Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2207: Storm in the capital

   Sunday, September 7, during the game, the King of Doris Kingdom ceremony.

   The military meeting to attack the king's city soon ended, and the army groups were assigned tasks, and no one disagreed.

   Most of the human races in the Doris Kingdom came out of the copy. The status was originally a slave. It was Doris Kingdom who helped them turn into free people. They have no sense of belonging to the mainland human race and royal family.

  Some mainland human races hate those lords, officials, businessmen, and even churches who have turned them into slaves. They can go back justifiably. It's too late to be happy.

   A few people have lost confidence in the human royal family. They seemed to understand but didn't understand the situation of the human race, but after listening to the king's speech, they all understood what was wrong.

Although war is not what you want, sometimes war is necessary. Set out chaos and rescue the human race from the selfish royal family. This is the teacher of justice and the ruler of the innocent. It is good for the human race and the bright people. God.

   Not to mention other alien races. Human race matters have nothing to do with them. Anyway, what the king said.

  The battle is divided into three stages. The first part is long-range bombing, the second part is landing operations, and the third part is to maintain order.

   Use the fifth-order magic apocalyptic storm by the wizards of the elves to strike the king city across space.

  The defensive magic circle of the king city will be activated spontaneously, and the magic circle is based on the magic tower, and the magician and magic crystal pool in the magic tower provide energy.

   The human kingdom sent 3 billion military power to the front line before. This is more than a huge expenditure. I think no lord is willing to do it, so it must be the treasury.

   This is not only a consumption problem, but also a waste of oil. This huge expenditure, the two princes and the supervisor, the three powers will not make a fortune from it to expand their own power, so I am really sorry for the position they sit in.

   In this way, there is no need to say how many magic crystals in the royal city are left.

   As for the mage, most of the backbone forces must have been on the battlefield, and they are one of the three billion troops.

   When the battle was defeated, there should be some senior mages who could escape the battlefield, but the king's city was hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the border, without the ability and resources, and couldn't come back at all. Most people are definitely still on the way.

   And the purpose of the first stage of combat is not to destroy the royal city. Its purpose is to strike the magic tower and consume the function of destroying a part of the magic tower.

   The magic tower will affect the accuracy of space transmission, destroying the magic tower, so that the space magic can be used to transport troops to the landing battle.

   After going through the magic baptism, eight dragons will lead a large army to occupy the royal city, there should be no problem.

   The trouble is to maintain order afterwards. Fortunately, this is a magical world, and there are no dead ends in monitoring.

   Even if I didn't speak in my heart, there are spiritual magics that people can honestly say.



   Following the magical communications from the diplomats and spies from all over the kingdom of Doris came back, and the church confirmed the power of the kingdom of Doris, the king's city suddenly became chaotic.

   As Miko Miyamoto expected, the king's strength is now empty, and the various forces do not want to contribute, worrying that their main force is gone, and the main force of others is still there.

   So, while seizing the time to collect supplies, he held a perfunctory meeting.

   And this intriguing meeting ended when it didn't agree with each other, and started robbing supplies brazenly, vowing not to leave any supplies to help the enemy.

   The chaos in the upper echelon soon spread, and the entire Wangcheng was panicked for a while. Many people didn't know what had happened and could only wait and see with anxiety.

   As time passed, one hour soon arrived.

   Many image magics first appeared in the sky above the capital, outside the magic defense array, each of them was an image of Mei Daizi when she was crowned, and Mei Daizi’s speech.

   The two armies are fighting, and the heart is the best.

   is to let everyone know that the innocent death of billions of human races should be borne by the royal family.

   The Kingdom of Doris is a teacher of justice, crusades against the innocent royal family, overthrows the decaying old Church of Illumination, and establishes a new Church of Illumination, and even the gods of Guangming have no objection.

   Looking at the video, the spies from various parties sent the video back to various places.

   Looking at the video, the dukes knew that the royal family was already dead, and the royal family was in big trouble.

   Looking at the video, the great powers in the royal family are ready to move, and their chance to be king in this vein has arrived.

   The sky above the king's capital, as the video was played, the howling of the wind gradually rose, and the fifth-order magic doomsday storm began.

   The sky is dim and the earth is dark, flying sand and rocks, people evade, or speed up to flee.

   In the entire royal capital, tens of thousands of square kilometers, 1628 magic towers sensed the pressure of magic, spontaneously operated, and connected to form a huge magic circle.

   The magic shield soon took shape, and the inside and outside of the royal capital suddenly became two worlds, one stormy, the other calm.

