Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 130 Dark Night

The Lost Home was sailing at full speed.

In the pale glow cast by the creation of the world, the translucent sail of the spiritual body drummed without wind, and the huge and complex mast and cable system creaked and creaked as if controlled by countless pairs of invisible hands, quickly And sensitively adjusted the angle, Duncan felt the ship under his feet shaking and tilting slightly, pointing the bow to a certain direction in the boundless sea, and the sound of fine waves hitting the hull was mixed with the sound from the Lost Home itself. The "perception signal" echoed softly in the depths of his mind.

For some reason, at the moment the ship turned its course, he seemed to suddenly feel that the atmosphere on the ship had quietly changed. The scenery around him was still exactly the same, but...

He seemed to hear a sigh of contentment from the ship.

Duncan left the captain's cabin and strolled to the deck. He raised his head in the night, stared at the bulging sails and towering masts, and then reached out and tapped on a railing passing by, thoughtfully. He said, "Are you bored with aimless drifting too?"

The Lost Country did not speak, only a slight creaking sound came from below the deck, and a few cables nearby made a rustling sound, wandering over like a snake, dangling beside Duncan.

"...It's not cute, it's even a little scary," Duncan glanced at the cables. "That's how you scared Alice so hard last time, didn't you?"

The cable shook twice in place and slipped away quickly.

Duncan took a light breath, ready to enjoy the refreshing night breeze on the sea, but suddenly, a distant "touch" suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

He didn't realize what it was at first, but then he realized that this touch came from the city-state of Pland.

In the Puland city-state, Duncan, who was on the second floor of the antique shop, blinked suddenly, and then immediately looked in a certain direction - that was Nina's room next door.

In his field of vision, a cluster of dark green flames was beating rapidly in the room—but it wasn't Nina, but the imprint left on Shirley's body.

The cluster of flames sensed the growth of extraordinary power, and sensed that the host's emotions were fluctuating abnormally.

What happened to Shirley? !

Duncan didn't hesitate much, got up and rushed out of the room to the door of Nina's bedroom. He knocked lightly on the door, but there was no movement inside.

He was a little hesitant at this moment, but in the next second, he felt the imprint left on Shirley's body beating again.

You can't think too much at a time like this——Duncan pushed Nina's door open.

Just like when she was a child, Nina always sleeps without locking the door.

The bedroom was dark, only the faint light from the street lamps spilling in from the window illuminated the outlines of things in the room. As far as he could see, Duncan didn't see anything abnormal.

Shirley and Nina were sleeping quietly on the bed, with one head facing the end of the bed, and the other lying on each other's stomach.

...the sleeping position is very artistic.

Of course Duncan wasn't interested in paying attention to the sleeping positions of the two girls. He had already noticed that Shirley's brows were furrowed, and on her arm that was usually used to summon a dog and coexist with chains, a tiny black line was appearing. Walk slowly.

Duncan frowned slightly, and then activated the imprint left on Shirley's body, trying to use the special properties of the spiritual body fire to find the source of "corrosion" in the room.

In his opinion, Shirley's current state, coupled with the warning of the imprint, is undoubtedly a sign that the extraordinary power is eroding.

A tiny green flame rose up beside Shirley, and the dark green flame illuminated the surroundings. However, the flame flickered a few times, and finally stayed in place.

There was no erosion in the room.

Duncan frowned, and he moved closer to observe Shirley's tightly furrowed brows.

Because he is not sure how much the spiritual body fire will affect the living, he cannot directly release a large area of ​​flames to "scan" the entire room like in the factory, but even a little bit of sparks from the spiritual body fire should have an impact on the living beings. It is only right to respond to the strange supernatural power.

Corrosion... not in the real world? Spirit level? Or something else?

Duncan was thoughtful, and then he seemed to think of something, so he got up and quietly exited the room. After closing the door and returning to his bedroom, he saw the pigeon spirit who was dozing off on the window sill.

"Walking in the spirit world."

After Ai was awakened by a series of "cuckoo" protests, Duncan once again entered the dark space filled with endless starlight, and then he calmed down, perceiving the surroundings the same way he perceived the White Oak and Vanna before. Your starlight belongs to your own "imprint".

This is not difficult, because the imprint was intentionally left by him, and it is far clearer and more stable than the "Mars" on Fan Na's body. Duncan locked onto the starlight that belonged to Shirley almost instantly...

Shirley opened her eyes in the dark, and found herself sleeping on a familiar yet unfamiliar little bed.

She felt the darkness and sat up, her mind was dull for a long time before she regained consciousness a little bit, she looked around in confusion, and finally distinguished the outlines of some things from the darkness.

Some familiar and distant memories gradually came to life. After seeing the scene around her clearly, Shirley finally opened her eyes wide.

