​​bit her leg. Let me pay her, or call the police and ask the police to take me and the dog away. Didn't you say that she is making trouble for nothing? "

Han Bin said, "Did your dog bit her leg?"

"My dog ​​doesn't take the initiative to bite people, but the situation at the time was quite messy. When she kicked my dog's head, she might have been scratched by the dog's teeth and broke a small hole." Ma Xiaolin added, "In fact, there is nothing wrong with my dog ​​sometimes. Playing around will also be scratched by it, and it will recover in a few days without leaving any scars, so there is no need to make a fuss at all."

"That means the dog did bit her."

Ma Xiaolin nodded.

"How did it solve it later?"

"I spent money to vaccinate her. Originally, I thought the matter would be resolved, but she was still reluctant. Later, I communicated with her son. This is how Zihe and I met.

We felt good after contacting each other a few times, and the two of us were better off, but Song Hongmian has always refused to accept me and has always had prejudices against me. I still remember the first time she saw me and Zihe together, and almost fainted with anger. "

"Chen Zihe didn't try to mediate the conflict between the two of you?"

"Yes, he has been mediating, and the relationship between the two of us has eased a lot, at least on the surface. This time there was an accident in Zihe. Song Hongmian's previous hatred and hatred will be counted together, and it will definitely not give me a good face. , I guessed it too." At this point, Ma Xiaolin asked, "Did she say bad things about me to you."

Han Bin said, "She thinks Chen Zihe's death is related to you."

"Hmph, this old woman is crazy. She bites when she sees people. How could I kill Zihe? It's simply unreasonable. She's crazy, she's crazy."

Han Bin asked, "Assuming that Chen Zihe was killed by someone, do you have any suspects?"

Ma Xiaolin was silent for a moment, "I... can't think of it."

"Why are you searching for my girlfriend? It's a French society now, not what you want?"

A man's shout rang from the other end of the restaurant.

Han Bin frowned slightly and walked over to check, "What's the matter?"

Feng Na of the second group said, "The Korean team, we routinely search and are preparing to search for this young lady, but she and her boyfriend refused to cooperate."

This is a young couple who looks like they are in their early twenties. The male is tall and thin, and the girl is fair and beautiful.

"You two, if you have any questions, you can tell me."

"Comrade police, my girlfriend and I have both made transcripts, but your subordinates still refuse to let us go. They have to search my girlfriend. Is your law enforcement too excessive? This is disrespectful to my girlfriend. ."

Han Bin said, "What do you call it?"

"My name is Han Shaokang."

Han Bin looked at his female companion again, "How about you?"

"Ma Jiaqi."

"Miss Ma, if my colleague has offended you just now, I apologize to you. You should have seen what happened in the store. According to our investigation, the victim was probably poisoned and died. Search is still necessary. And taking into account gender issues, my female colleague will search you."

Ma Jiaqi said, "I just don't think it is necessary, because we are quite far away from the deceased's dining table, and we haven't moved anywhere after we came, and it is impossible to poison him. It really has nothing to do with us."

"Ms. Ma, I believe you have nothing to do with the death of the victim, but there are so many customers in the store. If we don’t make hard and fast rules, others will find various reasons to evade the search, and one of them is likely to be Suspect.

Therefore, we will conduct a search on every customer in the store, which is a routine search and is not directed at a certain person. "

Hearing Han Bin's words, Ma Jiaqi seemed to be a little shaken, "I just feel a little awkward, and I'm not used to being touched by outsiders. But...that's fine."

Han Shaokang grabbed his girlfriend's hand and shook it firmly, "Qiqi, you don't have to wrong yourself, if you don't want to, I won't let anyone bully you."

Han Bin glanced at him, "Do you have any ideas to say."

Han Shaokang argued for reasons, “We don’t know the deceased at all, and we’ve never been close to the deceased, let alone poison him. I brought my girlfriend out for dinner today, hoping that she would be happy that something like this has happened. It's disgusting. If you want to search, show the evidence and procedures of the search."

"What evidence and procedures do you want? People die in front of you, and everyone present is suspicious. If you take the initiative to cooperate with the investigation, it will be much more convenient for everyone. If you have to search for procedures, you can, but the application takes time. You cannot leave the restaurant during this time."

Ma Jiaqi couldn't help asking, "Comrade police, when can we leave?"

"After the formalities are completed and the search is completed, you can leave."

Han Shaokang said, "When can the procedures be completed?"

"Within half a working day."

Han Shaokang dissatisfied, "It's off work now, don't you say half a working day, don't you have to wait until tomorrow. Then we can't stay overnight in this restaurant."

"It's okay, the police will stay here with you." Han Bin finished speaking and was about to turn around and leave.

Ma Jiaqi shouted, "Comrade police, in doesn't have to be so troublesome, we are willing to cooperate."

Han Bin smiled and said, "You don't need to force it. This is our police's job and will accompany you to wait."

Ma Jiaqi was dumbfounded. She didn't know whether Han Bin's remarks were threats or the truth, but she knew one thing very well. She didn't want to be too bad for a good night, especially in the middle of the night.

"Don't, we are willing to cooperate with the body search."

"Don't force it?"

"Don't force it, don't force it at all."

Han Bin looked at Han Shaokang, "How about you?"

"I listen to Qi Qi."

"Feng Na, Qi Shanghai, you two are responsible."


Han Bin turned and left. This kind of thing was common in the law enforcement process for many years, and he didn't care much about it.

However, after leaving for a while, Feng Na looked for it again, "Team Korea, we found a suspicious item during the search."

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