Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 120

From judging that there might be an extraordinary power out of control in the museum, to completing self-blessing and leading the team into the fire, it only took a total of ten seconds for these storm believers belonging to the Church of the Deep Sea.

Duncan watched these people rushing towards the fire, and then the firefighters in the square began to cooperate with them in a well-trained manner. They used fire water cannons as cover, began to cool down the entrance of the museum and opened the passage, and another team quickly counted out , This team hung the emblem of the Deep Sea Church and things like amulets on the outside of the conventional protective equipment, and rushed into the museum.

The sheriffs who remained on the edge of the square took over the work of comforting and channeling the remaining citizens, and began to contact the nearby churches to receive those escapees from the fire scene who had been marked and suspected to be spiritually polluted.

Well-trained and closely coordinated, not only have they practiced countless times, but they are more like they have been in actual combat countless times.

This is the appearance of a city-state that has survived in this strange world full of supernatural phenomena and developed to prosperity—quickly distinguishing the shadow of the supernatural in disasters, and quickly suppressing it to a level that mortals can bear before the erosion breaks out To a certain extent, transcendents and ordinary people have fully received education and training in related fields, and trained these basic disposal measures to almost muscle responses-and only then can the group continue to exist.

Duncan saw all this, but didn't have much time to sigh—he checked the disgraced escapees on the edge of the square, but he didn't find Nina among them.

He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the museum.

From the burning museum, there was a somewhat familiar atmosphere.

He walked towards the museum, but just two steps away, he was stopped by a security officer: "Sir, there is danger ahead, please leave it to professionals."

Duncan glanced at the sheriff, nodded and turned to walk away.

Tangling with the officials at the scene not only wasted time, but also delayed the work of professionals. Duncan is a pragmatic person, so he simply abandoned the main entrance of the museum, quickly walked around to the other side of the square, and then hid in a shadow ——In the next second, a white pigeon flew directly across the square and plunged into a window that was emitting fire on the side of the museum.

Someone in the square saw this scene, but they only thought it was a poor pigeon that was stunned and fainted by the thick smoke and fire, and they sighed a few times and stopped paying attention.

In the museum, Duncan stepped out of the dark green flame vortex.

Smoke, flames and heat waves rushed over in an instant.

Duncan was not afraid of these things, but he could feel that the functions of his flesh and blood were being affected by the environment of the fire scene. If he just walked in like this, his soul might be fine, and this body would definitely be unusable.

But he didn't act recklessly, he knew what to do long before he rushed in.

There are flames everywhere, and flames... are very obedient things.

Duncan held his breath, a little green flame flowed quietly under his feet, and then dissipated into nothingness in the blink of an eye. In this brief contact, he had already established an invisible connection with the surrounding flames—as before in the abandoned Like the Sun Cultist assembly hall in the basement of the factory, he felt the surrender of the surrounding flames.

Even the scorching airflow in the air began to change, no longer affecting the breathing of this body.

Duncan took a deep breath and walked towards the door blocked by the flames.

"Back off."

Then the flames receded and died out behind him, revealing a hallway filled with smoke and embers.

Duncan glanced back, observed the markers on the nearby walls, and judged that the place where he "landed" should be an office on the edge of the main exhibition area, and the corridor ahead should be the passage for museum staff to pass through. At the end of the passage is the main exhibition area, and on one side there are stairs or elevators leading to other floors.

He stepped into the corridor, concentrated his energy while searching forward, and tried to find Nina's position in the museum—but to be honest, he was not sure whether he could successfully "locate" her.

Because this is the first time he has done this kind of thing... Although his current perception is beyond ordinary people, and the goat head also said that "the captain's intuition is the most accurate pointing", but this kind of high-end ability to perceive someone's breath from a long distance Operation is still quite an unfamiliar field for him, even a skill that he has only seen in stories.

The reason why he is trying this now is because for a moment when he was in the square, he vaguely sensed a familiar atmosphere in the museum, which gave him the idea to give it a try.

Duncan walked forward in the corridor like this, the surrounding flames retreated and extinguished one after another, and he still couldn't perceive where Nina was, but suddenly, he sensed something else.


Duncan murmured suspiciously, and turned his gaze to the direction from which the perception came—not far ahead, on the floor below the stairs, a "imprint" that became clearer and clearer in his perception was beating slightly.

The owner of the imprint seems to be alive and kicking.

