Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 082

day. "

"No" Kena shook her head. Say, "The sky account I told you is actually the maximum error" if you are really not lucky enough. In the first. God... I'm afraid the disease will strike. So as to violently..."

The idiot nodded, picked up the red pen on the side and drew a cross on the old August day on the wall calendar. Later, two circles were drawn on the day of August 6.

"So, the reason for spreading the virus, is it?"

After finishing the tick on the calendar, the idiot was sitting across from Kena and said. The old bounce... 8. The rewarding book is not good enough!

"In order to... activate the Demon Emperor's Sword as Hallelujah."

As soon as the voice came out, the idiot looked up slightly. And the darkening on his arm also squirmed slightly, and smiled: "Interesting. In order to activate such a broken sword, the entire city must be killed? What is the reason?"

The idiot thought the same way. After briefly asking her question, Ke Na shook her head with great regret and sighed.

"I know" it sounds incredible, "but it is so."

"It's true, the curtain puller" is Zart? Gusno, my father by blood. He had successfully met the king of the kingdom of death more than a month ago. It happened to be the time when this magic sword reappeared, but in any case, King Shimian couldn't successfully activate this sword. "

"The curtain puller didn't know what method he used to get into the palace and talked to King Shimian for a night. Then, the curtain puller put forward a terrible proposal."

At this point, Kena's complexion became a little pale, her left hand squeezed the hourglass charm harder, and her right hand was holding her daughter tightly. She bit her lower lip tightly, after a long silence,...

"If you want to successfully activate the magic sword, you need sacrifices."

"And the sacrifice that can successfully awaken this sword is life."

"Tens of thousands of... lives."

The idiot listened coldly. Still no response. Dim Mie was smiling, not knowing what she was smiling at.

Kena let out a deep breath. Said again: "I know, this method is very stupid. But occasionally I overheard the curtain puller talking about this thing. He also said that the king has tried it. Put a prisoner in Killed near the sword. At the moment the prisoner died, the magic sword did have some reaction. That's why the King Shoumian made the decision to release the virus to carry out a massacre."

Is this explanation... correct?

The idiot thought a little and asked a question.

"If what you said is true. Then King Death could spread the virus the moment the carnival begins. To kill all of us, there is no need to delay that many days, let alone hold this. Recognition ceremony. This is why."

As if I had expected it a long time ago. But Na slowly shook her head and said, "This is because that sword... is also covered with disease-causing plague."

"The curtain pullers and King Sumian worry that just killing the people in the city will not be able to successfully activate the magic sword, so they hope to make this magic sword a vehicle to end the lives of many people."

Therefore, such a ceremony was held.

And" set the time of the final massacre more than ten days later, right?

...The cure. "

Kena shook her head, sighed, and said, "Although I know how to heal, I don't have any medicine at hand. Moreover, the amount of medicinal materials needed to cure so many people in the city is astronomical. I think, probably too. There are so many medicines only at the hands of the curtain puller, right"

Now, all that Kena knew had been said. She wants to kill Zat? Gusnow's reason is also very good. At first glance. There is indeed no doubt.

The idiot looked down and thought. Efforts to classify and rectify all the clues obtained so far. After thinking about the reverse set. The idiot finally nodded and got the answer.

If Kona's words are completely correct as a clue, then this is indeed the case in the city of Venez. Fatigue, urgent, urgent.

It looks like "All the puzzles are solved, right?

"Ha ha ha, human boy, what are you still hesitating? Everything is clear now. You and this girl have been infected with the virus, only if you get the antidote before August 6th, or you will die. To get the antidote. You must find a way to kill the Zat 7 Gusno who doesn't know where he is hiding. This is so clear. Hehehe, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah. It is indeed clear."

The idiot squeezed his right hand, walked to the door, and opened the door.


There was no anxiety or worry in his pupils. Instead, there is a thick layer.

All this is based on the fact that the woman's words are not false. In fact, he could not verify the authenticity of this matter. I can't tell whether I really have a virus in my body.

