Yin City, Old Street.

The little fox has woken up.

A pair of forelimbs were tightly clutching the corners of Yi Tian’s clothes;

Perhaps because he was afraid of life, he only pinched the corner of his nail, but he used it very hard.

The injuries behind the little thing have been urgently treated by Xiao Xiao, and there is no big problem for the time being, but there is still some panic.

In this regard, Yi Tian introduced the little flower essence to the little fox, and the two little things should have words.

Two small spiritual things shook their claws in the air.

Then, the little flower essence dragged out with great difficulty….. The ghost bride’s treasured tablet;

Sitting cross-legged on the door of the little fox’s head, the big one and the younger began to watch cartoons.


It was getting late, and it was time to make an appointment with the old fox.

After Yi Tian’s advice, he left the old street.

At this moment, the old fox was leaning over, wrapped in an overcoat, wearing a straw hat, and carrying a snakeskin pocket…

Like an old farmer in the field, waiting for him in the shadows.

Seeing Yi Tian come out, the old fox immediately became excited, and quickly stepped forward.

“Fox Seventh Master, what are you?”

Yi Tian looked at the old fox’s outfit quite puzzled.

“This is the gadget I made in Yinshan, looking for some snake venom and mixing sulfur powder!”

The old fox raised the snakeskin bag in his hand: “The underground where the yellow-skinned people live is like a labyrinth, if you don’t give them some ruthlessness, I’m afraid they won’t be smoked.” ”

“By the way, and this!”

Saying that, the old fox pulled out Huang Jiu’s skin from his bag: “I ripped off the skin of this thing; ”

“The yellow-skinned people are the most vengeful, and if anyone provokes, it is able to destroy people’s families and cut off their descendants;”

“When the time comes… Hum…… I put Huang Jiu’s skin at the mouth of the cave and provoked, not afraid that they would not jump off the wall! ”

“Seventh Master good means!”

Yi Tian praised, there is an old fox, there is a lot of trouble left.

The two did not delay, went straight to the next door of Qingyan Mountain, and went over the mountain.

During this period, the old fox also explained Panshan to Yi Tian.

Panshan Mountain is larger than Qingyan Mountain, and there are a group of dog demons entrenched inside, the most powerful of which is known as Panshan Mountain Jun.

The yellowskins live next to the dog demon.

But the two sides are not harmonious, and there is occasional friction.

However, in the past, the aura was not abundant, both sides were very restrained, and small frictions continued, but there was no major conflict.

After all, they are all afraid of human beings, they are all dormant, and they dare not make a big deal.

But in recent years, with the Sun and Moon Divine Hua, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has surged, and the conflict between the two sides has intensified.

Therefore, the foxes of Qingyan Mountain did not have much dispute with the yellow-skinned people.

But this time, Huangpizi raided Qingyan Mountain…

Let the old fox suspect that something may have happened to the dog demon on the winding mountain;

Otherwise, Huangpizi would never dare to bypass them and raid Qingyan Mountain.

At night, the forest is cool.

During the conversation, Yi Tian and the old fox were already close to Panshan.

Panshan is located next to a canyon, very remote, sparsely populated, and the environment is not comparable to the scenic Qingyan Mountain.

The canyon is deep, full of miasma, and when the wind blows, it floats into the winding mountain, leaving the mountain in a dim state.

Yi Tian’s eyes flashed with golden light, but he saw that all kinds of obscure qi that were difficult to see with the naked eye in the canyon spread out, gathering without dispersing into miasma.

“This canyon…”

He asked the old fox about its origins.

The old fox said that this canyon used to be a mass grave, a burial ground.

In those wars, the murderous Yang people invaded, burned and looted everywhere, and did not bother to dig pits to dispose of corpses;

So he dragged it on the canyon to execute, and after killing it, he threw it down, and when more people died, the canyon became like this.

Over time, the canyon was full of corpses, and whenever it rained heavily, some corpses would be washed away and flowed into the winding river.

At that time, the yellow-skinned people and a large number of wild dogs in the panshan mountain relied on these dead bodies to fill their stomachs.

