death train

Chapter 33

Gao Wen takes the lead to walk along the passage, constantly commanding Wu Liangren and Qin Yu, and the three form a triangle formation.

It has to be said that when the end comes, continuous fighting is the easiest way to make people grow up.

Not long ago, the three of them were just office workers with different jobs, working nine to five. Now, they not only learn how to use guns, but also know how to cooperate with each other in shooting.

After killing the zombies in a passage again, Gao Wen takes the lead to the end of the passage and looks out of the passage with his vigilant probe.

But at this time, behind the passage, there was a clear sound of footsteps.

Wu Liangren pointed his gun at the rear with his finger on the trigger.

"Don't shoot!" Ganlin immediately cried out, "it's me, it's me."

Qin Yu glared and said in surprise, "how did you come back?"

Gan Lin said: "there is a pipe under the iron bridge, which can barely climb in. The zombies can't crawl at all. I used the pipe to get out."

"Good luck." Gao Wen turned back and said with an embarrassed smile, "Gan Lin, you have to understand that we can't help it. We've tried to save you, but we can't, and we can't help it, right?"

Gan Lin resisted the impulse to swear and turned her lips.

Gao Wen continued: "I'm also for everyone's good. Since I can't save you, in order to continue to deal with the zombies behind, I always have to save bullets. Otherwise, how can I fight with the zombies with my bare hands?"

Gan Lin said, "I didn't say anything. Now that I'm back, is the team still me?"

Gao Wen said: "count, of course."

Gan Lin said with a slight irony: "don't you think I'm in trouble?"

Gao Wen said with a dry smile: "at that time, I was angry. Don't take it seriously."

Gan Lin nodded her head. She didn't intend to argue with Gao Wen. She directly reached out and said, "the pistol has fallen under the iron bridge. Give me a gun and a bullet, and I will prove myself useful."

Gao Wen shook his head and said, "there aren't many guns. Let's open the way. As a girl, you should take care of her. I was really angry just now."

Ganlin heart cool half, because, ye Cha said right.

Gan Lin knows that there are more guns in Gao Wen's hand. They found them together in a gun shop. Gan Lin at least knows how many guns she brought out.

There is no rifle, but there is definitely a pistol, and there is more than one. It's in Gawain's backpack.

But Gawain won't give it!

As ye Cha said, even if Gan Lin survives and comes back to the team, Gao Wen will not believe her, because he once abandoned Gan Lin, but he will reject Gan Lin even more. God knows if Gan Lin will retaliate and give him a shot in the back.

Gan Lin doesn't say much. If she doesn't give, she won't give. It's not good for her to argue and turn over at this time.

Gan Lin said, "thank you. Go on."

Gawain nodded and continued to walk out of the passage.

Outside the passage is a new passage, but there are six more glass windows on both sides. Behind each glass window is a workshop for the research and development of drugs.

It is not surprising that there have been many such workshops before.

Gao Wen said: "I'll go to the left with my lover, and Qin Yu and Gan Lin will go to the right to search and see if there is any gold gene medicine."

Qin Yu nodded, reached out and pushed away a workshop on the right, then went in with a gun to see if there was a zombie, and then looked for the golden gene medicine.

Gan Lin came to Qin Yu and said, "if we want to go back to the death train, at least one person has to have a bottle of gold gene medicine, right?"

Qin Yu looked at Gan Lin doubtfully and said, "yes, how?"

Gan Lin said: "Gao Wen has never mentioned this question. If we find the golden gene medicine, who should take it?"

Qin Yu frowned and looked at Gan Lin with more vigilance.

Gan Lin said: "I know, the quantity is not enough, I certainly have no share. As a woman, I rely on your protection. Why give it to me first? Unless you can get the fourth bottle, but are you willing to let Gao Wen take it first? "

"Qin Yu said:" he led the team, to take first, there is nothing wrong

Gan Lin sneered and said: "he just plays with his mouth. Everyone is trying their best. When we go to the gun shop, who killed the mutant zombie? It's Wu Liangren. Who found our food and water? It's you! Why should he take it first? "

Qin Yu is said to be a little shaken. Yes, everyone is playing with his life. Why should Gao Wen take the golden gene medicine first?

You know, this golden gene medicine is half guarantee of survival. As long as you can run back to the death train, it means safety.

Gan Lin instigated after, and youyou way: "I hope everyone is happy, find more gold gene medicament, everyone has a share, then I worry this is useless, but if the quantity is not enough, Gao Wen must take away, I think it's time to talk about it."

Qin Yu said: "also, what's the meaning of saying these at the moment? Let's wait until we find the golden gene medicament. Don't have it in this place. That's bad luck."When they talked, they had already searched the workshop, but they got nothing.

Back in the corridor, Gao Wen and Wu Liangren come out from the other side, shaking their heads. Obviously, they have nothing to gain.

"Go on," he said

After passing through the passage and destroying the iron gate at the other end of the passage again, Gao Wen's eyes suddenly brightened.

Because this is not a workshop, but a warehouse.

There are a lot of containers in the warehouse. Unfortunately, most of them have collapsed and all the medicine bottles on them have been smashed. Although several containers have not collapsed, all the medicine bottles on them are broken.

"This container is filled with gold gene medicament." Wu Liangren suddenly yelled, then scolded: "how all broken, how can not leave a bottle."

There was a label on the container, which was indeed a gold gene medicine. However, none of the bottles were intact, which broke people's hearts.

Gan Lin's eyes brightened and she thought of what ye Cha had said to herself. She searched the second row of collapsed golden gene pharmacy containers.

Ganlin came to the back of the container of the golden gene medicine.

The second row of containers in the rear also fell, hitting the container in front. After Gan Lin pushed the container away, there were countless glass dregs under it, and the medicine inside was also broken.

No, it's not all broken!

There is a bottle of medicine fell on the ground, but not broken, but complete, flowing with golden liquid medicine.

Gold gene potion!

Gan Lin hurried forward and grasped the bottle of gold medicine in her hand.

"Give it to me!"

At this time, Gao Wen's voice suddenly rang out. Just as Gan Lin picked up the golden gene medicine, he just passed by.

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