Death Benefit

Chapter 1404: I say you are stupid, but you are really stupid!

 The initial bloodline practice is just a process of tapping the body's potential.

 Because Shi Luo directly installed some organs and traits that would be developed over a long period of time in the early stages of the timeline.

Some other parts of these living bodies may not be able to bring out the effects of these organs and characteristics, so most of the functions of these organs are 'dormant'.

 Early bloodline cultivation methods used various methods to strengthen various parts of the body and then unlock the dormant potential of that part.

 Then as the potential of these organs is realized, the initial bloodline cultivation method will no longer be of any use.

But the Demon Lord and others discovered a problem, that is, if they just tap the body's potential, they will not cause a bloodline disaster anyway.

 Blood disaster is a kind of disaster that occurs after the bloodline practice has developed to a certain stage.

 Such a disaster will cause a person's body to emit a strong **** smell, and then the body will age rapidly, and will have a bloodthirsty desire for individuals with the same bloodline.

If it were just that, then this disaster would not be so 'uncomfortable'. The most unacceptable point is that when the blood disaster breaks out, the body will have an infection ability.

 Beside the person whose bloodline disaster breaks out, other living beings will also be disturbed, resulting in corresponding symptoms.

 Therefore, blood disasters are often accompanied by killings between fathers and sons, fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters, and members of the same clan.

 As long as one person of the same bloodline suffers a bloodline disaster, it will soon affect a race.

Even in the later stages of bloodline cultivation, people gradually discovered the rules for the occurrence of bloodline disasters, and built buildings such as "confinement rooms" to imprison people who were about to suffer from bloodline disasters.

But there are always times when mistakes are made. Problems in detention, premature outbreaks, and the darkness of some people's hearts. Bloodline cultivation methods, with the emergence of general souls, are inevitable.

 The emergence of the Bloodline Disaster convinced the Demon Lord and others that the power of bloodline was not just about tapping the potential of the body, but must involve some kind of special power.

 As the Demon Lord and others explored further, they gradually discovered the problem.

 That is, in the bloodline cultivation method, the power of time is also involved.

 Seeing this, the Demon Lord and others immediately remembered the existence of the dragon.

 Dragon is because Shiluo constantly loads things from the future on his body, thus possessing the characteristics of time and space, which finally allowed them to create something like Dragon's Luck, which is a bit dangerous for Shiluo himself.

As for other races, although they had the precedent of dragons, Shiluo did not overextract future things and load them with them.

 But there are also corresponding operations that give them certain spatiotemporal characteristics.

 With further research, they discovered the specific cause of the Bloodline Disaster.

 This is also thanks to Shi Luo himself, who also conducted research after discovering the disaster of the lower bloodline.

 When he broke the timeline blockade before, he also tried to break the timeline blockade by creating a large-scale bloodline disaster.

Of course, that plan is just a cover, and the real plan lies with Noel.

 But since it is a disguise, you must at least have something in order to successfully disguise it.

So the Demon Lord and the others found an opportunity to take the information on Shi Luo's disguise.

 The situation finally opened up, and they successfully understood the core of the Bloodline Disaster.

 After the bloodline has tapped into the potential of the body, it needs to seek the ‘perfect body’.

 The so-called perfect body is a special metaphysical body that transcends the specific body.

Through perception, meditation, etc., one can gradually sense the existence of a perfect body, and then burst out towards that body, eventually transforming the body into a more powerful one and gaining some special abilities.

 In the process of building a perfect body, bloodline disasters will occur in stages.

 And this perfect body, according to their investigation, actually does not exist now, but in the future.

 That is a form of this type of life that has developed to its ultimate state in the future.

 Because of the nature of transportation, when these lives develop to their limits, they can slightly sense the most perfect extreme life form in the future.

 The reason why the Bloodline Disaster broke out was also because of this induction.

 Because the body desperately wants to become a perfect body, it activates many characteristics of time and space.

 Accelerate the change of time, thereby transforming towards perfection, so the body will show the characteristics of aging.

 But it is difficult for one person to evolve into that shape over time, so he chooses to supplement other traits of the same type.

This is the reason why bloodthirsty and infections of the same kind appear. Everything is to promote the evolution of time and the collective, rushing towards the ultimate perfect body at the end of time.

 All the disasters in the Bloodline Disaster are just various disadvantages caused by insufficient conditions.

Shi Luo’s original plan was to gather a large number of people with the same bloodline and then cause a bloodline disaster.

 Forcibly promote the emergence of a perfect body through a sufficient number of people of the same bloodline.

If a perfect body really appears, then even if it is not as good as the body of the Dragon God, it is actually not far behind.

 It can also help Shi Luo break through the blockade of the timeline and become a good tool for him to repair the absolute timeline.

The Demon Lord and others successfully explored all of this and obtained the method to create a perfect body.

However, it takes too much time and effort to successfully build a perfect body.

And the perfect body is the body of the future, and although they, those of the general soul system, have unlocked the power of time, they are reappearing the past.

Although the power of time is also the power of time, some properties are still different.

 There is no way they can create a perfect body without causing mass destruction.

 And when creating a perfect body, the future also needs to be involved.

 This aspect is where Shi Luo is most easily disturbed.

 But they later found a place that could be exploited.

 That is the inheritance of bloodline.

Bloodline is passed down from top to bottom. In ordinary people's understanding, the origin of bloodline comes from ancestors.

This understanding is very firm. After all, even those who practice blood may not understand that the perfect body lies in the future.

These cognitions give them room for operation.

 The thing they finally created was not a body, but an inexplicable thing. "There is no other way, the chaos factor in his body is declining rapidly!" Boruo said.