Because eating too much dead human flesh …

The yellow-skinned and wild dogs of Panshan Mountain are very heavy, fierce, and extremely ferocious, and their whole bodies are covered with corpse poison, and they will suffer if they touch them.

Man is a very spiritual creature.

It was by devouring human flesh, the yellow skins and wild dogs that swandered the mountain that they survived from that period of spiritual energy decay.

It is precisely for this reason that the yellow-skinned and dog demons here cannot enter Yin Mountain, because they are riddled with grievances, and Mr. Yin does not like it.

During the conversation, Yi Tian and the old fox entered Panshan.

In the foggy forest, occasionally strange noises came out, faintly swallowing, as if someone was crying, and it was like a ghost howling.

“What is this called?”

Yi Tian asked the old fox.

“This is a wild dog howling!”

The old fox said.

Yi Tian was abrupt, and secretly worried in his heart: “Maybe it can… Destroy together and engage in a wave of Yinde! ”

Go deeper.

A gust of dark wind came out of thin air in the forest, mixed with a smell of corpse rot.

“After so many years, why are there still carrion?”

The old fox was hesitant for a moment, and said with a determined expression: “It must be the yellow skin that dragged the corpses of some nearby cemeteries here.” ”

“Go over and take a look!”

Yi Tian said.

Not much ahead.

I saw five wild dogs the size of calves.

These wild dogs see the old fox …

Suddenly, his eyes were red and glowing with blood, and a series of fishy saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth, and he slammed over.

It’s bloody, it’s not terrifying.

As for Yi Tian, it has been ignored, after all, he can’t eat it.

Yi Tian didn’t panic in the slightest: “It seems that there is no spiritual intelligence!” ”

The old fox also looked indifferent: “It looks confused, it’s a group of mad dogs!” ”

Mad dog approaching…

Yi Tian was like carrying a lantern, twisting his head, and his eyes were golden and brilliant.


A blazing light streaked by.

“Poof! Poof! Poof…”

The wild dogs that rushed immediately split into two, and blood and water spilled down with their internal organs, which were smelly and fishy.

[System tip: Get 10 Yin Virtue! ] 】


Yi Tian and the old fox walked in to check the situation.

I saw that the dog’s paws on the corpse were blue and black.

It seems to have been soaked with corpse poison.

Yi Tian took out the Devil Pestle and rummaged through the corpse.

A moment later, a marble the size of a marble was turned out of the dog’s corpse by him.

See here.

The old fox on the side looked at it with wide eyes: “This is…”

“This is a demon bead!” Yi Tian said.

It reminded him of the giant pit viper he had killed that night.

After a moment of silence, Yi Tian explained: “It seems that Huang Pizi is feeding wild dogs with human flesh, just like human cultured pearl mussels, giving birth to demon beads in their bodies. ”

Seeing this, Yi Tian already knew that this group of yellow-skinned people was indeed related to the paper-tied people.

The old fox suddenly said: “No wonder the yellow-skinned people want to dig up graves and plank corpses, it turns out to feed wild dogs.” ”

“Then it seems that the dog king in Panshan should have had an accident, otherwise the yellow-skinned man would never dare to act so recklessly.”

After the old fox finished speaking, he wrenched the eyes of the dead dogs with his paws, stared for a moment, and came to a conclusion.

“Their spiritual consciousness was destroyed by the yellow-skinned people, they suffered from hysteria, they became mad dogs, and their original morals were completely destroyed!”

For what happened in front of him, Yi Tian was not surprised.

Psychic attacks are the best means of the yellowskins.

“Go over and take a look, find the old nest, a pot is served!”

Just took a few steps.

The forest was overcast again, and seven more mad dogs rushed out.

This group of mad dogs ignored Yi Tian and the old fox not far away, and pounced straight towards the dead dogs in one place.

They were attracted by the smell of blood from the corpses of their companions.

The mad dogs are ferocious and swarming.

In an instant, the corpses were searched and scraped, and there were no bones left, leaving only a bloody mess.

All the mad dogs swallow blood and chew meat, their eyes show blood, and they eat fiercely, and you fight with me;

But whoever fell down, injured and fell to the ground, the rest rushed up, and immediately divided their food, and the scene was bloody and cruel.

