Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 94 Yama Hall

"Ah!" Bai Tianyang woke up suddenly with a strange cry.

He found that he was still in the cave in Elysium, with a bonfire burning beside him.

There was silence all around, except for the occasional whispering from outside the cave.

I don't know why, but during the day Yang has a strong and uneasy feeling.

During the day Yang sat up.

Lu Zhihao said there was a "good show" to watch? What a show?

There was a chill on the back of the neck, as if some dew had dropped on it.

During the day Yang stretched out his hand and touched it. It was sticky and it was mucus.

His heart shuddered and he looked up.

The top of the cave is so high that there is a large area beyond the range that the light of the campfire can reach, and it is completely dark.

At this time, in this pitch black, there were 10 points of light that flickered on and off.

The round light spots look like the eyes of some kind of animal.

A burst of exclamation burst out from Bai Tianyang's throat, and then he jumped towards the door like a spring.

"Watch out! Watch out, everyone!"

Tian Yang shouted sharply.

However, in the middle of his roar, the 10 light spots suddenly fell downwards almost at the same time.

In almost 2 seconds, the heads of 10 "Yin Liao" appeared in Tian Yang's field of vision.

Bai Tianyang ran to the entrance of the cave at this time and had already stretched out a hand.

But he was destined to be unable to get out.

A "Yin Liao" hugged his waist, preventing him from moving forward.

The second "Yin Liao" grabbed Bai Tianyang's legs and made him fall down.

The third "Yin Liao" came up and covered his mouth, preventing him from continuing to roar.

The other two "Yin Liao" made strange "squeaking" noises with excitement and got out of the cave.

Soon, there was a burst of noise outside.

There were sounds of swords clashing and screams, and it was clear that a fierce battle was going on.

"Don't struggle." Lu Zhihao's message came to Bai Tianyang's head, "It will be over soon."

" betrayed Li Er and the others?"

"They are not people, they are a group of models. When broken down to the lowest level, they are just a bunch of 0s and 1s."

"They saved us, you will repay your kindness with revenge!"

"Don't get too involved. I have a plan!"

During the day Yang was so angry that his chest almost exploded.

But the more he struggled, the tighter he became.

Suddenly, his ears heard the sound of a sharp object breaking through the wind.

A "ghost" that was originally entangled with him stopped moving instantly, then turned into a starry star and disappeared.

Immediately, Bai Tianyang saw two figures rushing in - Li Shimin and Guan Yu.

Li Shimin held a spear in his hand, and as soon as he entered the hole, he immediately stabbed the other "Yin Liao" entangled with Bai Tianyang.

The "Yin Liao" left Bai Tianyang and wanted to run away, but Guan Yu rushed over and chopped off his head with a ring-headed sword.

Li Shimin pulled up Bai Tianyang and said: "I'm sorry, we have no time to protect ourselves, you can only escape for your life! Yun Chang, let's continue to kill the 'Yin Liao'!"

Guan Yu said "Yeah" and followed Li Shimin out of the cave.

When Yang came out of the cave during the day, he saw fire all around and the sound of fighting.

Li Shimin and Guan Yu each mounted their horses. Li Shimin pointed at the other white horse and shouted, "This horse is for you!" He then reined in the horse and drove away.

During the day, Yang rode on the white horse and shouted: "I will fight with the 'Yin Liao' together with you!"

Li Shimin shouted: "No! Leave quickly!"

But during the day, Yang pulled out the saddle from his saddle, followed Li Shimin, and killed them with all his strength. After a while, he actually killed three "Yin Liao" with his hands.

Li Shimin laughed: "What a skill! I made a friend in a crisis, it's worth dying today! Oh, no, Li Er has already died once, how can he die again, hahaha!"

And in Bai Tianyang's head, messages from Lu Zhihao kept coming: "What are you doing? Is your skull broken? Stop it! Stop it!"

Bai Tianyang yelled: "Fuck you, get out!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly dismounted his horse and tripped over.

Bai Tianyang rushed forward and flew out, his nose and face were bruised and swollen after falling.