The so-called chaos factor is the stinging interference that White Coat sacrificed himself to the Dragon God.

 This also caused the demon lord on the side to immediately start taking action.

The demon lord's body twisted and changed, and then a large amount of mental power, together with other powers, began to operate.

 A space-time hole was opened in this way.

  Then a mass of flesh and blood appeared from the hollow. As soon as it appeared, it suddenly rushed towards the dragon god's flesh.

 The Dragon God was still suffering from the sting at this time, and he did not think that any polluting things could pollute his body.

So he did not dodge, but let the mass of flesh fall on him.

The moment the piece of meat pounced on it, it turned into a phantom and blended directly into the Dragon God's body. What made Shi Luo feel strange was how quickly his body recovered from the pain after merging into the phantom. It multiplied.

In addition, Shi Luo can also feel that his body is evolving rapidly and becoming more and more perfect.

Just when Shi Luo was puzzled, he felt that his physical consumption was also increasing exponentially.

“Haha, do you think you can bring me down like this?” Shi Luo suddenly understood the plan of the Demon Lord and others.

Gains may not necessarily bring benefits, and supplements may not necessarily make you better after taking them.

 Many times, growing too fast will only lead to problems.

 Especially the current evolution, which involves all aspects of the body and begins to evolve in a short period of time, the average person has long been drained by the sudden energy demand.

But Shi Luo is not afraid. His current body is that of a dragon god, and his body is a timeline. He is born with the ability to obtain power from time and space.

  No matter how much energy is consumed, he can quickly replenish it through time manipulation.

 In Shi Luo's view, the perfectly evolved power sent by the Demon Lord and others was more of a gift to him.

He developed the Bloodline Cultivation Method, and he knew everything about it. These people who expected to use the power he created to harm him were simply overthinking it.

"You guys, it's better to die for a bunch of bugs trying to get out of control." As soon as Shi Luo finished speaking, a stream of light flew past and pierced the bodies of one person after another.

 As the body changes toward perfection, Shi Luo's control over this body also increases rapidly.

Even the body of the dragon **** covered with Noel seems to be accelerating to merge with Shiluo at this time. It is estimated that it only takes half a while to complete its own fusion.

This made Shi Luo more skillful in using power, and those who besieged him were killed one after another in a short period of time.

 “No, it can’t be like this, there’s a trap in it.” At this time Delroy, the former royal family of Inroald.

He stood up and said directly: "That phantom is not a perfect body, but a special ability formed through the ancestors of the past - [Absolutely Perfect Ancestor]."

"Shut him up!" The Demon Lord immediately launched an attack, trying to stop Delroy from continuing.

However, all of this was stopped by Shi Luo. The power of time turned into an invisible chain, slowing down the Demon Lord's movements, making it clear that the Demon Lord was not too far away from Delroy. In the past, it only took a wave of his hand to make the attack fall. on the other party.

At this time, it was like starting a ten-meter long run, and there was no way to get close to the opponent no matter what.

“Because the bloodline cultivation ability comes from the perfect body in the future, it is just a kind of perfection of biology mixed with the power of time, but the perfect body of the ancestors is different, it is actually a thing that does not exist.”

“So, no matter how the body evolves or changes, it will always feel imperfect.”

“At this time, the body will shape something perfect out of thin air, and it can infinitely modify some details.”

Delroy explained: "The energy required for this kind of change increases exponentially, and eventually the whole person will lose all form and become a monster in this pursuit of perfection."

 Everything Delroy said was correct, and Shi Luo immediately verified it all.

  He mobilized his own power to an area, and the changes that Delroy said immediately occurred. He continued to improve every detail, and even Luo himself couldn't understand some of the improvements.

 In this case, even if he has time operations to obtain energy, it is not enough.

"So how do I get rid of this ability state now?" Shi Luo asked Delroy without panic.

At first, for insurance, I used Roald's bright future to seduce the other party. I didn't expect to get such help now.

Over the years, Delroy has had some intermittent contact with Shiloh.

Of course, while waiting for Delroy's answer, Shi Luo was also trying to get out of this state where his body automatically pursues absolute perfection.

 “It only requires…”

"Can't tell him, Delroy, why did you betray us?"

Boruo asked with tears in his eyes.

“We have had enough of this. We have been hiding for more than a thousand years.” Delroy said: “We long for a prosperous and stable society, not a series of wars!”

“In Roald will be re-established on this land, become prosperous, become known to everyone, and then become a great historical symbol that will exist in this world forever.”

 “This is who we are too!” Delroy sees himself as a country and a collective, and always thinks only in terms of us.

 After the timeline was denied, he practiced the way of true self for nearly a thousand years before finally making this decision.

 What they need is a complete and prosperous country, not the freedom of a group of people.

“To get in touch with this state, you just need to create imperfections.” Delroy gave a direct answer: “Actively stimulate your own problems and actively pursue an imperfection in your body.”

“If imperfection is regarded as perfection, the definition of perfection will be confused, and eventually this state will be lifted!”

"Very good!" When Shi Luo heard the solution, he immediately thought about the internal logic and found that the logic was established, so he implemented it according to Delroy's plan.

 Proactively stimulate imperfections in the body.

It was at this moment that Shi Luo discovered that all the imperfections in the dragon god's body jumped out at this moment.

 And a bolt of thunder also appeared at this time.

"You are stupid, but you are really stupid!" The thunder pierced the Dragon God's body from many directions, and Taoist Calabash jumped out of it, and then stood in front of Shi Luo, taunting him.

Delroy, who was originally 'betrayed', also looked at Shi Luo with a mocking look on his face, laughing at his stupidity. (End of chapter)

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