So even if you are forced into a desperate situation.

Even if all pride and dignity are stripped away.

Even though she fell from human beings to hell and became the lowest slave, she never gave up on herself.

Although she failed to win in the end, God was probably moved by her strong and unyielding will, so she was given a chance to be reborn.

Shen Ning is a person who believes in fate, but she will not take fate for granted.

"Introducing some people to you in a few days." Ji Yucang turned around and raised his hand to rub Shen Ning's head, "If anything happens to me in the future, as long as they are here, they will still protect you."

"I will help you." Shen Ning refused calmly, "I don't need your people to protect me, but if I can detoxify you, I hope you won't refuse if I need your help in the future."

As she spoke, she added: "After all, your life is precious. Even if it involves murder and arson, you should agree to it."

Ji Yucang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "Even if you don't save my life, I will respond to your requests."

Shen Ning said: "Why?"

"You are my wife, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with."

"The closest person does not mean the most reliable." Shen Ning retorted, "Only interests are the most lasting in this world."

"Shen Ning." Ji Yucang's expression calmed down, and his tone was calm and firm, "There are thousands of people in the world, and there are many people who are good at pretending. Some people are selfish and unfeeling, and some are hypocritical. You can't just misjudge a person. , I think everyone in this world is untrustworthy.”

Shen Ning pursed her lips and looked out the window: "If the price of seeing the wrong person is unforgettable enough, she will have no energy left to trust other people."

Because the price of trusting someone is something she can no longer bear.

"You made a mistake about something." Ji Yucang tried to convince her, "Believing in someone does not mean completely relying on the other person, nor does it mean completely entrusting one's trust to him."

Shen Ning frowned slightly and couldn't help but think deeply.

If you like someone but can't completely trust them, do you still like them?

she does not know.

She only knows that, no matter before or after getting married to that person, she will never rely on someone easily. She is not weak or blind, and she will not think that love is the most important thing in a woman's life.

She didn't even give up her power just because she got married, and she didn't let herself give up everything. From then on, she took care of her husband and raised her children, just being a weak housewife.

But she was still plotted against and murdered.

You can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days?

If the person next to you wants to harm you, he will succeed sooner or later.

"There are indeed good and bad people in the world, but some people pretend to be the best people in the world. No one will know that he is a cold-blooded and ruthless villain until the last moment." Shen Ning's voice was calm, and her eyebrows were like It was covered with a layer of frost and snow, "Just like Qin Yanshu, if it hadn't been for the calculation on the mountain in the suburbs, I might have really married him according to the engagement contract, but who can guarantee that he will not reveal his true colors after marriage?"

He plotted against his fiancée today in order to marry the eldest princess of Pingyao, and he could plot against the person next to him for the same reason in the future.

In order to achieve his goal, he can plot to frame someone, scheme to deceive, or demote his wife as a concubine.

To make matters worse, once a woman gets married, the man will have a large family of helpers, while the woman will only have one person.

If they unite to bully her, then Shen Ning will really ask for help from heaven and earth, and complain that earth and earth are not working.

Ji Yucang pursed her thin lips, wanting to say that not all men in the world were like Qin Yanshu, there were still good people in the world.

But considering that he didn't seem to be a good person, he didn't know how to refute it.

But it’s not a bad thing to be a little wary.

After all, being in a position of power and facing the calculations and frame-ups of others at any time, trusting someone easily will indeed bring about unforeseen consequences.

It's just that he still thinks greedily, hoping that she can believe in him more.

That's all, don't rush everything.

Ji Yucang said calmly: "It's getting late, go back and rest early."

Shen Ning nodded, turned around and walked out neatly.

Ji Yucang stared at her back and did not look away for a long time.

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