The three "underworld officers" around him swarmed up and held him down.

At the same time, Bai Tianyang saw that Li Shimin and Guan Yu had also been pulled off their horses by the ambushed "Yin Liao" and pinned to the ground.

Li Shimin's face was full of rebelliousness, and he shouted loudly: "The pickled snake demon, either kill Li Er quickly, or else sooner or later the old troops will be summoned to kill Yama and kill you all!"

Guan Yu also shouted: "If you don't kill a certain family, sooner or later a certain family will kill you!"

The "Yin officials" didn't say a word, they just tied them up tightly and took them away together with Bai Tianyang.


Not only Bai Tianyang, Li Shimin and Guan Yu, but also everyone else in the camp, including Chang Yuchun, Bai Qi, Di Qing and others, were tied up and escorted by "yin officials".

Sometimes they walked through narrow paths in the mountains, with towering mountain walls on both sides; sometimes they walked carefully and slowly along winding mountain paths, with an abyss next to them.

But Tian Yang still intuitively concluded that the farther they walked, the lower the altitude they were, and they might even gradually reach below the sea level.

The surrounding brightness is getting lower and lower, the temperature is getting lower and lower, the vegetation is getting sparser, and the large number of exposed gray-black rocks strongly conveys an eerie feeling.

Moreover, from time to time, faint shouts can be heard.

It was a human scream.

This made the surrounding environment even more eerie.

After traveling for about 2 hours, Bai Tianyang stood on a winding mountain path and suddenly saw a huge relief carved on the opposite cliff across an abyss.

This relief is a human figure with regular features, angry eyes, and a tall body.

What particularly impressed Bai Tianyang was that there were seven moles on the left cheek of this relief. The arrangement looked very similar to the Big Dipper.

"The underworld has arrived!" Someone muttered.

"Damn it, after all this hard work, I'm still back."

"Sooner or later we will smash the Yama Palace."

Everyone among the people who were caught murmured.


"Ah! Ah!"

The screams suddenly came from the direction above the head of the relief of King Yama. They were so shrill and shrill that they kept circling in the valley.

"Zhong Kui is taking care of those grandsons again." Someone muttered.

"Listen to this voice, is it Cao Cao?"

"Well, I'm probably settling the scores with him again for massacre of the city."


The entrance to the underworld, UU Reading, just above the head of the relief of King Yama, is a cave entrance.

As soon as you enter the cave entrance, you are completely cut off from the sunlight outside.

Only the green will-o'-the-wisps burning on the torches on the cave wall provided some bright light, allowing Yang to barely see the surroundings clearly during the day.

Moreover, this will-o'-the-wisp didn't have any warmth at all. During the day, Yang could only feel waves of cold air piercing his bone marrow.

What makes Tian Yang even more frightened is that pythons can be seen everywhere in the caves of the underworld. They are either crawling underground, crawling on the walls or even the roof of the cave, and sometimes even sticking their heads out and turning into human heads. He looked close to the person being escorted, grinning.

"Ah! I won't dare in the next life! I won't dare in the next life!"

Two more men's screams came from afar.

"Hey, Zhong Kui seems to be in a very bad mood today." Bai Qi said suddenly.

"Someone runs away every three days. How can he be in a good mood?" Guan Yu said.

"What do you think the King of Hell will do to us?"

"Li Er shouldn't suffer too much. He killed a lot of people, but he also did a lot of good things."

Bai Qi suddenly smiled and said, "I should still fall into Zhong Kui's hands."

While talking, the group of people was escorted into a huge cave. The decoration here is just like the lobby of the county magistrate's office, except that it is larger and can accommodate hundreds of people without any problem.

The first time Tian Yang saw it, he saw a person sitting on the koan in the center of the lobby.

It looks almost exactly like the relief sculpture outside the cave entrance. It looks like King Yama at first glance.

The "Big Dipper nevus" on the left cheek is equally eye-catching.

Next to King Yama, there stood a ferocious bull-headed horse face, as well as black and white impermanence.

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