Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 43 Robot Betrayal

Bai Tianyang suddenly fell to the ground, his whole body ached. Wang Qingyue's body also fell from the air, and his lower back pressed against Bai Tianyang's right arm.

Wang Qingyue cried "Wow".

During the day, Yang Gang wanted to speak comfort, but found a huge shadow cast from above his head.

Turning around, I saw the huge body of "Beautiful Bearded Man" falling from the air.

This thing weighed at least more than 400 kilograms, enough to smash Bai Baiyang and Wang Qingyue into pulp.

Bai Tianyang also reacted very quickly. He rolled his body, hugged Wang Qingyue and rolled her 2 meters to the side.


"Beautiful Bearded Man" hit the ground viciously. He stood up quickly, leaving a crater in the ground - the outline of which was his figure.

At the same time, other messy things in the sky were still falling. Bai Tianyang hugged Wang Qingyue tightly and covered her body above her.

There was a sharp pain in his back, and he didn't know what hit him.

After 2 seconds, everything falls to the ground. Bai Tianyang raised his head and looked at Bai Huixin. After making sure that she was okay, he looked at Wang Qingyue in his arms.

Wang Qingyue's eyes were slightly opened, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth, but he remained motionless.

Bai Tianyang was shocked: "Wang Qingyue! Wang Qingyue!" He shook Wang Qingyue's body twice, but Wang Qingyue still had no reaction.

When Bai Tianyang reached out to pinch her in desperation, Wang Qingyue finally took a breath: "Where is this? Where is this? Who are you?"

Immediately, she seemed to react, hugged Bai Tianyang, put her head on his chest, and cried "Wow".

Bai Tianyang patted Wang Qingyue on the back to comfort her and shouted: "Hui Xin, Hui Xin!"

"I'm fine! Just take care of her!" Bai Huixin was currently operating the instruments on the console, "'Water Grass' and 'Ma Lantou', come and help me!"

Several robots in Tang suits agreed and came to the console to operate the instruments under Bai Huixin's command.

Bai Tianyang asked Wang Qingyue in his arms: "Are you injured?" while starting to pay attention to the "beautiful bearded man".

Because he discovered that the "beautiful bearded man" had been staring at Bai Huixin from just now.

And he was staring at her, his eyes not shifting for a moment, not even blinking.

"What kind of machine is this robot?" Bai Huixin asked Bai Huixin, pointing at "Beautiful Beard Man".

Bai Huixin glanced at the "beautiful bearded man" and said: "Bodyguard, I call him 'potato'."

Bai Tianyang thought for a moment: Robot bodyguard, it seems that I am too worried.

At this moment, "Beautiful Bearded Master" suddenly walked towards Bai Huixin.

Looking at his posture during the day, Yang always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind: The logo on this guy's hand belongs to Tianhe Heavy Industries!

The military robot horse produced by Tianhe Heavy Industry was used by "No. 98" as a weapon to assassinate Zheng Qianji, which means it is possible...

The sudden inspiration made Bai Tianyang's whole body tremble, and he put down Wang Qingyue and rushed towards the "Beautiful Bearded Man".

"'Potato', stop! Do you hear me?" Bai Tianyang shouted loudly.

Instead of paying attention to Bai Tianyang, "Beautiful Bearded Man·Tudou" started running.

During the day, Yang spread his legs and ran wildly, shouting: "Huixin, run quickly, he is going to kill you!"

Bai Huixin sneered: "Just take care of your Wang Qingyue, I don't need you..."

Before he finished speaking, an unknown voice sounded—


On Potato's shoulders, two tubes about 0.25 meters long rose, which was about the same length as a normal person's forearm. When the two tubes first emerged from Potato's shoulders, the exits were facing each other, but they quickly turned and aimed toward the front——

That is where Bai Huixin is.

During the day, Yang was so frightened that he kicked off his legs and rushed forward, grabbing the brackets under the two gun barrels and twisting them to the side with all his strength.


Several bullets hit the console next to Bai Huixin, leaving clear bullet marks on it - if Bai Tianyang hadn't blocked it at the critical moment, these bullets would have landed on Bai Huixin.

Before Bai Huixin could close her mouth, which was open in fear, Bai Tianyang was thrown over by "Potato" and hit the floor next to Bai Huixin heavily.

"Run, Potato is No. 98!" Bai Tianyang shouted, ignoring the pain in his body, he stood up and hugged Bai Huixin, turning his back to Potato.

And sparks began to flicker in Potato's barrel.

At this moment, five Tang suit robots from the surrounding area pounced on him. One stood in front of Bai Tianyang, and four of them pounced on "Tudou".

Potato's bullet missed again.

But then, "Potato" tore a Tang suit robot apart - just like ripping cardboard, tearing the robot into two pieces as smoothly as it could.

Immediately, "Potato" began to tear into the second one.

Bai Tianyang knew that military robots and civilian robots were not on the same level in terms of fighting skills and mechanical strength. These Tang suit robots could not resist for a few minutes.

"Where is the safety exit?" Bai Tianyang called.

Bai Huixin stretched out her left hand and pointed. Bai Tianyang pulled her over. Bai Huixin swiped the access control with a card hanging on her chest.

There was a "di" sound.

The security doors began to open.

Bai Tianyang couldn't help but look in the direction of Wang Qingyue. She was lying on the ground and looking pitifully at Bai Tianyang.

Although Bai Tianyang couldn't bear it, he still gritted his teeth: Let Huixin escape from danger first!

The safety door opened: but Bai Tianyang found that he and Bai Huixin could not get out.

Outside the door, there were four people standing in two rows, front and back.

Wearing a round-neck robe or Mingguang armor, you can't tell whether it's a human or a robot at first glance.

But Bai Yang quickly glanced at their hands.

On the hand of one of them, there is the logo of the river and the five-pointed star.

Bai Tianyang shouted: "This road is blocked!" Pressing the closing button of the safety door, UU Reading dragged Bai Huixin and ran away.

Bai Huixin also realized that "this road is blocked" and shouted: "There is a safety door over there!"

The two passed by "Potato". "Potato" wanted to stop them, but was stopped by the other two Tang suit robots. Bai Tianyang easily pulled Wang Qingyue up to the second safety door.

Just as Bai Huixin was checking the access control, Bai Tianyang looked back and saw that "Potato" had torn apart all the five Tang suit robots that were blocking him, and the four robots at the No. 1 security door had also reopened the security door. He quickly caught up with him.

Their shoulders all extended their gun barrels, and they aimed towards Bai Huixin.

It takes about 2 seconds for the safety door to open a crack and allow people to pass through.

These two seconds were enough for these mechanical killers to beat them all into a hornet's nest.

In Tian Tianyang's desperation, he picked up a severed limb of a robot on the ground (from a Tang suit robot that had been torn apart by "Potato" just now) and threw it towards "Potato"'s face.

With a "bang" sound, the broken metal arm hit "Tudou" squarely in the face. "Tudou" originally aimed at Bai Huixin's gun, but the moment it spat out tongues of fire, it missed again, killing one of his "accomplices" next to him. It became a hornet's nest.

The other three robots didn't know whether they were affected by this, so they failed to hit a single salvo.

At this time, the safety door had been opened by about half a meter, and Bai Huixin and Wang Qingyue both got through.

Bai Tianyang was about to follow, but suddenly his back tightened - the skirt of his clothes was grabbed by a robot.

"Come here quickly, come here!" Bai Huixin shouted sharply at Bai Tianyang.

But during the day Yang realized: he couldn't leave.

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