   Funnel clouds appeared in the sky, growing longer and longer. When 10,000 huge tornadoes that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth appeared, the doomsday storm took shape.

   10,000 tornadoes overwhelmed the sky, pressing from the sky to the royal capital, as if the entire sky was crushed down, to crush everything and destroy everything.

   People who can't escape, hundreds of millions of people are shaking, cursing the officials and nobles who escape, and praying to God.

   Regardless of whether it is the gods of light or the gods of darkness, they are very happy. One received direct faith, and the other received another kind of faith-negative emotions.

   However, the tornado did not break through the magic shield of the magic circle. Doris Kingdom did not want a ruin.

   Even if it can be restored with magic afterwards, it is an extra cost, far inferior to the current fine control.

   A ninth-order wizard mage controls a tornado, and the tenth-order wizard wizard who activates the magic is resting, waiting for the end, lest this magic really falls to the capital.

   Seeing that the tornado is not suppressed, hope rises in people's hearts.

   However, after about 5 minutes, a magic far away from the king's city suddenly stopped working, and the magic crystal pool had no energy.

   In the chain reaction, in the royal capital, the entire outer magic shield of the magic circle outside the royal city disappeared.

   The panic spread instantly, crying helplessly and fleeing, hugging his family and waiting for the end to come.

   But the tornado did not fall, but merged in the sky, gradually merging from 10,000 to 1,000 larger tornadoes, and then the tenth-order wizard mage took over and all went to besiege the city.

   In the desperate and hopeful hopes of people, the magic shield of the royal city defended the tornado.

   But, but after more than ten seconds of support, the magic tower of the king city stopped operating due to lack of magic power, and the magic shield of the king city suddenly disappeared.

   Now, only the palace is left, and the palace mages are still struggling to support it.

   Over the palace, 1,000 super tornadoes began to merge again, 500, 250, 125, 65.

   The mage tower in the palace also stopped functioning, and the magic shield disappeared.

   At this moment, a group of eleventh-order court mages appeared in the sky, intending to activate the fifth-order magic mirror reflection to resist the apocalyptic storm.

   But in a blink of an eye, Miss Astrid, the holy dragon, appeared among them, and it could be said that she slapped them all.

   Without the magic tower, there is no defense against space magic.

   is also the eleventh level, the strength of both sides is far apart.

   Looking at the apocalyptic storm that did not disappear in the sky, Miss Sacred Dragon Astrid suddenly became proud and turned back into a dragon.

   Although her dragon body is huge, it is not worth mentioning with the super huge tornado.

   However, with a dragon roar resounding through the heavens and the earth, the doomsday storm suddenly She suppressed thousands of Tier 10 wizard magicians with the power of a dragon, and forcibly broke their magic.

   At this moment, the seven poisonous dragons that had been slowed down by their strength arrived, and they simply showed their dragon bodies.

   Eight dragons danced in the sky above the capital, announcing the fall of the entire capital.

   However, Mei Daizi couldn't laugh at all. These guys are really unreliable, so they are just getting excited. Here is waiting for them to establish a teleportation array.

   "Hey, you guys hurry up to work for me, or all my salary will be deducted."

   Seeing Mei Daizi yelling in the magic video sent over, the eight dragons immediately became honest.

   is not afraid of Mei Daizi, but worried about treasure.

   Want to let the dragon do work, it is useless to talk about other things, only the treasure.


   Doris Kingdom, Doris Island.

   With the opening of the eight teleportation formations that echoed in the city, the teleportation formation of the barracks was also activated.

   Eight portals appeared. From Doris Island, you can see the sights of the royal capital, the royal city, and the royal palace.

   In one step, it spanned tens of thousands of kilometers and reached the capital from Doris Island.

   The Kingdom of Doris mobilized more than 200,000 troops, and it took ten minutes to pass.

   3 ten thousand rank 6 war knights army, 1 ten thousand rank 6 guardian knights army, 10 ten thousand rank 6 justice knights army.

   1 10,000-person seventh-order Dark Elf Wizard Legion, 1 10,000-10,000 seventh-level Lion and Scorpion Knight Legion, 1 10,000-10,000 Vulture Unicorn Knight Legion, and 1 10,000-10,000 Venerable Bow Pegasus Legion.

   There is also an army of 10,000 Tier 6 dwarf craftsmen. Their task is to make a large portal.

   It consumes too much to open the portal for a long time with manpower alone, and that thing usually takes a second to open.


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