Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 47 The bomb is activated in advance

At the same time, Bai Yang noticed from the corner of his eye that the "deep scar on the right eye" that had just been subdued by the robotic arm was moving.

The body is trembling slightly.

Bai Tianyang's first reaction was to drag Bai Huixin away as far as possible from the "deep scar on her right eye".

The moment he made the move, "Deep Scar on the Right Eye" suddenly jumped over with a movement similar to a "frog leap" and grabbed Bai Tianyang's right ankle.

Immediately, Bai Tianyang heard an extremely ominous sound in his ears.

"Zi, Zhi, Zhi~~~~~"

The body with the "deep scar on the right eye" still fell to the ground. He looked up at Bai Tianyang, with a strange smile on his face, and the whites of his eyes began to turn red.

Moreover, Bai Yang discovered that the right arm holding his ankle with the "deep scar on the right eye" began to glow.

Bai Tianyang suddenly realized: "The time bomb buried in this robot has been activated in advance!"

At this time, Bai Huixin pulled out a horizontal knife from the waist of "Crow's Feet" next to her, came over and slashed the glowing arm of "Deep Scar on the Right Eye".

Tian Yang shouted sternly: "Go! Get out of here! It's about to explode!" and pushed her with his hand.

Bai Huixin ignored it and continued to chop with the knife. Even after being slapped twice by Tian Tianyang, she had no intention of stopping.

Bai Tianyang shouted: "Ou Ying, Ou Ying! Hurry!"

A mechanical arm came over and wrapped around Bai Huixin, dragging her far away despite her heart-rending shouts.

At the same time, several other robotic arms quickly came over and began frantically dismantling the "deep scar on the right eye," which Wang Qingyue called the "steel tooth."

In just a few seconds, "Steel Teeth" grabbed Bai Tianyang's arm and was removed. "Gangya" let out a howl unwillingly, but still watched helplessly as his arm, which glowed with a strange blue light, was thrown about ten meters away.

At the same time, another arm lifted "Steel Teeth" up, blocking it between the daylight and the glowing arm.


There was a loud noise, and the arm flashing with blue light exploded in the air.

"Steel Teeth" was instantly torn to pieces by the blast wave.

During the day, Yang only felt a violent flash of light in front of his eyes, and he could hardly see anything.

And a huge impact pushed him back a full 3 meters, and he fell to the ground viciously.

When the violent flash of light went out, Bai Tianyang saw a scene that made him take a breath:

The area affected by the explosion was more than half the size of a basketball court.

Overhead, a large hole was blown out of the metal ceiling about 2 meters above the ground. In the machine room on the upper floor, the bearings, gears and metal circuit boards were clearly visible.

The surrounding area was charred and black, and the remains of blown-up metal structures could still be seen.

The most tragic thing is the ground, a round hole with a diameter of 5 meters. The surrounding metal plates are turned outwards, and you can directly see the white cloud threads and the ground below.

Moreover, this round hole is generating suction, quickly sucking in the sun and other things that are not fixed.

This is obviously caused by the difference in internal and external air pressure. At this altitude, the external air pressure is very low, while the internal air pressure of the "Golden Dragon" is maintained at 1 standard atmosphere in order to keep passengers comfortable.

Amid the shouts of Bai Huixin and Wang Qingyue, Bai Tianyang struggled to grab something to avoid being sucked into the round hole.

But all in vain.

Almost everything around was blown up, and some were accompanied by extremely high temperatures, which the sun could not catch during the day.

The several robotic arms that were controlled by "Ou Ying" just now were either completely blown to pieces, or were lying on the ground motionless, as if Ao Bing had his dragon muscles removed.

Moreover, the metal plate of the round hole is turned outward, not inward, which means that the sun cannot catch anything when it reaches the edge of the round hole during the day.

Ten seconds later, with Bai Huixin and Wang Qingyue each screaming, Bai Tianyang's entire body was sucked out of the "Qujiang Golden Dragon".


Bai Tianyang's body fell rapidly in the air.

He stretched out his hands and scratched around unwillingly. The scene in front of him was colorful, but after a large amount of visual information was transmitted to the brain, the brain could not process it——

Tian Yang had no idea what he was seeing.

It wasn't until 2 seconds later, when his body touched and bounced on something, that Tian Yang reacted——

I didn't plummet to the ground.


What holds me up?

It is the claw of the "golden dragon".

That's right, the top of his head was the big, everted hole, and Bai Yang's body fell on the "dragon claw" at this time. This "dragon claw" is the size of a car and is covered with metal scales and rubber protrusions. Bai Tianyang instinctively grabbed these bumps with both hands and held on tightly.

