Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 11 Beheaded by Robot Yan Jun

Bai Tianyang couldn't help but test: "You can capture Chang'an by following the road you just came here. Why go to all the trouble and fight against Shu Han? He also has hundreds of thousands of people, right?"

The robot soldier was stunned and didn't speak for a full minute, and his expression became dull.

Bai Tianyang realized that the model of this robot should be relatively old. When encountering certain illogical problems, it would take a long time to calculate the answer.

A minute later, the robot soldier finally said: "Well... Such a narrow road is not conducive to the deployment of our army... Xiao Yanshuai has his own arrangements. We are rangers. Just follow his arrangements and come to capture some near Chang'an first." Tongue, spy on military intelligence."

During the day, Yang felt vaguely strange: "First come to Chang'an to grab some tongues and spy on the military situation"? Who inputs such instructions into the brains of these robots? What's the purpose?

Ten minutes later, the five robot soldiers who hijacked Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue reached the end of the wall-hanging highway.

It can be seen that this is a large military camp, equipped with horses, fences, and tents. There is no end in sight. Flags with the word "Cui" and flags embroidered with patterns such as "bear", "tiger" and "leopard" were flying everywhere in the military camp.

The "Cui" flag represents Cui Qianyou, the famous general under An Lushan. Historically, it was he who destroyed the Ge Shuhan Army of the Tang Dynasty in the Battle of Lingbao and led his army to capture Chang'an.

The "Xiao Yanshuai" mentioned by those robot soldiers just now should be referring to him. Cui Qianyou is indeed very prestigious among the Yan army (Anlushan rebels).

The flags with "bear", "tiger" and "leopard" patterns should represent the organization of the Yan army. In ancient times, this was an indispensable part of the command system.

However, Bai Tianyang feels that these flags are just decorations at most - because with the support of modern communication technology, the scheduling and mutual coordination of robots can be completed in a very short time through chip calculations and 6G signals.

While thinking about it, he and Wang Qingyue had been taken into the Yan Army camp.

Amidst bursts of shouts from the Yan Army soldiers' drills, Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue were brought to an open space enclosed by a fence - it was located on the edge of the Yan Army's military camp, with cliffs next to it.

In the open space, there were several people tied up and wearing cloth or brocade robes, sitting there dejectedly.

AR glasses show these are humans.

Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue were thrown into the open space, and the Yan Army soldiers went to mind themselves. Only at the entrance of the fence, there were two other Yan army soldiers watching them eagerly.

Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue looked at each other, feeling very uneasy.

Moreover, Bai Tianyang found a familiar figure among the group of tourists who were tied up at a glance.

The muscular man glanced at Bai Tianyang coldly, said "Hey", and turned to look elsewhere.

It's "Lao Du".

Why did he come here?

Where is his beautiful companion with big black-rimmed glasses?

Tian Tianyang was looking there, still wondering, when he heard a slightly hoarse person calling him from behind.

"White sun!"

Bai Tianyang turned around and saw a fat man looking at him with surprise.

"Jin Xuehui?"

Bai Tianyang was shocked: he could actually see the chairman of his former employer, Mo Company, here.

"I never thought you would be tied here." Jin Xuehui said.


"How much did it cost you?"


"This is VIP treatment. Being kidnapped by An Lushan's army and entering his military camp is an extremely exciting copy."

"Were you kidnapped with money?" Bai Tianyang felt baffled.

"No, no, no. Mr. Zheng invited me to Tang Dynasty Chang'an and said he would give me VIP treatment worth tens of thousands and let me see things that other tourists could not see. So, I was here yesterday. It's very cool. "

"...I don't see what's so cool about it."

"Such a huge battle, with an army of tens of thousands of robots, right next to us! This is much more exciting than watching a blockbuster movie in the cinema!"

Bai Tianyang sneered: "Director Jin, you really like fighting! The project kick-off meetings of Moxi Company are all called "Swearing-off Meeting", and they also have company security guards in military uniforms walking around the stage holding military flags, goose-stepping It clicked. You like fighting so much, why don't you become a mercenary?"

Jin Xuehui frowned and said, "What do you know? People advocate violence in their bones. Creating an atmosphere of war and confrontation can stimulate people's fighting spirit."

Tian Tianyang said coldly: "What about girls? Do you also advocate violence? If you gain more power one day, will you send women to the battlefield as cannon fodder?"

Jin Xuehui said: "Women worship heroes, just like female monkeys worship the monkey king! Look at all the women in the company when they see me. Their expressions and eyes are like the female monkey seeing the monkey king?"

"Bah!" Beside Bai Tianyang, Wang Qingyue spat viciously, "I think you don't look like the Monkey King, more like the Pig King!"

Jin Xuehui suddenly blushed. He could see that Wang Qingyue was making trouble about his figure, which made him extremely unhappy.

But just as he was about to open his mouth to retort, he heard a loud shout: "Why are you making such a fuss!"

Immediately, several robot Yan Army soldiers walked in from the entrance of the fence, grabbed Bai Tianyang and Jin Xuehui, and escorted them outside the fence.

Bai Tianyang, Jin Xuehui and Wang Qingyue shouted at the same time: "What are you doing? Where are you taking me (him)?"

The robot soldiers of the Yan Army said nothing, but pressed the sabers in their hands against the heads and necks of Bai Tianyang and Jin Xuehui, muttering dirty words such as "poor" and "dogs and rats", and dragged them outside the fence.

"Kneel down!" the Yan army soldiers shouted.

Bai Tianyang frowned and stood up without kneeling.

Jin Xuehui fell to his knees with a thud. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

"Kneel down!" the Yan army soldiers shouted again.

"Kneel down. Didn't you see there are two pools of blood here? It seems to be! And this ghost-headed sword." Jin Xuehui said in a trembling voice, completely losing the excitement of just watching the excitement.

Bai Tianyang was extremely disgusted with Jin Xuehui. After hearing what he said, he was even more unwilling to kneel down.

The Yan army soldier sneered twice and kicked Bai Tianyang hard in the leg. Bai Tianyang had no choice but to kneel on the ground.

But he still gritted his teeth and raised one leg, half kneeling on the ground.

Later, Bai Tianyang saw the Yan Army soldiers pointing the Mo Dao at Jin Xuehui's head and neck with excitement on their faces.

The look and expression reminded Bai Tianyang of the scene in some movies when the perverted murderer was about to stab the victim.

No way?

Are these robots really trying to kill people?

In all the bidding documents for robot projects in Datang Changan, there is a non-negotiable red line: "No harm to humans" must be one of the underlying settings of the robots.

A cold light flashed!

Until Mo Dao's bright blade slashed across Jin Xuehui's head and neck, Bai Tianyang couldn't believe that all this was true.

Jin Xuehui's head fell to the ground, and blood surged from the broken neck.

His body swayed twice on the spot and fell down suddenly.



Two women's screams came from behind.

Bai Tianyang turned around and saw Wang Qingyue sitting limply on the spot, her face full of shock and fear.

She was not the only one who was paralyzed by fear, there was also a petite-looking woman wearing black-rimmed glasses.

She is the female companion of "Lao Du".

As for "Lao Du" himself, his face was pale and his whole body was trembling.

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