"Oh, you actually know Xuan's identity?"

"So? Why don't you kneel? "

At this moment, the gentle and approachable Riley removed his mask.

An imperial majesty pervaded the room.

Ma Xiaoling, Wang Zhenzhen, and Tianyou have buried their heads under the table at this moment.

The three people who heard these words almost softened and were about to kneel.

Only Liu Fan, still standing on the side without humility, just bowed slightly and replied: "As far as I know, the Qin Dynasty did not kneel and bow, naturally you can not kneel!" "

Kneel? It is absolutely impossible to kneel, how to complete the system task after kneeling.

"It's really scary!"

Riley looked carefully at the man in front of him.

At this moment, Ma Xiaoling and the three were shocked by the aura shown by Liu Fan, and Qin Shi Huang, who faced the Emperor of the Ages, could still be so calm.

Just as Liu Fan and Riley were confronting, a voice came.

"Riley, don't say a word to me when a guest comes to the house!"

Suddenly, the gentle and gentle Riley appeared in front of everyone again.

The First Emperor, who had just exuded coercion, disappeared without a trace as if he had never appeared.

Only a majestic word remained.

"A wedding that is fifty years late, even if you play it, you have to play him for Xin!"

Liu Fan looked at Riley, who had regained his gentleness.

The hanging heart also fell again.

If Liu Fan had no fluctuations in his heart, it would naturally be impossible to do it.

After all, what he just faced was a Qin Shi Huang who was full of killings in the history books.

However, Liu Fan still took it, and the aura did not fall at all.


Not long after, a woman wearing a black trench coat slowly walked from outside the restaurant.

Blonde, typical eagle-style nobody, a pair of eyes looking at everyone with a smile

Especially looking at Wang Zhenzhen, who was standing at the end, he said: "I haven't seen such a pure-minded person for a long time." "

"This is..." Ma Xiaoling looked at it in surprise, this is not the woman she and Liu Fan followed last night.

Liu Fan grabbed Ma Xiaoling's hand and signaled her not to make a noise.

"Hello, I'm Riley's fiancée, named Shiya, I'm glad you can come to the castle." Shiya smiled, and her delicate face looked playful and cute.

"Shiya...", Riley stood up tremblingly, looking at Shiya in front of him and calling softly.

"Okay, you guys eat first, Riley, I'll go back to the room and wait for you." Shiya smiled and left the restaurant.

When Shiya walked away.

A majestic Riley appeared in front of everyone again.

After Shiya's interruption, Ma Xiaoling had re-stabilized her mind.

Curiously asked, "Which woman is just now..."

Riley waved his hand and said, "No need to be so restrained, I have lived for two thousand years..."

"You know what? Two thousand years, two thousand years is too long, so long that I am tired of everything, so fifty years ago, I came to this town and prepared to settle here..."

"The bumps and displacements made Xu really too sleepy and sleepy, so I decided to take a good rest."

"Two thousand years, it was my personality that was reborn, no, it should be said that it was a personality that was voluntarily separated."

"And then my other personality is the Riley you see."

"He met a woman here, and fell in love with him, fell in love, and ended up having a wedding in the town."

"Actually, this is nothing, in two thousand years, there have been too many people in love..."

"However, there was an accident this time."

"Riley invited everyone in the town, and just during the wedding, the thief appeared..."

When it came to the mountain thief, Qin Shihuang's eyes couldn't help but flash fiercely.

"It's this group of bandits who make the incident troublesome..."

"They kill people when they see them, and they don't have a trace of humanity."

"And Shiya, was stabbed by the thief's knife, Riley faced the love he was about to lose, coupled with the stimulation of the blood around him, so that he could no longer control it and bit his fiancée!"

"And Shiya couldn't bear the pain of becoming a monster, so she chose to leave."

"And this also had to make Xu wake up early."

The four listened to the whole story.

It was also slightly shocked, it turned out that the first emperor actually turned into a zombie.

Two thousand years of endless years have made the First Emperor in front of him have a deep cultivation.

Ma Xiaoling swallowed her saliva, the ancestor is not that I don't want to, but this zombie in front of me, I really can't help.

Riley, who noticed the strangeness, looked at Ma Xiaoling and said with a sigh.


"Your ancestor Ma Ling'er is still the Great Witch of the Protector of the Country personally appointed by Xuan!"

"You and your ancestors look exactly the same."

Ma Xiaoling was stunned and looked at Qin Shi Huang incredulously.

"Well, that's the end of today's story, and the fifty-year wedding widow should also finish her."

"Next, let's work hard for you to cooperate."

"Let the wedding that should have been done fifty years ago be done once and for all."

"By the way, the necklace that Shiya brought at that time is the angel tear you are looking for!"

"The woman in black is my servant, and when the wedding is completed, you can bring back the angel's tears."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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