The next second, she suddenly jumped off the bed, and at the same time uttered a series of extremely annoyed, even trembling, trembling, which seemed to reveal fear and nervous curse: "Damn, damn, damn... X! Damn it's this again , it’s this one again! My X’s!”

A series of loud cursing broke the tranquility in the darkness, but the cursing sound was not Xue Li's familiar voice, but a younger, more immature child's voice that only existed in memory. She jumped to the ground and saw that her hands and feet had also changed. She was as thin and immature as in memory, she was wearing a light pink pajamas, and that pajamas were exactly the same as in memory, there was that familiar puppy embroidered with unfamiliar techniques on the damaged cuff.

"Don't f*ck torment me! Don't f**k torment me!"

Shirley roared in the dark room, she rushed to the closed door, punched and kicked to break the mottled wooden board, but the door remained motionless like reinforced concrete, she hit it with her head, She bit the handle of the door with her teeth again, but it was completely meaningless. She could only use her small body to hit it one after another. A little bit of morning light, despite the voice outside the door that she least wanted to hear in the early hours of the day.

She heard someone getting up in the next room, footsteps, and things being packed.

She heard one of the footsteps approaching the door, and a very gentle and familiar voice said softly: "Shirley, Shirley? Are you up? Are you still angry?"

Shirley's movement of hitting the door stopped suddenly, as if she had been sucked out of her strength, she leaned against the wooden door and pressed against the door panel with all her strength. movement.

"Xue Li, Dad and I went to buy you a cake. Today is your birthday... When we come back, you won't be angry, okay?"

"Don't go..." Shirley suddenly made a sound, at first it was just a small murmur, but soon, the muttering turned into a shout, "Don't go...don't go! Don't go! Don't go!"

She finally started crying, even though she knew it was useless, she still yelled loudly: "Don't go! Don't go out! Don't go out, fuck! Don't go out!"

However, time still moved towards the next second, as if the memory engraved in my mind could not be turned back—the footsteps outside the door were far away.

The sound of a bag being picked up, the distant and indistinct conversation of parents, the doorknob turning, opening, closing, the key turning one turn, then another half turn.

Shirley sat down slowly in the dark and began to count her heartbeat.

When the heartbeat reached the 1,200th beat, the exclamation of fire came from afar.

When the heartbeat reached the 1,600th beat, the pungent smell of smoke and choking smoke began to seep through the crack of the door.

When the heartbeat reached the 1,800th beat, the streets were already full of frantic shouts, and dazzling red light filled the windows, as if the entire city-state had been thrown into molten magma.

When the heartbeat reached the 2,000th beat, a heavy muffled sound came from the direction of the door—the door was broken, as if some giant beast was stepping in with heavy steps, approaching the locked door step by step. Room.

Then, the door of the room finally fell down——the wooden door that Shirley couldn't break through with all her strength was scattered like shredded paper.

A terrible creature appeared there, it was a huge pitch-black hound, a nightmare made of bones, shadows, smoke and hot ashes twisted together, this demon from the deep was almost impossible for a child of only six years old. It was huge, and now, its empty blood-colored eye sockets had captured the "living creatures" in the room.

Shirley calmly watched the magic dog appearing in front of her eyes.

It was a deep hound—but not yet her dog.

Not the dog with the "heart", not the dog who rummages through trash cans to find food to feed himself, not the dog who tries to tell bad jokes to amuse himself, only to end up teaching himself a bunch of bad words .

The deep hound stepped into the room.

The sound of chewing flesh and bones sounded.

Shirley was lying on the floor, feeling her limbs being swallowed by the magic dog, the heart-piercing pain filled her mind dullly and numbly after eleven years of memory curtain, she continued to count her heartbeats, Counting when Agou will become his Agou, and calculating how long he will stay here—according to past experience, a week? Or two weeks?

Her consciousness gradually became a little slack, even in this dark dream, those distant, dull and numb pains finally gradually caught up, and in the increasingly blurred vision, she suddenly saw the bed not far away Above, in the deepest darkness of the shadows, a figure appeared at some point.

That figure didn't seem to appear suddenly, he seemed to be there from the beginning to the end, from this dream, from every dream, even——Shirley didn't know why she had this amazing idea—even from It was there eleven years ago.

He was sitting there, but it was only now that she realized the existence of this figure for the first time, as if the long-standing fog suddenly broke, allowing her to see the existence behind the fog.

A faint green light appeared out of nowhere, illuminating the face of that figure, gloomy and majestic - Shirley had never seen this face before, but she had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"no offense."

The gloomy and majestic figure spoke.

(It’s time to push the book~ This time it’s from an old dog’s "My Secret Office". Acting plays multiple roles to establish a network of influence behind the scenes, so as to help oneself explore a mysterious world created by human beings after the fall of gods, and finally lead people all over the world to go to heaven together.)

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