Dashan Makes a Living 1984

225 Chapter 221: Not in the Pool

A few days ago, Mi Qingsong said that he would help Wang Tianxiao to have a meal with the procurement manager of the Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Group, and communicate about the next supply and transportation.

After all, it is more than 100,000 catties, that is, 70 to 80 tons of goods, and it is a Chinese herbal medicine that is very easy to mold or often expires. If there is a problem in the middle, no one can afford the loss.

In order to show his sincerity, Wang Tianxiao specially reserved a box at Wenyuan Hotel.

And let Zhang Wenyuan be an accompanying guest.

The purchasing manager is a middle-aged woman in her forties, surnamed Meng, very temperamental, she looks like the kind of person who has been in a high position for a long time and has not lived a hard life.

She was obviously a little surprised to see that Wang Tianxiao was a young man in his twenties.

After confirming it, I couldn't help but sigh, it's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the young people are formidable.

Wang Tianxiao knew that the other party didn't really praise him, but had doubts about his ability.

Human temperament cannot be faked.

No matter how powerful Wang Tianxiao was in his life, he still didn't have the aura of a successful person, and Mi Qingsong and Zhang Wenyuan at the same table were different.

One is a respected old expert.

A suit and leather shoes look like they were born well, and they have been immersed in a wealthy life for a long time.

They are more compelling than Wang Tianxiao.

Therefore, when Manager Meng praised Wang Tianxiao, he looked at Mr. Mi, probably asking: Are you sure this is the person we want to cooperate with?

Who is Mi Qingsong? He immediately understood what Manager Meng meant.

He smiled faintly: "Xiao Meng, aren't young people formidable? Think about it, when Mr. Huang and I first started working, you were still a student who had just entered the group as an intern. Twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye, and you have become a good student." A fierce general who helped Mr. Huang expand his territory everywhere."

"Old Mi, didn't I mean Xiao Wang, why did you get involved in me? You've completely ruined my foundation."

When Manager Meng heard what Mi Lao said, his attitude became much more enthusiastic.

She knew that Mi Lao was always standing up for this young man.

She expressed a little lack of confidence in the young people, and Mi Lao was immediately upset and pulled Mr. Huang out.

Yes, although she is the manager of the purchasing department of the group, Huang is always the executive vice president of the group. The distance between the two is at least a lot of levels apart.

When she joined the group, she was supposed to be eliminated because of her lack of ability. Fortunately, she was saved by Mr. Huang and Mi Qingsong, who was still working in the Chinese medicine group.

Therefore, both public and private, Mr. Mi is someone she should pay attention to.

This time, Mr. Mi obviously wanted to support this young man, even at the expense of using Mr. Huang's relationship, and Mr. Huang sent himself here to discuss this matter in person, which shows how much he attaches importance to this matter.

Just now she was just showing a slight contempt habitually hindered by her identity, and she was immediately noticed.

Give her a counterattack calmly.

The meaning is very simple. I told you Mr. Huang about this matter. Why did Mr. Huang send you here? You have no idea.

In front of my old man Mi, what kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be?

Manager Meng has been working in a state-owned enterprise for a long time. Being the manager of the purchasing department of the group, she is naturally not an ordinary city government. But in an instant, she immediately realized that the attitude just now was a bit lacking in consideration, and hurriedly made a remedy, which was regarded as a remedy.

Seeing that Manager Meng is still sensible, Mr. Mi smiled brighter.

"Let's order something to eat. Xiao Meng came from a long way. I will pay for today's meal, Xiao Zhang, right..."

"Yes, my name is Zhang."

Zhang Wenyuan responded politely with a smile.

"Well, Xiao Zhang, isn't this your hotel? You are in charge of recommending dishes. Don't worry about money. My old man still has some family background."

"Ah, how can this cost you money, Mr. Mi, Manager Meng is here to support the development of our hometown, so I have to invite you for this meal no matter what."

Wang Tianxiao hastily dissuaded him.

He understood that Mr. Mi said that just now, not only to prevent Manager Meng from looking down and talking like that, but more importantly, he also made Manager Meng realize a problem, just like Mr. Huang and Mr. Mi were willing to give Manager Meng a chance. The old man valued Wang Tianxiao very much, and he just paved the way for this opportunity for Wang Tianxiao.

