Destined Martial God

Chapter 264: Spirit fluid and fourth-order spirit stone (four more)

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Within the blue moon secret territory, the fifth-order top-grade spirit vein!

Compared to the pure aura fully vaporized in the spiritual fog, after stepping into the cave entrance, Yu Haoran found that the aura inside the cave was very shallow, which was basically similar to the aura at the entrance of the aura.

In desperation, Yu Haoran could only take out an elixir to restore Yuanli, and while he continued to restore Yuanli, under the guidance of Ta Ling, he accelerated his pace and pursued the source.

The hole leading to the source of the spirit vein is very deep. Even with the blessing of martial arts in Xiaocheng's realm, Yu Haoran spent nearly ten minutes before he came to the end of the hole.

The concentration of aura in heaven and earth at the end of the cave is almost close to the concentration of aura in the fog.

However, due to space reasons, it cannot reach the level of gasification.

"Taling, is it dangerous?"

Thirty meters away from the end of the cave entrance, Yu Haoran stopped and questioned Ta Ling while preparing to inspire the blood of the Donkey Kong monkey.

"Go in! The spirit of the fifth-order top-grade spirit vein seems to be a bit abnormal!" Ta Ling, who has been observing with divine thought, frowned and signaled.

Although Ta Ling said there was no problem, Yu Haoran did not take it lightly.

Take out the stick that I just forcibly put away like my heart, take out a black ball that is incorporated into Tu Lingdan, and distribute the essence of the monkey's blood in seven veins and eight veins, so that you can transform in the shortest time.

After everything was ready, Yu Haoran stepped into the end of the cave entrance.


When both legs crossed the end of the hole, a slackness that opened all the pores in the body made Yu Haoran almost groan.

Fortunately, he also knew that the situation was special, so he quickly calmed down and observed the situation inside the cave entrance.

If the amount of heaven and earth reiki is rich to a certain extent, it can form a gaseous reiki that can be discerned by the naked eye.

If the richness of the gaseous aura reaches a certain level, it is possible to form a liquid water.

In the cave, the area in front of which is not very large, the degree of richness of heaven and earth is half gasified and half liquefied.

The reason why he couldn't control the mind just now is because the body invaded the liquid spiritual water, and the spiritual water instantly moisturized the body, resulting in a brief loss of mind.

"Taling, why don't you remind me!"

Although he thought that his time of losing his mind was short, if he encountered danger at this time, he would not have any ability to resist at all, so he could not help complaining to Ta Ling.

"Yu Haoran, if there is danger, I will let you venture into the cave. Am I able to use the power of God's thoughts, I don't know the specific situation in it!" He complained to Haoran, but Ta Ling was quite dissatisfied to refute Road.

To Hao Ran's rebuttal, Yu Haoran thought for a moment, knowing that he had thought too much, and embarrassedly touched his hands and laughed twice, then began to observe the situation around him.

Lingshui is a liquid Lingshui formed only when the concentration and purity of heaven and earth's aura reach a certain level. It contains very few impurities, so it is very thorough.

Through the thorough liquid spirit water, Yu Haoran found that the space he entered was actually a hollowed out cave.

The area of ​​the cave is not very large, which is about one thousand square meters.

But on the walls around the cave, hundreds of spirit stones the size of fists are bare.

And in the center of the cave, there is a jade bed that is crystal clear and exuding a touch of cold.

On the jade bed, the size was reduced to a source like a snake, and the numb disc was lying on the jade bed.

For Hao Ran, who broke into the cave, he did not react at all.

Although the bare stones on the wall around his head were the size of a fist, and the color was also crystal clear, making him very emotional, but Yu Haoran not only ignored it, but swam directly to Lingyuan's side.

Seeing Lingyuan's empty eyes, Yu Haoran sighed.

Later, he turned away from Lingyuan, and swam directly towards the wall of the cave, intending to collect the exposed spirit stones.

Because the exposed spirit stone, the worst grade, is exactly the same as the spirit stone he got in the fifth treasure house of Enforcement Peak.

In other words, all the spirit stones exposed outside the walls are top-level spirit stones above the fourth order.

Moreover, the closer to the top of the cave, the bigger the color and size of the exposed spirit stone, the higher the grade.

"Yu Haoran, why don't you just destroy the spirit of the fifth-order top-grade spirit vein?"

Seeing Yu Haoran turned and left directly, he didn't bother about the meaning of the fifth-order top-grade spirit and spirit, and the tower was very puzzled.

"Talin, don't you see it!" Turning his head to Lingyuan, Yu Haoran said pitifully.

"He's dead!"

"Isn't that the century-old collection was stolen by the ecstasy beast, so why not think about it!" The conclusion given by Yu Haoran made Taling wonder.

After all, with the strength of the fifth-order top-grade spirit vein and the endless number of precious treasures in the Blue Moon Secret, it is not difficult to re-collect some treasures. It is because of the loss of a century-old collection that it has never recovered.

"Talling, although you have a lot of knowledge and experience, you don't know much about the emotions between beings."

As he climbed up the wall, using the replaced sword in the kingdom of the realm, he began to dig the spirit stone, Yu Haoran explained with sigh.

"According to my speculation, the moment the fifth-order top-grade spirit veins became conscious, I'm afraid they were already discovered by the ecstasy beast."

"And the next hundred years, the Beast Soul must have been by his side, teaching him to recognize himself so clearly, teaching him to distinguish things so, and teaching him how to practice."

"A hundred years of companionship, in the consciousness of the fifth-order Shangpin Lingmai, the beast is not only a friend, not only a brother, but also a feeling of parenthood."

"Moreover, the special environment of the Blue Moon Secret, and the deliberate isolation of the Beast, kept the fifth-order top-grade spirit vein from contacting other beings, and kept his mind in his childhood."

"Childhood is the time when you are most dependent on your parents!"

"In fact, what really caused the despair of the fifth-order top-grade spirit veins was not that the ecstasy stole his century-old collection, but the abandonment at a critical moment."

"This kind of abandonment is more painful for the fifth-order top-quality spiritual veins that have only childhood in mind than to kill him directly."

Speaking of the encounter with the fifth-order top-grade spirit, Yu Haoran suddenly thought of the tragedy that happened to him, and sighed with sympathy.

"He is desperate, even worse than an ordinary beast. What is the difference between killing and not killing!"

After hearing Hao Ran's explanation, although Ta Ling, who is an instrumental spirit, does not understand very well, what he is most concerned about now is how to restore the fifth-order top-grade spirit veins to normal.

"Yu Haoran, how can I reinvigorate the fifth-order top-grade spirit pulse?"

"It's easy to get him back to normal, as long as he can bring the Wraith Beast in front of him and get him out of sadness and terror, he can get back to normal."

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran turned his head and continued to dig the spirit stones on the wall.

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