Demonic Cultivation in a Mountain Village

Chapter 653 What’s going on?

"This..." Shen Yun quickly took the shoes over, her face flushed with embarrassment, but she refused to leave and said, "Mr. Fang, you have to give me a reason to drive me away, right?"

Fang Linda said: "Isn't it enough to take off your shoes and sit on my desk and play with your mobile phone during working hours?"

Shen Yun nodded matter-of-factly and said: "Of course it's not enough. I'm your secretary. How can I work when you're not here? So it's reasonable to play with your phone during working hours. After all, the job of a secretary is to assist and cooperate with you. To work, don’t you think?”

Fang Lin said speechlessly: "Well, let's not talk about not working first, and then talk about you taking off your shoes and putting your feet on my desk. Is this reasonable?"

"It makes sense!" Shen Yun nodded repeatedly, her sly eyes moved intelligently, and she said quickly: "First of all, I am your secretary, and secondly, I don't have a dedicated secretary's office. When you are not here, I will naturally just Can I stay in your office??

Since I am your secretary, I am also half the owner of this office. Since I am the owner, I naturally cannot sit on the sofa. That is reserved for guests, so sitting on your office chair is the most appropriate. s position.

As for me taking off my shoes, it’s because there are no outsiders in the office for the time being. Wearing high heels is so tiring. You don’t even have this bit of empathy, do you?

President Fang, you are a gentleman among men, with both talents and talents. You will definitely not be as experienced as a little girl like me, right? "

After talking about it, Shen Yun patted Fang Lin's arm and smiled at Fang Lin with a wink.

Her words could be described as a well-founded defense, interspersed with a slap in the face to Fang Lin.

Under such circumstances, it would be really hard for most people to continue driving her away.

Fang Lin was no exception. He was not really angry with the other party because of such a trivial matter. He wanted to drive the other party away because he could see in advance that the other party seemed unwilling to give him a pawn.


Originally, he thought that if he gave Shen Yun a chance to leave, Shen Yun would definitely take advantage of the situation and leave, but unexpectedly, she argued with him and refused to leave.

He took a deep look at Shen Yun, and since she didn't want to leave, let her stay.

Fang Lin waved his hand and said, "Okay, since your explanation is reasonable, I won't pursue it."

He turned around and came to his desk. First he opened a few folders and took a look at them. He found that they were all reports, as well as the progress of major corporate plans and other contents. There were no ones that needed approval. They were all for Fang Lin to grasp in real time. Documentation of the latest information from the business community in Handong Province.

It's just that because of Shen Yun's negligence as the secretary, these documents were of various types and were placed one after the other at exactly the same time, with no logic.

Fang Lin patted the table, pointed at the pile of documents, and told Shen Yun: "First sort these into categories, and then pour me a cup of tea. I will come out and take a look later."

When Shen Yun saw that Fang Lin was not pursuing further, Shen Yun patted her plump chest and was putting on high heels. When she heard Fang Lin's instructions, she hurriedly trotted over before the shoes were put on: "No problem, no problem!"

After running a few steps, his feet stumbled, and he staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.


Shen Yun frowned, and her painful eyes instantly became moist. While rubbing her ankle, she raised her head and looked at Fang Lin with pitiful eyes.

Fang Lin said speechlessly: "What did you do? What could you have done in such a panic?"

Shen Yun said aggrievedly: "I didn't want to perform well.

, hurry up and do what you asked. I really can't get used to wearing these high heels. I had never worn high heels before coming here..."

As Shen Yun talked, she became more and more aggrieved. She was the apple of Shen Wanchong's eye, a rich young lady who was born with a golden key in her mouth.

Ever since she was a child, she has never touched the beauty of the world. She travels in luxury cars and has countless servants. She was originally studying abroad, but her father Shen Wanchong coaxed her into returning to China and forced her to work as Fang Lin's secretary.

She originally disagreed with this matter. She was still a college student and did not study secretarial skills. What's more, given her background and status, she was opposed to being a secretary for others from the bottom of her heart.

However, her father was willing to cut off all her financial resources for this. If she obeyed and worked as a secretary for Fang Lin, she could continue to enjoy the life of a wealthy lady. If she didn't agree, she wouldn't even be able to afford a Western meal.

For this reason, she had to bear the humiliation, took off her favorite fashion brand sneakers, put on high-heeled stockings, and came here to hang out.

This was also the reason why she still refused to let Fang Lin drive her away even though she was extremely reluctant. If Fang Lin drove her away like that, she doubted that Shen Wanchong would let her live in the basement of his family villa!

The girl sprained her foot and was injured. She was very fragile in her heart. She wanted to get some love and care, but she didn't want to. Her pitiful eyes were replaced by Fang Lin's impatient scolding. For a moment, she felt extremely wronged.

As he spoke, tears flowed down.

Seeing Shen Yun crying, Fang Lin was completely defeated. He spread his hands and said, "Okay, okay, I just sprained my foot. Why are you crying? I'll just show it to you."

Shen Yun sobbed: "I don't want you to see it, and you don't

As a doctor, he can see anything. I'm going to the hospital! "

"You have a sprained foot, why don't you go to the hospital? You don't think it's troublesome, even the doctors think it's troublesome." Fang Lin smiled and picked up Shen Yun involuntarily: "Let's go, sit down on the bed inside, and I'll give it to you Just treat it and it’ll be fine.”

Shen Yun struggled for a while, but she was no match for Fang Lin and was easily held in Fang Lin's arms.

Although there was some resistance in his heart, he could feel Fang Lin's broad chest and masculine breath, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble slightly. He only felt that his heartbeat was speeding up and his skin was hot.

Seeing that Fang Lin was planning to carry her into the bedroom behind the office, she was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't, don't go in!"

However, it was still too late for her to stop drinking.

Fang Lin's hand had already pushed open the bedroom door.

The next moment, Fang Lin stopped and stared at the scene inside in astonishment.

He stayed in this bedroom for one night before going to Lingnan Province, and he cleaned it before leaving.

After all, he was born in the army and has always been capable in internal affairs, so he does not need to rely on others.

However, looking at this bedroom now, it is nowhere near as tidy as it was before we left. It is just as messy as a pig's nest. Half of the bed quilt is on the bed and half is on the floor. The pillows are also slanted in the middle of the bed. There is even a lady. Her pajamas and underwear were also thrown messily on the bed.

The sofa, coffee table, and desk were all filled with garbage. The mess was unsightly!

"What's going on?" Fang Lin slowly lowered his head and looked at Shen Yun in his arms.

Shen Yun didn't dare to look at Fang Lin and turned her face to the side. Her fair neck and face were covered with blush, and she defended in an incomprehensible way: "No, I don't know..."

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