Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1646 Killing the baby!

Qianqian Novel Network

Xiaotuanzi blinked his big eyes and was startled.

When Gu Qiqi's gentle lips touched his little face...

He was so happy that he was about to faint!

"Mom..." His lips twitched, and suddenly he couldn't control himself and murmured softly.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Massacre?" Gu Qiqi looked at him with a smile, but didn't hear his muttering clearly.

Xiaotuanzi sniffed and covered his face: "..."

Although he had a feeling of being loved by his mother just now.

But to be honest, he hopes that Gu Qiqi is his exclusive little sister!

It would be great if there was no daddy to come and snatch the little sister from him, trying to turn the little sister into a stepmother... Sigh, if the young lady can wait for him for a few years, how great it would be when he grows up.

Not much.

Five years will do.

Five years later, he will be a ten-year-old adult!

Xiaotuanzi counted with his fingers in his heart.

Naturally, Gu Qiqi didn't know what he was thinking. Seeing him cover his face mysteriously, he smiled and said, "Tuantao, do you think I've become ugly? You don't even want to look at me?"

Xiaotuanzi immediately withdrew Xiaopang's hand: "No, no, no! Young lady is the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Ouch... my ball is smashed!" Gu Qiqi's heart was as sweet as if it had been wiped with honey.

Being praised by a man is completely different from being praised innocently by a child.

Our dumplings are just good at making girls happy, why are they so promising.

It's ten thousand times more powerful than that vicious, stinky, jealous dad.

She hugged Xiaotuanzi reluctantly to let go, and wandered around the room.

He found a lot of computers on his desk: "Duanzi, what are you doing with so many computers?"

Xiaotuanzi was nervous, worried that she saw him fighting with others on the Internet just now, so he quickly winked at Brother Yun.

Brother Yun is also extremely smart, so he immediately made a quick move and switched the screen to other forums!

Only then did Xiao Tuanzi heave a sigh of relief, and glanced at Brother Yun gratefully: "Miss Sister, I'm just looking up information and learning..."

Gu Qiqi nodded approvingly: "Study is a good thing, but don't look at the computer too much, it's not good for eyesight."

After all, he took a closer look curiously, wanting to know what the dumpling learned.


She pursed her lips, with an indescribably confused expression: "Duanzi, are you learning to cook? The eight major cuisines? Authentic French and Western food? A little expert in baking? And... the secret of home-cooked spicy Sichuan cuisine?"

In a panic, Brother Emotional Yun jumped the page from the gossip forum to the cooking forum.

Xiaotuanzi froze: "...!"

Brother Yun! You killed the baby!


In the next second, Gu Qiqi showed a smile: "It's good to know about it. A man who can cook is very attractive. My Xiaotuanzi is really a perfect little gentleman. He can even cook. I support you!"

Xiaotuanzi's eyes lit up, and he nodded sharply: "I'll make it for you when I've learned it!"

Brother Yun, Brother Yun, you did a good job!

What's inside, remember to add these pages to my favorites, the baby will start learning to cook tonight.

Gu Qiqi hugged the dumpling and looked at the little guy's bedroom.

It is very simple, black and white, and the small bed, desk, and wardrobe are all simple and high-quality... There are no excessive decorations, and there are no toys that ordinary four- and five-year-old children have. Even the clothes hanging in the closet are all white shirts, black overalls and small black bow ties.

The only flirty pink parent-child outfit was bought for him by her. It was treasured, neatly folded, and placed in a separate compartment.

The rest is really all black and white.

This is the taste of the palace, right?

Alas, a child without a mother's pampering, that's all.

At such a young age, the bedroom is decorated like an abstinent president.

Gu Qiqi suddenly felt a little sad. The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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