If she said so, and Manager Meng still didn't get on the road, then it would be impossible for her to sit in this position.

The Chinese Medicine Group is a state-owned enterprise, and at the level of Manager Meng, they are at least at the level of a department or a deputy department. Not to mention that they are among the thousands of troops, at least they are among many people.

She knows it well.

In fact, many things are like this.

As long as it does not break the law and does not endanger the interests of everyone, human relations are very useful.

Anyway, Chinese medicine group has to buy a lot of herbal medicines. As long as the price is right and the quality of the herbal medicines passes the test, who is it not buying?

You and I don't know each other, so I have to track the quality of your herbs, and it's hard for me to grasp what you will develop into in the future.

But if it is an acquaintance, and if it is an acquaintance who knows the basics, or a route recommended by an industry expert, the risk will be much smaller.

Being able to complete work tasks and maintain a good human relationship, why not do it.

Many people do business, or are always depressed in their jobs, because they feel that they don't want to maintain interpersonal relationships, and they sneer at all those who maintain interpersonal relationships.

Such a person has no basic reason.

In fact, the purpose of relationships in interests is not relationships, but interests.

It seems that they are maintaining a relationship, but they are only maintaining interests.

Manager Meng is obviously very good. Since Mr. Mi has pulled Mr. Huang out, he must hope that she will try not to beat around the bush as much as possible and just talk about things.

"Mi Lao, Xiao Wang, you have arrived at my hotel today, and you still talk about paying the bill, don't you slap me in the face. Don't say anything, just eat, the more you eat, the more you think of me ,Ha ha."

"This won't work, Xiao Zhang..."

Mi Lao wanted to refuse, but Zhang Wenyuan stood up and said with a smile: "Oh, Mi Lao, you are welcome, please wait a moment, I will go down to see how the dishes are prepared?"

Saying that, without waiting for Mi Qingsong to say anything, he turned around and left the box.

"This child..."

"Wen Yuan is like this."

"You mean, he belongs to Secretary Zhang..."

"Yeah, yes, but he doesn't have that kind of airs. Our relationship has always been very good. I was able to contract the barren hills. When I got to where I am today, Mr. Zhang has helped a lot, so today I specially go to eat with you two with him. .”

"Secretary Zhang is..." Manager Meng asked curiously.

"Oh, it's the former secretary of our Qingcheng City, who seems to be transferred to the Provincial Food and Drug Administration..."

"Yes, you mean Director Zhang?"

"He's the director now, I thought he was the deputy director," Mi Lao smiled, "Oh, that's right, according to his rank, being a deputy director is relatively small."

Manager Meng was a little confused.

I suddenly became interested in Wang Tianxiao a lot.

Unexpectedly, this guy has good connections. Not only does he know old stubborn people like Mi Lao in the industry, but he also has such a good relationship with Mr. Zhang, the director of the Food and Drug Administration. .

I really underestimated him.

I thought that he must have some knowledge, but I didn't expect the door to be so big.

The Food and Drug Administration is their supervisory unit. Although the bosses of the two places are at the same level, it is obvious that the chairman of the group has to give others some face.

In this way, what do you count.

Fortunately, it was very low-key at the beginning, and no troubles have been caused.

Otherwise, maybe I can keep my position, but if I want to continue to develop, I'm afraid it's a little dangerous.

"Well, let's talk about it. I'll go out and smoke a cigarette. My addiction to cigarettes is so great that if I don't smoke for a while, I will feel exhausted."

Mi Lao also stood up and followed him out of the box.

After the door was closed, there were only two people in the box who were discussing business.

Wang Tianxiao went over to refill hot tea for Manager Meng, then sat back in his seat, and said with a smile, "I'm really grateful for letting Manager Meng make a special trip this time. It's hard for us people in small places to get in touch with each other on weekdays." If you are a god in a big place like you, if you don’t treat yourself well, please forgive me, and if there are any deficiencies, you can directly bring them up.”

Manager Meng will look at Wang Tianxiao now, and think he is much pleasing to the eye.

Apart from the appearance of a rural person who has never seen the world, she found that Wang Tianxiao is not like an ordinary mountain person.

