Jiang Feng makes a move

“Let’s take a look first. With such a big scene, even if we pass it, it won’t be of much use. Let’s wait for the opportunity.”

Jiang Feng said, taking Jiang Xueer to watch the battle from a distance.



Although Jiang Feng and Jiang Xue’er were still a little far away from the gate of the inner city, the shouts of killing came to their ears undiminished, accompanied by the roars of those vicious zero puppets.

Originally, the vicious zero puppets who had no intelligence and fought on their own were surprisingly orderly and had a clear division of labor.

Some pushed the city gate by force, some climbed up the city wall, and some even threw stones.

It seemed like a well-trained army.

There is no doubt that there must be a certain commander among this group of vicious zero troops.

To end this war, the commander must be eliminated.

At this time, on the city wall, there were several tall and straight figures standing impressively. Among them, a middle-aged stern man in silver armor standing in the middle was the most eye-catching.

“That’s City Lord Zhang Guodong, the only acquired martial artist in Nanning City, and beside him are the strongest first-class warriors in Nanning City.”

“With them here, the inner city cannot be destroyed.”

Jiang Xueer said.

Jiang Feng shook his head, which is hard to say.

Among the evil zero clan, Ba Ling can already be compared to the average first-class warrior, and the five defeats above Ba Ling are at least at the level of acquired warriors.

Therefore, the combat power of Nanning’s inner city is not dominant.

City Lord Zhang Guodong was commanding soldiers and warriors on the city wall to attack the evil zero clan outside the city, but his expression was not good.

Because those who were killed by them were all their compatriots.

Those outside the city who were possessed by the evil zero, many of them were even the relatives and friends of the soldiers and warriors. Although being possessed by the evil zero almost meant death, it was very difficult for them to do so.

Section 15

chug chug…

The soldiers on the city wall kept pulling the triggers, with flames spraying from the muzzles of their guns, and bullets shot at the evil zero puppets below the city.

Unless they can hit a vital point, they will crawl forward even if their limbs are hit. They are not afraid of death at all, let alone pain.

Swish, swish, swish…!

Suddenly, a few Ba Ling jumped out from the army of evil zeros outside the city.

Their jumping ability is very strong, and they can jump more than ten meters high in one leap.

Some soldiers shot at them, but they couldn’t stop them at all.

Soon, these bullies jumped onto the city wall.

It was a massacre against those soldiers and warriors.


City Lord Zhang Guodong hurriedly shouted to the few first-class fighters around him.

They rushed to those Ba Lings and started fighting with them.

But the city lord Zhang Guodong didn’t move, he was still watching the evil zero army below, because he knew that the biggest enemy hadn’t shown up yet.

So, he can’t make a move either.

He has been looking for the position of the commander in the evil zero army, but there are too many evil zeros below, and they are too dense.

It’s almost impossible to find it just by naked eyes.

“Xue’er, you just stay here, I will come whenever I go.”

Jiang Feng suddenly turned towards Jiang XueerSaid.

“Brother, are you going to help? It’s too dangerous. That’s the army of the evil zero clan.”

Jiang Xueer hurriedly grabbed Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng touched Jiang Xueer’s head.

“Don’t worry, your brother, I know how to measure. If I’m not sure, how can I go to die? Those tyrants have already participated in the battle, and ordinary evil zeros and heavy zeros pose no threat to me.”

“As long as I can find the commander and kill him, these evil zero army will be leaderless.”

Jiang Feng said.

Seeing so many people die in the war, Jiang Feng was indeed touched.

But the reason why he really wants to make a move is because he really wants to find the commander, kill him, and obtain the soul orb.

Then increase your strength.

The real combat power of the evil zero clan was still there before, and Jiang Feng was not sure.

But at this time, those tyrants have already left. It’s the right time, and we must grasp it well.

“Okay, but you must come back safely.”

With tears in her eyes, Jiang Xueer gritted her teeth and said.

Jiang Feng rubbed her head again.

“Don’t worry, your brother and I are very strong.”

Jiang Feng smiled confidently, and rushed towards the evil zero army.

He was behind the evil zero army, so when he rushed in, he was not found.

“Psychic investigation!”

As soon as Jiang Feng entered the army of the Evil Zero Clan, he diffused his mental power and instantly enveloped all the Evil Zero Clan within a range of more than 2,000 meters.

It is indeed difficult to find the commander with the naked eye, but his mental power detection relies on the power of the mind, and the efficiency is dozens of times higher than the naked eye.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Feng screened the evil zeros around him, but nothing was gained.


Jiang Feng was not disappointed, and rushed into the army of the evil zero clan.

Twelve flying knives hovered beside Jiang Feng, killing all the evil zeros who blocked him, and running two kilometers away, Jiang Feng spread his mental power out again.

After so many repetitions, Jiang Feng didn’t believe it. After screening all the evil zero army, he still couldn’t find it.

“Stop shooting!”

On the city wall, the city lord Zhang Guodong found Jiang Feng who was passing through the army of the evil zero clan, and hurriedly ordered the soldiers to stop shooting.

“City Master, that seems to be a human being, but why did he join the army of the evil zero tribe? Is he a traitor?”

An officer also saw Jiang Feng and asked in doubt.

City Lord Zhang Guodong squinted his eyes, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he looked directly at Jiang Feng, who was in the army of the evil zero clan.

“Have you noticed that there are many flying knives floating around that boy? He is a spiritual teacher!”

There was some excitement in Zhang Guodong’s voice.

“His purpose and mine must be the same. They are both looking for the commander of the evil zero clan army. However, the efficiency of observing with the naked eye is too slow. Since he is a psychiatrist, he may be using spiritual power to investigate.”

“Keep an eye on that boy, and let the soldiers not hurt him!”


The officer agreed, and then went to issue instructions to the soldiers.

At this time, Jiang Feng, who was in the army of the evil zero clan, didn’t know that he had already been noticed by City Lord Zhang Guodong.

He is still releasing his mental power to find the commander.


Soon, Jiang Feng suddenly noticed a very thin and strange Evil Zero, who was not at all like the general Evil Zero, Heavy Zero, and Ba Ling.

And it’s not launching an attack like other evil zeros.

“Could it be five defeats?”

Jiang Feng’s heart moved, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

So he quickly rushed towards the tall, thin and wicked Ling.

When he was only more than 20 meters away from the tall, thin and evil zero, Jiang Feng urged his mind to control a throwing knife and shoot it at a very high speed.

The flying knife passed through the halo on the tall, thin and wicked face in an instant with lightning speed.


The tall, thin and evil Ling’s body suddenly exploded into a cloud of black mist.

But… no soul orbs were dropped!

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