“All crazy, these dogs are also quite good, they can use a few simple spells, and they are no different from ordinary mad dogs at the moment!”

Thinking of the yellow-skinned methods, the old fox felt a chill in his heart and gave birth to a burst of rejoicing, thanks to Mr. Yi and Cinderella coming to help.

Otherwise, the fate of his juniors…

Probably not much better than this pack of mad dogs.

“I’d like to see how many wild dogs are out there!”

Yi Tian twisted his head, as if holding a mining lamp, the divine light in his eyes burst out, electricity shot out, and the white rainbow flashed like a sun.

Only for a moment.

A bunch of system prompts sounded.

A group of mad dogs were cut open in unison, the fractures were flat, the internal organs flowed to the ground, and the blood became heavier.

“Mr. Yi, the smell of blood here is too strong, and the yellow skins around will find out the situation!”

The old fox reminded.

“No problem, just wait for them to take the bait!”

Yi Tian said: “Since the yellow-skinned people are raising mad dogs and pregnant demon beads, I will kill these mad dogs and see their reaction!” ”

Then, he and the old fox searched for a large tree, hid in the canopy, and probed the surrounding situation.


Scattered, a few more mad dogs came smelling blood.

When he saw the dog corpse on the ground, he immediately began to feast.

This time, Yi Tian did not move, sensing the surroundings, looking for the figure of the yellow skin.

Since it is a dog, it is impossible not to raise “people”.

Sure enough.

It didn’t take long to make discoveries.

Deep in the forest, behind a stone, a pointed head poked out, and a pair of green eyes appeared.

Then two pairs, three pairs…

Five yellow-skinned people appeared, looking at the dog corpses in front of them, and they were shocked.

“What’s going on, I took a nap, why did this group of beasts kill each other?”

A yellow skin said.

“Don’t worry about it yet, let’s quickly separate them and die a few more, a lot of the previous efforts will be in vain!”

Another yellow-skinned man.

After speaking, five yellow-skinned people burst out from behind the stone.

The mad dog herd saw a living creature appear.

Suddenly, the dragon teeth grinned, with a fishy wind, and swooped up.

Face the herd of dogs with red eyes.

The five yellow-skinned people were very calm, fearless, and there was a faint burst of light in their brilliant glowing eyes.

The next moment.

The mad dogs that the fierce gods and evil flew towards stopped abruptly, stopped in unison, and actually scattered around.

“Mad dogs are mind-controlled!”

The old fox said.

“I’ll kill them!”

Yi Tian’s figure swooped, the war spear slashed, the cold wind swept away the brilliance, and in the darkness, he saw several blades of light intersecting.

A little bit of blood flew up.

The five yellow-headed skins have been decapitated.

At the moment of killing, Yi Tian swallowed the black qi in his palm, and sucked his essence away.

After solving it cleanly, Yi Tian turned into a body and returned to the tree.

And the mad dogs, who lost control, returned to their place and began to devour the remains of their kind.

Followed by……

Yi Tian repeated his old trick and fished several waves of yellow skins to take the bait, all of which were silently killed by him.


As the bloody aura became stronger, more and more mad dogs gathered here.

Whenever these mad dogs devour the flesh and blood on the ground.

Yi Tian will kill them and replenish them.

After a few waves back and forth.

Dozens of mad dogs have died in the middle of the field.

And because it is a low-lying land, the blood, water and flesh mud cannot flow out, forming a pool of blood and flesh as deep as a calf.

The blood was so bloody that you could smell it from far away.

“Mr. Yi, I’m afraid this is going to attract a few ruthless characters!”

The old fox carried a bag of sulfur powder mixed with snake venom and sighed: “I’m afraid this thing won’t be used.” ”

“No, if you use it, the yellowskins will not pour out.”

Yi Tian said coldly: “When the time comes, it will be used when it is necessary to cut down the grass and remove the roots.” ”

“Kill it all?!” The old fox was startled and reacted.

He grinned and looked ecstatic, stood on the branch and bowed to the ground, and said forcefully:

“Great grace does not say thanks, if Mr. Yi is sent in the future, he will die!”

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