Whether it's the way he talks, the friends he makes, and the contacts he makes, it all proves that he cannot be regarded as an ordinary person.

She chuckled lightly and said, "Xiao Wang, you are too polite. It is not easy to develop in Qingcheng, and it takes a lot of courage."

Wang Tianxiao understood what she was talking about.

At this time, Qingcheng lacks water resources, is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and has no major roads to go out, so its economy basically ranks at the bottom of the province, and it is also one of the poorest places.

This is the reason why almost no enterprises are willing to develop here.

If the place is poor, there are few resources available, low consumption, and it is difficult to transport the products produced. If it is forced to do it, it will definitely be difficult.

Therefore, what Wang Tianxiao started to develop was agriculture, while Zhang Wenyuan supported the development of infrastructure and real estate.

rather than industry.

Qingcheng's industry has no prospects for development.

Thirty years later, the reason why Qingcheng has been able to develop is not because of the development of industry, but because of the exploration of oil.

Around oil, there have been high-speed, high-speed rail, airports and so on.

So, it seems that Qingcheng has become richer, but the common people are still the same.

It didn't add much employment, and it didn't improve much life.

Even because people on oil have raised house prices, it has made it even more unaffordable for other local people to buy houses.

The real estate in Qingcheng has a false prosperity.

This is something.

Now Wang Tianxiao also understood what Manager Meng meant, so he could only respond with a smile.

"I've seen the grades of your two herbs at Mi Lao's. The question now is, can you guarantee that all the goods are of that grade?"


Wang Tianxiao said with a smile: "Milao's is only the first batch, that is, the early-maturing batch. According to the growth law of their two herbs, the best season is when they mature at the end of July. It is possible that the later drugs will be more effective."

"That's right." Manager Meng nodded.

The most basic thing in procurement is to ensure quality, which is also what she cares most about.

"You can go to our planting area to see it. You, an expert, can tell the grade with just a glance."

"Well, I will go to see it. I believe Mr. Mi will not fool me. He is a highly respected senior in the industry. If you can get his recommendation, it is equivalent to having a protective umbrella."

"Haha, it's also supported by Mr. Mi."

"If there is no problem with the goods, let's talk about the price. This year, due to the drought, the harvest of herbal medicines is generally not good, so the price of herbal medicines is slightly higher. For example, last year, dandelion was only two yuan, and this year you can receive two five yuan. Yinchen It is even more expensive by one yuan, and it can be sold for three yuan and five..."

"Is this price the final price?" Wang Tianxiao remembered that Mr. Mi said that the price of medicine this year was not high. Why did he change his words here?

"This is the general purchase price. Our specific pricing depends on the quality of the goods. It may be adjusted appropriately." Manager Meng talked about her work and started to get serious. It seems that her ability to reach such an important position is not just a person. .

"Of course, we have the minimum required quality standards. If it is poor to a certain extent, we will not buy it no matter how cheap it is. After all, it is a medicinal material and we must be responsible to the patients."

"I understand this. The pathogenic mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine is vague, so it is very dependent on the trace elements in the medicinal materials. If the stability of the medicinal herbs cannot be guaranteed, the medicine or pills produced will have a greatly reduced therapeutic effect."

"Hey, do you still understand medical theory?" Manager Meng stared at Wang Tianxiao curiously.

Wang Tianxiao came back to his senses and scratched his head, "I know a little bit, not a lot. After all, I grow medicinal materials, and I will definitely pay attention to the downstream use of medicinal materials. If the downstream use is not good, then I will lose the market, right?"

"Having said that, frankly speaking, I didn't expect you to know so much. Many of the big growers of medicinal herbs I met didn't know the truth about the use of medicinal herbs. In their eyes, medicinal herbs are a kind of economic crops. You can exchange money."

"Yes, our understanding of traditional Chinese medicine is polarized. Some people trust it, while others think it's useless."

"Then you must be the kind of person you trust?"

"Well," Wang Tianxiao said with a smile, "I don't know too many profound things, anyway, we know that we have been so strong by relying on these things for thousands of years, but we need to continue to study the behind the traditional Chinese medicine. medical theory, making it something that can be explained by science.”

