death train

Chapter 41

Bang, bang, Bang

The door was knocked continuously, and a rough voice came into the room and said, "Hey, be conscious, open the door for me, or don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth, then fiercely lifted his Aug rifle.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

Ye Cha pulls the trigger towards the door, which is a round of crazy shooting.

A fat woman covering her ears is a scream.

A moment later, the blade brake emptied the magazine, loaded a new magazine and kicked the door open.

Looking at the body that fell on the ground and had been beaten into a beehive, ye Cha said with a smile: "I really want to know how you are rude to me. Unfortunately, you have no chance."


At this time, the gunshot suddenly rang out, and the door frame beside the leaf brake was broken.

Ye suddenly remembered that there was another robber. He immediately took up the muzzle of his gun and shot at the other side of the corridor without hesitation. The robber ran away.

"Granny." Leaf Cha side strafe, side way: "take a small gun to open fire with me?"? Come out, there's seed to come out! "

The robber fled into a room and closed the door. The identity of the robber and the tenant seemed to change all at once.

However, at the moment when the door was closed, ye Cha had already rushed to the door with an arrow. Raising his leg was a kick, which directly kicked the door.

That robber Leng Leng, although it is a wooden door, but not ordinary people can kick it down!

Just like that, ye Cha had smashed the butt of his gun. The robber screamed and fell to the ground. Ye Cha kicked the pistol he was holding and pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The AUG rifle opened fire and made three blood holes in the opponent's chest. One of the bullets directly penetrated the heart and killed the robber on the spot.

At this time, the sound of footsteps sounded, and ye Cha remembered that there were more robbers downstairs. He immediately knew that other robbers had heard the news and ran up to the third floor.

Leaf brake quickly pasted to the wall beside the door, listening to the footsteps.

The robbers on the third floor, obviously unknown, obviously very careful, crept along the corridor forward.

Ye Cha looked down at the door, then a right foot suddenly stepped out.

Ye Cha immediately flashed out of the room, hit a gun butt on the face of a robber by the door, broke the other party's nose, and staggered back.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The next moment, ye Cha pulls the trigger and shoots forward.

The corridor is only two meters wide. It's crowded for both of them to stand side by side, let alone a place to dodge and escape.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two robbers who went to the third floor were hit by bullets and could not die any more. They were bleeding all over, and then fell to the ground.

But it's still not the end.

Ye Cha sweeps all the bullets of the AUG rifle, but at this moment, a robber sticks out his head from the direction of the stairs, looks at the corpse on the ground, is shocked, raises his gun and shoots at Ye cha.

The leaf Cha is also Leng for a while, unexpectedly still have a person?

Bang, bang!

The next moment, the gun suddenly rang out, and the leaf brake is quickly toward the side of a fish jump, hiding in the room, and then pull out the pistol, only stick out the arm, toward the direction of the stairs shooting.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, Bang

The leaf brake continuously pulled the trigger, the handrail of the stairs was broken, spattered countless sawdust, the robber quickly shrunk his head.

Ye Cha emptied the pistol, then put the pistol back into his waist, and quickly filled the magazine of the AUG rifle.

After loading, ye Cha darted out of the door, shooting and said: "come out, roll out, don't you want money? Come on! Come and grab me, come and get the gun

The sawdust was splashed by Ye Cha, but the robber didn't dare to head up. He cursed bitterly in his heart, waiting for ye Cha to finish the bullet.

Ye Cha wanted to throw the red flame bomb directly to ensure that the person who blew it would die no more, and even the whole body would not be left.

It's just that it's a waste to use the red flame bomb on this kind of miscellaneous fish. Therefore, it's just that ye Cha moves forward while sweeping and controls the frequency. When the bullets are sweeping, ye Cha just reaches the edge of the stairs.

The robber stopped at the sound of the gun and ran out immediately. As a result, he directly met Ye Cha's foot.

Ye Cha almost pinches the other party's head, and the moment is a foot, putting people directly down the stairs.

The robber rolled down the stairs and suddenly fell into the air.

At the same time, before the robber reacted, ye Cha pulled out another pistol again and knocked out the robber's head.

However, just after another robber was killed here, another head came out of the stairs on the second floor, and then an M4 rifle came out.And the robbers!

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly!

The M4 rifle opened fire, and ye Cha quickly drew his head back.

"Is it over or not?" Ye Cha scolded: "how many people are there?"

The leaf brake sits on the ground with its back against the wall, quickly changes the magazine, and then points out the muzzle of the gun from the gap of the stairs and shoots down.

This time, however, the robber retracted his head, and the two men went up and down, temporarily falling into a deadlock.

Maybe there was no movement for a moment. The fat woman leaned out her head from the room and looked around. Ye Cha quickly made a no sound gesture towards her and said in a low voice: "how many people are there in the end?"

The fat woman made a "6" gesture.

"That is to say, the next one is the last one?"

The leaf Cha murmurs, licked to lick the corner of the mouth, in the eye flash a silk fierce sex.

Ye Cha takes out Xingyao goggles from his backpack and puts them on.

The goggles are light blue. Ye Cha looks down. Through the floor, you can see a red figure flashing below. It's the robber.

Ye Cha took a deep breath. It's not a way to be so stiff. If you don't want to waste the red flame bomb to kill that guy, you can only waste some other things.

As ye Cha thought, he took off the shadow bow, took out the arrow bag from his backpack, hung it on his waist, and drew out a penetrating arrow.

In fact, if the position of the opponent is determined, the bullet can also penetrate the floor. However, if the bullet hits the key, it is difficult to kill the person.

Relatively speaking, it is natural that the through arrow is more secure.

The bowstring of the Black Hawk composite bow was soon pulled into a full moon, and the next moment, ye Cha's fingers clasping the bowstring suddenly loosened.

The penetrating arrow suddenly flew out to the floor, directly penetrated the floor and nailed the red figure.

Below the stairs came a scream, and then the red figure fell to the ground.

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