He turned to look at the ground, his heart trembled, his whole body went weak, and he almost let go of his hand and fell.

At this time, the "Qujiang Golden Dragon" had already soared over the downtown area of ​​Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty. It seemed to be over the four squares of Yishan, Laiting, Guangzhai, and Yongchang, as well as Taiji Palace and Daming Palace.

On the ground, people in various costumes gathered densely, and they were all looking up. Some people simply climbed onto the huge eaves of Tai Chi Palace and Daming Palace, jumping to the sky and raising their hands.

Bai Tianyang didn't dare to look down anymore. He raised his head and began to climb up hard, trying to return to the body of "Qujiang Golden Dragon".

After climbing a few steps, Bai Tianyang realized: No!

The root of the "Dragon Claw", which is the place connected to the main body of the "Qujiang Golden Dragon", is too far away from the hole. It is impossible to climb to the top and enter through the hole.

At this time, Bai Tianyang suddenly saw two heads appearing in the hole - Bai Huixin and Wang Qingyue.

"Don't move, don't move!"

“Brother Tianyang, hold on, we’ll find a way!”

After the two women shouted, they each retracted their heads.

Bai Tianyang gritted his teeth and held on for a while, and couldn't help shouting loudly: "Have you found a way?"

But the words he yelled with all his strength, under the influence of the huge air current around him, even he couldn't hear clearly, let alone the people in "Qujiang Golden Dragon"?

Moreover, there is another thing that scares Bai Yangyang even more:

He found that above his head, near the connection between the "Dragon Claw" and the "Qujiang Golden Dragon" main body, there was a small camera flashing red light.

Someone is paying close attention to themselves.



Just when Tianyang and the surveillance camera were looking at each other, the "dragon claw" suddenly moved and began to rise.

Bai Tianyang's heart sank: the person monitoring him took action and wouldn't let him go back.

Almost at the same time, a long robotic arm emerged from the hole created by the explosion and stretched towards Bai Yang.

Bai Tianyang completed a calculation in his mind in almost 0.5 seconds - if the "Dragon Claw" is raised to the highest position and the robotic arm is extended to the limit, the distance between him and the top of the robotic arm will be approximately 1.27 meters.

In the air, he would never be able to fly over such a distance.

Now, the distance between him and the top of the robotic arm is about 0.6 meters.

This value is increasing at a rate of 0.1 meters per second.

Must give it a try!

And right now, the longer the delay, the higher the probability of failure!

Therefore, Bai Tianyang used all his strength to jump out of the "dragon claw" like an ape and pounced on the mechanical arm.

There was an exclamation on the ground, and almost all the tourists shouted.

Bai Tianyang flew over a distance of 0.6 meters in the air and successfully grabbed the front end of the robotic arm, but——

The metal mechanical arm was too slippery, and Bai Yang's right hand could not bear his own weight.

Bai Tianyang only grabbed the front end of the robotic arm, and then fell down again.

This time, the screams on the ground were even louder, and two women's screams came from above.

Suddenly, the manipulator at the head of the robotic arm dropped a hemp rope - just now, UU Reading www. This robotic arm used this hemp rope to trip and restrain "Qingfeng".

Bai Tianyang grabbed the hemp rope and held on tightly.

After his body swung like a pendulum in the air for a few times, he finally stabilized.

"Pull him up quickly!"

"Quick! Sister Ying, quick!"

Bai Huixin and Wang Qingyue heard the heart-rending screams from above their heads.

At the same time, the metal robotic arm began to recover, and at an extremely fast speed.

The hole formed by the explosion is getting closer and closer to the sun.

Finally, the hole was right above his head, and Tian Yang could even feel the air flowing out from the hole.

He could even see, about 2 meters away, Bai Huixin grabbing a mechanical arm and looking towards him anxiously and eagerly.



Suddenly, Bai Tianyang felt something flash in the corner of his eye.

He instinctively turned his head to look, and suddenly said "Oh my God" and shrank his neck.

It's a laser beam!

To be precise, a pod appeared near the midsection of the "Qujiang Golden Dragon" with a laser transmitter installed on the pod.

The transmitter head quickly gathered energy, and an ominous red light flashed in the tube cavity.

Just as Bai Tianyang shrunk his neck, the laser beam was fired, almost grazing Bai Tianyang's face and shooting directly at the hemp rope.

The hemp rope quickly caught fire and melted under the burning of the high-energy laser beam.

Amid the exclamations of Bai Huixin, Wang Qingyue, and everyone on the ground, Bai Tianyang fell again.

And this time, there was no dragon claw directly underneath him to support him.

Tian Yang instinctively and tightly grasped the broken hemp rope, but his reason told him: it was useless.

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