Seeing that Manager Meng was still listening carefully, Wang Tianxiao continued, "Actually, the reason why traditional Chinese medicine has been criticized is that it is difficult for people to find too many things that can be explained scientifically, even though some medicines have been proven to contain some special elements. , but only sporadic, without forming a good system, let alone quantified.”

"Taking medicine is not eating, right? You can't tell me what I do, as long as it tastes good. After the medicine comes out, not only the therapeutic effect, but also whether it will cause harm to the human body, that is, toxicology. If one disease is cured, but another disease is left with a curse, then you think it is meaningful to cure this disease..."

As Wang Tianxiao talked, he found himself talking too much.

This old man's long-winded ah.

There is no stop.

But he found that Manager Meng's eyes softened.

"Very well said."

Seeing Wang Tianxiao stop, Manager Meng said softly, "To be honest, I feel very touched. I didn't expect to hear such a clear evaluation and understanding of traditional Chinese medicine from someone here.

To tell you the truth, in fact, our family has been Chinese medicine for generations, and our ancestors even had court doctors. But in our era, with the entry of western medicine, the market for Chinese medicine is getting weaker and weaker. I have always been very sad about this... ..."

"Western medicine and Chinese medicine have their own advantages and disadvantages, but relatively speaking, Chinese medicine pays more attention to the daily maintenance of people, while Western medicine focuses on withdrawal from illness. Therefore, it will appear that the treatment effect of Chinese medicine is not as good as that of Western medicine.

I personally think that we don't need to belittle or elevate which one, the two can exist at the same time. If the condition is urgent or serious, we can try western medicine, but if it is a persistent or chronic disease, then the traditional Chinese medicine treatment model can obviously play a very good role. "

"Yes, but now many people are dichotomized. They either think that there is no effect at all, or that Chinese medicine or Western medicine is a myth. But relatively speaking, the development speed of Western medicine is far faster than that of Chinese medicine. We, generations of TCM families, are really sad."

Wang Tianxiao nodded, he could understand Manager Meng's feelings.

In fact, there are quite a few people who have this kind of sentiment, and Mi Qingsong is one of them.

On the contrary, it was himself, but he didn't insist so much. He said what he thought in his heart.

There is no need to completely kill any of them, any method that can treat the common people is a good method.

"Xiao Wang, why do you know so much about Chinese medicine?"

Manager Meng was still curious.

At this moment, she already had a good impression of Wang Tianxiao. Although she still called him Xiao Wang, her tone was not that kind of fake politeness, but rather sincere.

"Oh, because I've always been interested in this area, and because I want to grow medicinal materials, I have studied a lot of books on this area. Don't be offended by talking nonsense in front of an expert like you."

"No, you are very good. I have rarely seen someone, especially someone who is not in the relevant industry, express such an opinion. It shows that you have really thought about it. To be honest, we are very pleased."

"I'm also very happy when you say that."

Of course Wang Tianxiao would not say that all his knowledge about Chinese medicine came from his youngest son.

That is, the one that is not yet born.

"I should let you talk to my brother. He is very distressed. Every time he tells me that there is no one who can communicate with him."

"Oh, your brother..."

"He is a doctoral student at the University of Chinese Medicine, determined to revive the glory of our Chinese medicine, hoping to carry forward the essence of Chinese medicine and benefit more patients.

But ah, the current situation is like this, even if you do a small project, Western medicine is very good, even if it is a generic drug, there are many people investing and sponsoring, but as for Chinese medicine, there are fewer and fewer new projects..."

"Why is this?"

"There are many reasons, the most important one is what we just said. Because of the medical theory, many parts of traditional Chinese medicine are very vague and cannot be expressed accurately. Let me give you the simplest example. Our traditional Chinese medicine often depends on prescriptions. But this prescription needs to be kept secret, so how can the medicine you produce pass the clinic and how will others use it?"

Wang Tianxiao smiled wryly, "It's indeed the reason."

"That's right, since you can't pass the clinical trial, if you are a little stricter, you won't be able to market it. If a drug cannot be marketed, how can you make a profit? The pharmaceutical industry always needs funds to maintain it. If you can't sell it, it's meaningless. gone."

"I understand this. Of course, there is another problem. It is also difficult to export Chinese medicine?"

