death train

Chapter 79

Sure enough, the leaf Cha is thinking, that mysterious voice then suddenly rings out.

"The rules of death carriage war are announced as follows:

" the fighting area is limited to cherry blossom city. Every 12 hours, a restricted area will appear. Those who enter the restricted area for 30 minutes and do not leave will die naturally. "

"Every time you kill a person, you will get a random item carried by the other person."

When ye Cha saw this rule, he laughed.

The proprietress gave Ye Cha a proper reminder, but it was mainly to remind him of the reward after he survived the death carriage battle, because the proprietress could not disclose the rules to Ye cha.

However, even the landlady didn't know that ye Cha was alive again.

Therefore, after being reminded by the boss, ye Cha immediately thought of this rule, and the intention of this rule is actually very sinister, that is to force people to fight, because the more people you kill, the more things you get.

In fact, the death of the car started some inexplicable.

It's just two death train platforms. How many people can have good things on them? Therefore, this rule is actually weakened.

Of course, it doesn't mean that this rule is no longer tempting. Ye Cha is now looking forward to having a few guys who don't have long eyes find him. Even if the things he gets after death are rotten, a little makes a lot. It's still a windfall to take back the dining car and sell it.

"Every three hours, everyone will refresh their positions, and then extract the positions of three players for announcement."

"Every six hours, a material box will be put in. The items in the material box include: food, water, weapons, equipment, props (only for the use of the death carriage battle)

"Finally, I wish you all the best. Goodbye."

The last two rules still seem to promote fighting. Refresh the position means to select three unlucky guys and announce their position, which is the same as telling others to kill them.

Then there is the material box, which is also very insidious. Of course, the things in the material box are very useful, but the location is open, which means that if you want to get the material box, you have to fight first.

After listening to the rules, ye Cha twisted his neck and began to walk along the street.

About five minutes, ye Cha saw a group of zombies wandering in the street.

This is not stated in the rules, but in fact Ye Cha knows that there is no correlation between death carriage war and zombie war.

No, it's not totally irrelevant. After all, being killed by a zombie is out.

Ye Cha directly pulled out the silver thorns.

"Just try the power!"

Ye Cha raised his hand and pulled the trigger toward a zombie.

Silver thorn's double gun, the left gun is equipped with a magic bullet, which has an additional effect on zombies, and the right gun is a silver bullet, which has an enhanced effect on any creature. Or, in fact, it can be understood that it is used to kill people.


The gunshot shot shot forward and hit a zombie in the chest.

The next moment, in Ye Cha's stunned expression, the chest position of the zombie exploded directly, and the body instantly became two pieces.

"This power..." Ye Cha murmured: "it's terrible."

The weakness of zombies is the head and neck, but it is obvious that even if the silver thorn hits other parts, it can also die because of its great power.

After all, the body is broken and can't move even if it doesn't die.

Ye Cha replaced the right gun and pulled the trigger toward another zombie. The silver bullet flew out and hit the Zombie's chest.

This time, the power of the bullet was not so terrible. It just shot a fist sized blood hole in the Zombie's chest, and the zombie still sprang towards Ye cha.

Ye Cha shot again. This time, he hit the head and directly blew the Zombie's head.

The power improvement of silver bullet is not as terrible as that of magic bullet, which is not unexpected by Ye cha. After all, magic bullet only aims at zombies, and hitting people is the effect of ordinary bullets, while silver bullet is improved in all directions.

In general, ye Cha is quite satisfied with the silver thorns. The original two pistols are ordinary guns. Apart from dealing with ordinary zombies, they are useless in the face of variant zombies. Ye Cha has been dissatisfied with them. Now this problem has been solved.

At this time, the previous gunfire also attracted other zombies, one after another hobbled toward the leaf brake.

Ye Cha doesn't talk nonsense either. He shoots the zombies with two guns and kills them all.

After solving the group of zombies, ye Cha suddenly looked at the side of the room and said: "my bullets have been finished, you can come out."

The leaves are silent.

Ye Cha sneered: "don't you wait for this opportunity here? If I don't come out again, I'll reload. "

This time, when the sound of the leaf brake fell, three men came out of the wooden house on the side. They came to the front and back of the leaf brake's heel and immediately formed a triangular formation, and surrounded the leaf brake in the center."Boy, blame your bad luck." One of them sneered and said, "I'll make a good start with you."

As he spoke, the man drew out his knife. It seemed that he was not fully prepared to kill. He hesitated. However, it was only a moment's effort. He quickly stepped forward and chopped towards Ye cha.

This is the end of the world, or they live, or others live, if killing can let themselves live, most people will not hesitate.

The next moment, the blade fell.

The man soon found that he didn't cut anything, and even, because of inertia, he took two steps forward.

Three people are stunned, what about ye Cha's people?

At this time, ye Cha's voice suddenly rang out: "are you looking for me?"

Hearing the sound and looking at it, he saw the leaf brake leaning against the wall of the room beside the leaf brake and looking at the three people around his arms.

No one knows how the blade brake came to that position!

This is the horror of physical fitness strengthening beyond 5 points and entering the non-human stage.

"Don't you think about the reason why I know you're hiding and running out of bullets?" Ye Cha raised a sneer and said, "it's a waste of bullets to kill you with bullets."

Ye Cha's figure suddenly flashed, almost instantly stepped forward three or four meters, and came directly to the person who had planned to kill Ye cha.

That person immediately frightens of jump, instinctive raise a knife to toward the leaf Cha again to wave to chop down.

Ye SHIMENG's short body, a clasp each other's wrist, is a record of a shoulder fall, will be hit to the ground, then reverse twist each other's arm, force into each other's chest.


A dull sound, with the knife inserted into each other's chest, each other's pupil will continue to shrink, mouth bleeding, chest clothes are red.

"If you want to kill, you must have the consciousness of being killed." Ye Cha said: "this is fair, isn't it?"

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