death train

Chapter 47

Think of here, leaf Cha which still have hesitation, immediately muzzle down, toward the son of the night shooting.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

In the dark night, the sound of the shooting of the AUG rifle is particularly vivid, full of a strong sense of rhythm, breaking the silence of the night.

The son of the night suddenly screamed, his body sank, and his nails scratched a sharp claw mark on the crane.

However, just a short pause, the son of the night immediately began to climb up.

In the process of climbing, it's very easy to shoot at the head of the night's son. As long as you aim the gun downward, it's the head of the night's son.

Moreover, because of the star shining goggles, the dark night did not bring any influence to the leaf brake. Although it was impossible to see everything as clearly as in the daytime, it was very easy to clearly lock the position of the son of the night.

However, ye Cha soon found that it was impossible to go on like this.

Because the power of Aug is not enough to penetrate the head of the night's son, it can only damage the surface of the skin. The scales on the night's son make the night's son have quite good defense.

You can't kill the son of the night if you can't hit him in the head.


Ye Cha immediately threw the AUG rifle aside, then took off the Black Hawk composite bow from behind, pulled out a penetrating arrow, and quickly buckled the bowstring.


The sound of breaking the air suddenly rang out, and the arrows swept down.

The hexagonal silver arrow is especially bright at night.

However, the speed of the night's son is extremely fast. He crawls around the crane, making an S-shaped route. The arrow passes through the head of the night's son, and then it is nailed into the shoulder of the night's son.

A dull sound, like a rag tearing, ran through the arrows, directly shot through the shoulder blades of the son of the night, bringing out a blood arrow, and the smell of stench in the air.

"Damn it

Ye Cha couldn't help scolding. Although it caused damage to the son of the night, ye Cha knew that this degree of damage was of little significance to the zombie.

Sure enough, the body of the night's son only stayed for a moment, and then frantically began to climb up.

Ye Cha quickly drew the arrow, but this time, it was replaced by an explosive arrow.

The arrow of the explosion arrow is especially huge, three or four times of that of the ordinary arrow, because it is hollow, loaded with gunpowder, and has an impact ignition device.

The leaf brake drew full bowstring again, after aiming slightly, then shot toward the bottom.

The son of the night is very clever. He turns his body coldly, and then avoids the explosive arrow.

However, what ye Cha aimed at was not the son of the night.


The explosion arrow hit the crane directly, and the whole arrow penetrated at least a third.

The next moment


There was a huge roar, and then the blazing fire burst out, and the rolling heat wave pushed all around.

The fire submerged the body of the night Son, and then the overlapping waves hit the night Son, just like a heavy hammer hit the night son.

The son of the night is soon lifted out by the waves, and the leaf brake can't help squeezing his fist.

But ye Cha was too happy.

Night's son's body was writhing in the air, but suddenly he stretched out his right hand. His right hand, like a claw, caught the guardrail of the stairs. Then night's son jumped up the stairs, ran up the stairs and continued to rush towards the crane.

Ye Cha took out his arrow again and shot at the son of the night.

Through the arrow again broke through the air, this time through the night son's leg tribe to the bottom, but this is still not a fatal injury.


The next moment, the son of the night jumped onto the top of the crane, roared angrily, and with a wave of his arm, he smashed the middle brake's chest.


Ye Cha's body flew back like a shell, smashed on the guardrail, and his bow and arrow fell to one side.

"Cough, cough..."

Ye Cha coughs and spits out two mouthfuls of blood. Looking at the son of the night rushing towards him again, ye Cha pulls out his pistol and shoots at the son of the night.

Bang, bang, Bang

The two guns fired continuously, hitting the body of the night's son, pushing the night's son back slightly, but that's all. The bullet of the pistol is limited after all.

When ye Cha stops firing, the son of the night shakes his body and approaches.

Yecha pulled out the Alaska whaling fork and said: "we should only live one, but I believe that person must be me."


The son of the night roared again and made a forward impact.

Yecha's shoulder sank, and he collided with the son of the night. Then he fell and rolled, and the Alaska whaling fork stabbed into the son of the night's neck.


A blood arrow flew out and fell all over the ground with a stench."Die for me!"

Ye Cha grabs the handle of the Alaska whaling fork and tries to cut the neck of Ye Zhi's son. At this time, ye Zhi's son raises his head and slams Ye Cha's head, overturning Ye cha.


The son of the night roars and slaps the guardrail on the middle side with a fierce claw. The guardrail breaks and flies towards the leaf brake.

The leaf brake waved the guard rail away, and then he met the son of the night.

With a bang, the son of the night bumped the leaf brake into the outer wall of the crane control room against the chest of the leaf brake.


With a low roar, ye Cha held the Alaska whaling fork and stabbed at the back of the son of the night continuously, bringing out blood flowers one by one.


Night's son's claw sweeps, then on the leaf Cha's shoulder, tears open a startling wound.

The leaf Cha draws out the mouth cool air, feeling the sharp pain on the shoulder, the heart not from cool half.

Ye Cha doesn't care about the injury or the pain, but the problem is that as long as he is bitten by a zombie, he will be infected and eventually become a zombie.

Injury is death.

However, when ye Cha was feeling desperate, the wound began to heal quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye, and the flesh and blood scraped off by the claws grew out again.

The blood did not turn black and blue, and there was no smell of putrefaction. There was no response from his body, and he did not encounter the invasion of the virus.

Ye Cha was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the Alaska whaling fork.

Ye Cha immediately sounded the special effect of Alaska whaling fork!

Special effect: when the target is injured, the blood sucking effect will be triggered to quickly heal the injury. In the non injured state, after the blood sucking effect is triggered, the physical strength can be quickly restored.

"The original cure of injury also includes the cure of virus?"

Ye Cha's face showed a happy color, which means that he will not be infected by the virus.



The son of the night collided again, pushing the leaf brake against the outer wall of the cab.

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