"That's right, you know everything," Manager Meng said helplessly, "Foreigners must be meticulous in everything they do. You can't provide the exact amount of raw materials, and you can say a little, a little...

First of all, these words are not good enough, and then you can't explain the medical theory clearly, and people don't understand what is hot and cold. You haven't done toxic rational experiments, others dare not use it, and in the end you can't even provide a prescription..."

"Well, there is no way. The requirements of foreign countries are different from ours. People in our country often say that the culture is similar, while others see it in detail and finely." Wang Tianxiao sighed.

Before he knew it, Wang Tianxiao said a lot of words that he shouldn't have said.

And this contrast surprised Manager Meng even more.

She never expected that the surprises Wang Tianxiao brought her would come one after another, as if no matter what she said, he would be able to catch up.

"How about this, Xiao Wang, when our medicinal materials go back, anyway, you have to go to see the acceptance, so take the opportunity to chat with my brother, I believe you will hit it off."

"Okay, very honored."

While the two were talking, the door opened, and Zhang Wenyuan and Mi Qingsong came in together.

"Seeing that you guys are chatting happily, what are you talking about?" Mi Qingsong asked with a smile.

"Talk about the status quo of some traditional Chinese medicine."

"Ah," Mi Qingsong sighed, "Now it's not as good as before. The importance of traditional Chinese medicine is getting less and less attention. It depends on what you say. After all, the future belongs to you young people."

Wang Tianxiao smiled.

I was thinking about what Manager Meng said just now.

Isn't her younger brother looking for a project? Can he try to cooperate with him? When he started growing medicinal materials, he thought about this question.

It was just thinking about it at the beginning.

He felt that it was too far away from his own life, and that industry used to be very lofty in his eyes, and it was not something that he could simply participate in.

Now that there are professionals in the industry together, you can try a little bit.

Let's talk about the details when we meet.

It's not something you can think about for a while.

He is now fully committed to getting rid of the medicinal herbs first, and then to arrange the planting plan of the next wave of medicinal herbs.

And his breeding ideal, the sheep pen has not been built yet.

Also, the fresh milk shop has just started, so we still need to take more care. Mi Xiaoqing and Li Guanping are both too honest, and they can be conservative, but they don't have enough pioneering spirit and thinking. He has to take them forward and form a habit.

There are still many things to do, and it seems that he should not rush to spread too much.

Take it easy.


"Bang bang bang."

Wang Tianxiao knocked on Wu Wenhua's door.

"Brother Wenhua, are you asleep?"

"It's the boss. I haven't slept yet. Wait a minute. I'll come down and open the door for you."

After the door opened, Wu Wenhua hurriedly called Wang Tianxiao in, but Wang Tianxiao smiled: "Shall we go out and talk?"

Wu Wenhua froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Go to the kitchen to see if there is any food, get two bottles of beer, and sit on the rock and drink some."

"Okay, I remember I still have some braised pork in the afternoon, let me make another cucumber."

"Okay, just do whatever you want."

Wang Tianxiao waited on the stone for a while, and Wu Wenhua came with food and drinks.

A plate of pork head meat, a plate of cucumber, and two bottles of Yellow River beer.


Wang Tianxiao pointed to the stone next to him.

Wu Wenhua sat down and looked at Wang Tianxiao with some anxiety. He wondered what the boss had suddenly asked him for at night. Could it be that something was not done well?

"Brother Wenhua, have you been doing well recently?"

"Well, it's okay. The boss and the boss's wife take care of our family in this way. We feel like home here, very comfortable and happy."

"That's good," Wang Tianxiao nodded, looked at Wu Wenhua and smiled, "Brother Wenhua, we are about to harvest all the herbs in the mountains and plains."

"Well, yes, there are probably a few days left, and it will be a big battle then."

"That's right, so I came to you just to discuss something with you."

"Boss, tell me, why are you and I so polite? You don't know what kind of person I am, Old Wu. As long as the boss tells me, I will definitely do well."

"I know, you've been here for half a year, and I'm very satisfied with your attitude, so I want to add some burden to you..."

"Burden, what does the boss mean?"

"I want you to always be in charge of the planting work here, that is to say, no matter how far this place develops in the future, you will be responsible for the whole process, including personnel arrangements, material transfers and so on.