Duncan only hesitated for a moment, then quickly ran towards the direction he perceived. He passed through the constantly retreating and extinguishing flames, and ran down the fragile and loose stairs. At the same time, he extended his control over the flames as much as possible. Suppressing the fire of the entire building under the limit that this body can bear, and that "imprint" became more and more vivid in his mind. In the end, he even began to faintly hear the "imprint" from that imprint. sound"--

"...Hands? Hey, these are minor injuries on my hands. It will be fine in three or two days...

"That is, I have always been very strong...

"Don't worry, the door is blocked, smoke can't come in for the time being... You are so smart, you actually know that there is a water room here... Um, did you read the road map in advance? The teacher taught it in class? Safety education... Er ...I may not have listened carefully, ahaha...

"You said you saw a dog just now? You must have misread it. Where did the dog come from in this place, ahaha..."

"...What about the fainted one over here? You don't know? least he's still's okay, we can be rescued..."

I heard it right, it was Shirley's voice.

Duncan recognized that imprint, which was a little "flame" he had left on Shirley's body not long ago, and the voice of the other party was passing into his mind through the imprint.

The momentary familiarity he felt in the square seemed to be brought about by this imprint—he didn't take the initiative to contact this imprint, but passively perceived its existence because the distance was too close.

This "imprint" is the first time Duncan has released it on his own initiative, so there are still many features he is not familiar with, but now it seems that the connection between the spirit body fire is more useful than he imagined.

While feeling a little emotional in his heart, he also had a trace of doubt:

Shirley was talking to someone else, who sounded like her friend... who was she with?


The closed water room has become a temporary refuge. The narrow and claustrophobic space blocks the approaching disaster outside. There is still the sound of rushing water in the sink not far away. Being the only light source here, Nina carefully curled up beside the pool, almost able to count her own heartbeat.

Very hasty.

Her new friend, the girl named Shirley was checking the sealing of the doors and windows. The other person's hands were burned by the flames, but she was still busy as if nothing happened, and there was still a woman lying on the ground not far away. Lady——Nina didn't know this lady, but she saw her being knocked unconscious by a falling brick on the way to escape in a daze, so she and Shirley dragged this lady into this place.

Judging from her attire, this lady is obviously not a poor person in the lower city like herself, but a decent lady living in the upper city... Unfortunately, in the face of disaster, there is no difference between a decent person and a poor person in the lower city.

The sound of water in the sink suddenly weakened and gradually stopped.

"...The main water pump is shut down," Nina said suddenly after listening to the surrounding voices, "The fire is huge."

The "new friend" who was a head shorter than her came over and knelt down in front of her, his eyes level in the darkness.

"Are you scared?" Shirley asked in a low voice.

"I'm afraid of fire..." Nina hugged her legs tightly, her voice trembling, "I'm very afraid of fire."

"...Actually, I'm also quite afraid," Shirley was silent for two seconds, "Well, I'm most afraid—I'm most afraid of fire..."

"I can't tell at all," Nina shook her head, "You just went on a rampage."

"Because I was afraid, so I went on the rampage," Shirley sat down carelessly, "Because I was too scared, so once I stopped, I would never dare to rush up again... But it's okay now, we are both fucking trapped in the Here, there is nowhere to run, so we can only wait like two idiots."

Nina touched Shirley's arm in the dark, and suddenly found that she was also trembling.

The other party was really scared too.

"You swear," Nina said in a low voice, "I were a well-educated and good student."

"It's about this time, don't pretend to be shit, I'm like this," Shirley said, with a bright smile on her smoky face, "and...forget it."

She seemed to want to say something to Nina, but in the end she swallowed it back. Then she looked back at the door and asked, "Hurry up and analyze with your good brain, how long can we live here?"

Nina looked up and said, "I...don't know, but as long as the smoke can be blocked, it's safe for the time being. This room is very strong, and it's at the corner of the stairs, so it shouldn't collapse in a while."

Shirley let out a casual oh, and then she hesitated for a moment before slowly speaking again: "By the way, I said... If, I said if, I have a way to take us out, but the way may be more scary , do you... want to try?"

"A way?" Nina looked at the other party in confusion, "What way?"

"That's right..." Shirley stood up, but suddenly sat back down again, "Ah, forget it, just wait, it's not time yet, it's not time yet..."

Nina: "...?"

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