Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 580 - 556: Night Demoness

Deep in the night, the two moons illuminated the city underneath it, suddenly a shadow dashed through the tall buildings' rooftops like an agile monkey. This shadow continued to run for another ten minutes before stopping as though the shadow had arrived at its destination. Then the shadow jumped down, before falling into the ground, a green light appeared the shadow feet to reduce its fall. The shadow safely landed on the ground.

Looking left and right, Sakuya let out a sigh before walking toward a certain direction; normally, after having such intense activity, she should be resting; however, Sakuya was not in the mood to do so, because of her personality she needed an outlet to let everything out as she suffered under Alex, instead of being the one that dominated Alex she got dominated, it could be said that she submitted. So, Sakuya decided to sneak out to relieve her frustrations as she felt like she would blow up if nothing were done.

After wandering for five minutes, Sakuya finally encountered her first guinea pig. It was a skinny man trying to have his way with a frightening girl; he was too focused on what he was about to do that he didn't notice Sakuya's arrival at all.

The frightened girl stopped shaking, her eyes stared past the man, she noticed Sakuya dressed in all black, she was confused, but soon her confusion changed into fear as Sakuya released a bit of killing intent freezing the man who was about to slap the girl.

''Leave" It was only what Sakuya said, and the girl immediately ran away, not wanting anything to do with this dangerous person even if she saved her.

Sakuya didn't bother with the girl; she grinned and disappeared to reappear before the frozen man; although he was frozen, he could still move his mouth.

''Y-You, who are you?''

Sakuya didn't respond; the man's eyes trembled, but he still decided to continue.

''I'm He-"

''No need for me to know who you are.'' Sakuya mercilessly cut off the man before pointing out her finger at the man's head; the latter face paled; he got nothing but an ominous feeling, so he desperately shouted.

''S-Stop, what are you trying to do?"

Sakuya's lips curved into a malicious smile, and she answered rather nonchalantly.

''Aren't you about to find out?"

Before the man could utter another word, Sakuya moved.

[Seven Steps of Phantasmal Chaos- Hypnosis]

Her figure blurred before her finger stuck the man's head from which a purple light shot out.

Suddenly, the man's body stiffened after the purple light entered his before something odd happened.

The skinny man went on all four and started barking as if he had turned into a dog.

''Woof~ Woof~."

The cruel smile on Sakuya face deepened as she murmured.

''Good, Kaguya is sure nasty to develop such vile skill, but I like it.''

To Sakuya's rude words, Kaguya chose not to comment; it doesn't matter if she commented anyway; Sakuya's eyes zeroed into the skinny man who had somehow transformed into a dog who kept barking.

''Good dog!" Sakuya commented, looking at the skinny man wriggling his butt to act wagging his non-existent tail.

''Jump, Roll, Lie down!"

Sakuya decided to test out how far her skill worked; the skinny man under Sakuya's hypnosis executed all orders given to him; he even peed like a dog upon receiving the command. What was truly vicious about Sakuya skill was that the victim is fully aware of what he did, and once the hypnosis was undone, he would remember them, and they would hunt him down forever.

With a nasty grin, Sakuya ordered, ''Come, my loyal dog, come clean my feet, will you?"


The skinny man moved on all four and arrived before Sakuya feet, his tongue lolled out, and saliva dripped out; he lowered his mouth to start licking her master's feet when suddenly she stopped him.

''Stop it!"

The skinny man stopped and titled his head in confusion. Sakuya paid him no heed as she thought of something which made her blood boil, unconsciously her desire leaked out.

''I shouldn't be you doing this but my dear Alex. Fufufu! One I will make him do it, I'll polish this skill until it becomes suitable for my sweet darling Alex, fufufu.'' Sakuya laughed hard.

Kaguya, in her dimension, was left speechless az; she had never expected her host to be so twisted, she was hell-bent on making Alex prostrate before her, but Kaguya was sure that Alex would never give in as he was not the type to enjoy such play.

'Hehehe! It will be fun to watch those two. One will is firm and unshakable, while the other is stubborn, hell-bent on having things her way. Fufufu! This will serve past as entertainment to kill time.' Kaguya mumbled as she closed her eyes, resting her head against her Kodachi. As a being with an almost limitless lifespan, she had few entertainments to help her enjoy her loneliness, so Sakuya's antics sometimes help her kill her boredom, so seeing her determination to make Alex submit, knowing well that the chance that this was to happen was less than 0.01 percent couldn't help but make Kaguya filled with anticipation about how Sakuya planned to defy this unbreakable wall.

'I'm looking forward to it.' Kaguya mumbled and decided to cut her consciousness and focus on meditation.

Outside, Sakuya lost in her illusionary world where Alex could be seen groveling on the ground dressed in something that wasn't good for one mental health to describe fully, Sakuya dressed in full leather underwear was behind him, striking him using a thorny leather whip, every time this whip touched Alex's back he would cry, but the pleasure mixed in this cry couldn't be hidden, even some part of him would stand the more whip he received.

''Fufufu! Shout louder, shout to your heart content you pig, this queen will always love you, so shout piggy.''


''Fufufu! Hahaha" Sakuya felt supreme; however, at the end of the day, this was nothing more than a dream, an illusion, so naturally, she came back to reality.

While it was disappointing that it was an illusion. Sakuya wasn't discouraged; to make such a dream into a reality, she needed practice; there was a saying that practice makes it perfect. She needs to sharpen her skill for it to work on Alex.

A few days later, rumors began circulating that one should not go out at night as the Night Demoness would catch you and transform you into her toy.

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