You know, this woman lied to herself once. In Silver Roll Town, even after the incident was resolved. She still has to hold Walnut and herself, tell a lie to herself to gain a good impression and satisfy her own purpose. So this time, why can't she lie again to lie to herself and avenge her? Sennagri, every day too many men are filled with indignation because of the "tragic life experience" of women. Work hard for the other side. As a result, their lives were lost, but they thought they had protected and saved the woman. They are just enjoying the fruits of their hard work. Laughing, laughing at those fools who were frozen into popsicles under the snow in the warm room.

"Ah, has Mr. Xiaobai come back?"

Downstairs, Xing Li's voice came. At the same time, there were many sounds of people coming in. Listening to the voice below, it should be those girls.

"Suppose, that little brother has already returned. By the way, this is a coupon from a travel agency. Look, do you have anything you want?


The idiot walked downstairs slowly and saw that Xing Li was receiving a bunch of discount information on various entertainment, dining, and transportation. I'm discussing with the girls what they want or not. After seeing the idiot come down, Xingli smiled and took these coupons upstairs to the room and put them away. The others stretched out and started to sit in the empty lobby and chatted with each other.

The idiot sat aside, listening carefully to these girls talking about what happened on the square platform just now. It's nothing more than the ugly attitude exposed after seeing so and so who came to power, and failed in the end. When they talked happily, the girls giggled even more. Especially Walnut, the tears of laughter were about to come out, and he slapped the table vigorously.

Put the coupon, Xing Li Chui came downstairs. She sat next to the idiot, turned her head with a smile, and said, "By the way, Mr. Xiaobai, why did you leave suddenly?"

The idiot lowered his head without answering.

. he? He must have rushed to the edge of the city to see the boats. Really, when it comes to charging and getting into battle, the idiot must be slumped behind, where he can safely hide. When it comes to escape, he must be the first one. Don't leave the dangerous place for the first time and run away. "

Walnut asked the old woman for a milkshake.

But then I remembered that the proprietress had bad eyes, so she went to the kitchen to tinker for a long time, brought out eight cups of ice cream milkshakes and put them on the table, and then took a cup and drank it.

The idiot stared coldly at the scene of these girls drinking beverages while laughing. walnut. Xingli, dark. Mili, Hugh, a girl with green hair. The six of them drank and talked happily. Indeed, "It's very enjoyable.

"Huh? Little bread?.

With a deep question. The idiot lowered his head too.

I saw these small breads that would have been very vigorous when I saw them, but now I was carrying my hands on my back, looking at the drink with a vigilant face. But after half the payment, she couldn't help it, swallowed her saliva, and ran directly into the kitchen. After coming out again, she was holding a small handful of spicy plates in each hand, chewing something in her mouth, still watching the milkshake with a vigilant face.


This girl is also six years old.

Although she has a weak awareness of how to take the initiative to defend herself, she can implement any preventive measures she has taught her once she is aware of danger. Presumably what Kena said just now made her aware of the danger."

The idiot touched Little Bread's hair with some approval, and the girl raised her head, her eyes a little bit teary. She sucked her nose, her mouth still swollen chewing, her cheeks flushed with the spicy smell, she looked at herself worriedly.

"Mr. Bai., Hairy, what's the matter?"

Among the people present, Xing Li may be the most sensitive. She seemed to have noticed something, and immediately put down the milkshake in her hand.

After thinking for a while, the idiot asked, "Other guests," where are they. "

"It is estimated that they are still in the square, waiting for the recognition ceremony

The idiot nodded, then left the seat immediately. Seeing him leave the seat, Xing Li also pulled up the gloom that was still eating. Mi Li pulled up the green-haired girl, and Huo and Walnut also stood up one after another. The group of people went upstairs like a file, and gathered in Xiu's room, the furthest away from the idiot's room.

"It's like this

The idiot simply explained the matter, then spread his hands and said, "Don’t make a loud noise. Now. Please tell me whether what Kona said is true or a lie. Or, both truth and lie.

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