That is to say, except for the money... I need to check the big money, and you will do everything else. If you regard our planting work as an enterprise, then you are the actual person in charge of the enterprise. "

"This... this... this can't be done, boss, I can't, how can I do this," Wu Wenhua stood up, nervously incoherent.

"Boss, I'm just a rough person. I'm sure I won't tell you if you ask me to work, but I really can't do this kind of thing. I can't control others. Besides, there is Guanping here. He belongs to your family." People, wouldn't it be more appropriate to manage?"

"Brother Wenhua, don't look down on yourself like this. I can talk to you about this matter. It must be after careful consideration and not a momentary impulse. If you really don't have the strength, how can I trust you with such an important matter? .”

"It's really not good, boss, don't make things difficult for me, my old Wu really can't do this."

"You haven't done it yet, how do you know that you can't do it?"

Wang Tianxiao smiled bitterly, and said sincerely: "Brother Wenhua, you also know that I am very busy now. The cultivation and planting of medicinal herbs in this mountain is just one of my projects. It is impossible for me to spend all my time here, and I have another project in Guanping. Arrangement, he and Xiaoqing will not come back here in the future, only you two brothers are left here, maybe in the future, I may gradually not come back to the mountains every day, you are the direct person in charge here.

"However, it's really hard for me to pick such an important task."

"Brother Wenhua, people always try to do various things in various stations, look at what you didn't try to do when you were young, so now Miss Xiaohong has suffered a lot with you.

Now that we have this opportunity, why not try to do bigger things. Besides, I won't just leave it alone. In the beginning, I'm still at the station every day. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time, and we will solve it together.

Wu Wenhua's eyes finally loosened, perhaps because he mentioned that he has not achieved much so far and encountered his weakness.

In fact, which man does not have a dream of success? Many times it is just that he has not encountered a good opportunity.

When Wu Wenhua thought of this opportunity, he felt that if he gave up like this, it might never happen.

Therefore, I fell into hesitation for a while. "

"Of course, it will be beneficial to let you do it. In this way, I will raise your income from 60 to 200 per month..."

"Ah, two hundred, one month?"

"Yes, two hundred a month, and if there is no fault within a month, I will give you another hundred. In other words, you may get a salary of three hundred yuan a month."

"Three hundred yuan!!"

Wu Wenhua was surprised from ear to ear.

"Well, that's right, this is your reward for being responsible for things here, and this is just the beginning. If you do a good job, there will be room for further growth. Believe me, you know who I am, as long as things are done well, The income is definitely no problem, I guarantee it is higher than all the places around where I can make money."

Wu Wenhua fell into deep thought.

If it was just a little impulsive before, now he has basically leaned towards the balance here.

Three hundred yuan.

He only earns 60 yuan a month now, if he can get 300 yuan, wouldn't it mean that one month in the future will be worth five months now, and one year will be worth five years now.

How much is this supposed to cost, and can I still spend it all?

At that time, he can buy more good clothes for his wife and baby, and buy them delicious food, so that the baby will no longer have to cry all night because he has no money to buy some snacks.

Being a father, being a husband, isn't it for the sake of a better life for the wife and children.

In that case, why would I refuse.

Just do it.

"Boss, since you trust me so much, I'll give it a try. My old Wu's ability is like this. I don't understand many things, so I need more guidance from you, boss.

Don't worry, my old Wu is an honest person. If you treat me well, I will treat you well. I will never do anything to be sorry for you. If you leave this place to me, I will take care of it for you. no excuses.

"Haha, you said that you are uneducated. I think you are very educated. You just look at the small words and talk about it." Wang Tianxiao opened the wine bottle, and helped Wu Wenhua open it.

"Brother Wenhua, you have been with me for so long, and you also know who I am, and my ideal is also very simple, that is, the people around me, my relatives, including the good people I know, all live happily, so , I want to pull you into my goal, let's work hard together, come, drink."


Two wine bottles collide.

The two of them didn't give in to the other, and blew the beer in the bottle clean in one breath.

Unexpectedly, today is 8000 again.

Anyway, tomorrow is only one day, so it will be 8000 tomorrow...

I tried my best.

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