death train

Chapter 81

The blade brake released the bowstring, and the arrow went down through the roof.

However, at the moment when the penetrating arrow pierced the roof, the red shadow flashed fiercely and avoided ahead of time. The penetrating arrow was nailed to the ground.

"Well?" Ye Cha's eyes peeped out the color of surprise and said: "does this guy have similar props?"

That arrow, in fact, should not be called to avoid, because the other side was completely in the moment when ye Cha loosened the string, and dodged ahead of time, as if he knew Ye Cha was going to shoot an arrow.

At the same time, the red shadow dodged through the arrow and immediately raised his hand to shoot at the roof.

Bang, bang, Bang

Gunfire, leaf brake quickly run, and then a roll, fell to the back of the house.

"Hoo." Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "did not expect, so soon met the master."

A moment later, ye Cha got up again, moved slowly against the wall, and observed the red shadow.

The red shadow now retreated to the edge of the corner, and seemed to be on guard.

Ye Cha tries to aim at each other with a bow, but the red shadow doesn't move.

Ye Cha frowned. This guy could avoid the arrow in advance. It seems that he has props similar to Xingyao goggles, which can determine his position.

However, when the other side was shooting towards the roof, he didn't exactly shoot Ye Cha's running route. Now he raised his bow to aim, and the other side didn't respond. He didn't seem to know his position.

Ye Cha hesitated for a moment, then released the bowstring.

Through the arrow again shot through the wall, toward each other.

The red shadow moved quickly when the arrow penetrated the wall. Even so, the position of the shoulder was wiped by the arrow, which directly brought out a bloodstain, and the bright red blood immediately flowed out.

Ye Cha's doubt is more intense. This guy can predict his attack in advance, but he doesn't know his direction. What the hell is going on?

Ye Cha is doubting, then suddenly looks to the wall, fiercely understands.

"I see!" Ye Cha eyes a bright way: "is footstep voice!"

The house is made of wood. There are wooden steps at the front door, corridors on both sides of the door, and the roof is also made of wood. When you step on it, it will creak. When the other party listens to the sound, they can roughly identify where they are.

However, when you are still, you can't determine your position for convenience.

In that case, ye Cha didn't hesitate. He immediately raised his bow to catch the arrow and shot another arrow into the room.


Through the arrow shot through the wall, straight to the other side, a direct nail through the red shadow's left arm.

The red shadow rushed to the ground quickly, and then ran forward, intending to rush out of the door.

The leaf Cha Leng hums a way: "how can let you so easily escape."

Ye Cha once grabbed three arrows and ran after Hong Ying. At the same time, he buckled the bow string continuously, but the three arrows pierced the wall and shot at each other.

Unfortunately, the other side is obviously experienced, even around the S shape, at the same time, keep standing straight body with low body, so that ye Cha can't take good aim, three arrows all failed.

The next moment, the red shadow directly turned over and jumped out of the gate, and the leaf brake also ran out of the side lane.

Two people finally meet, four eyes opposite.

A little Leng, the leaf Cha laughs a way: "originally is you."

Ye Cha knew each other, because he was also a human in car 7.

At the same time, ye Cha had a deep impression on the man in front of him.

Ye Cha initially boarded the death train. When he entered the death train, two men and a woman were already in car 7, and the man was one of them.

In his twenties, he was wearing a simple white sportswear, but there was no trace of ash or zombie blood on the sportswear.

At that time, yecha knew that this guy was either lucky enough to be envied by the goddess of luck, or very strong, very strong.

Now it can be proved that the man in front of us belongs to the latter.

Ye Cha tilted his head and said, "I remember, you seem to be called Bai Ziling?"

Ye Cha vaguely heard that someone in the car seemed to call the man in front of him by this name.

Bai Ziling looked at the eye leaf brake and the arrow inserted on his shoulder. He twisted the arrow, pulled it out and threw it to the ground.

"I knew you were a dangerous guy from the first sight." Bai Ziling looked at Ye Cha and said, "because the feeling you give me is different from other people."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "you are different from those wastes."

"Thank you for your compliment." "It's a pity that we are doomed to die at the moment..." Bai Ziling said

Before Bai Ziling's voice fell, he suddenly shook his hand forward, and two half palm sized throwing knives flew out of Bai Ziling's hands.

This attack is very abrupt, Bai Ziling uses the conversation to attract Ye Cha's attention, suddenly launches the attack.At a distance of seven or eight meters, two throwing knives arrived in a flash. Fortunately, ye Cha's non-human quality made his reaction ability frightening. Before the flying knife came, ye Cha instinctively turned his body back.

Even so, ye Cha was not able to avoid both of them.


A flying knife flew out against the front door of the leaf brake, nailed to the wall behind, and the other one was nailed to the shoulder of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha groaned and fell to the ground, then a carp turned over from the ground.

At the moment of turning over, ye Cha pulled out the silver thorn from the holster and pulled the trigger towards Bai Ziling.

Bang, bang, Bang

Gunfire, white son Ling quickly toward the side of the run, quickly hiding in the alley between the two wooden houses.

Ye Cha couldn't care about the pain of his shoulder, so he immediately chased forward, stepped on the wall, jumped on the roof, and then stepped on the roof to catch up with the back of the house.

But no one!

Ye Cha was stunned. He went over the wall and onto the roof to catch up with each other faster, but no one was there right now? Can Bai Ziling run so fast?

No, it can't be!

Ye Cha doesn't think that Bai Ziling's speed can be so fast. Then, there is only one answer. That guy is still in the alley.

Ye Cha immediately ran to the side of the alley. As a result, just as he looked up, he saw Bai Ziling suddenly jump up, directly grabbed Ye Cha's ankle and pulled him down from the roof.


Ye Cha fell straight on the ground. Before he had time to cry for pain, Bai Ziling jumped on him. First he kicked the silver gun in Ye Cha's hand, and then he hit Ye Cha fiercely.

Ye Cha's head on one side, raised his arm to block Bai Ziling's fist, then hit him with a knee and pushed him to his waist to open Bai Ziling.

The next moment, the leaf brake turned over, two people at the same time toward each other, directly into the melee.

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