Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 41 Ellison's Despair

In life, every decision you make is a gamble, the only difference lies in the size of the bet.

It takes a lot of luck to defeat an enemy whose strength is far superior to one's own.

There has never been absolute fairness in life. Facing the powerful Ellison, Lei Wen could only gamble.

The bet is won, and the road ahead will be smooth from now on.

If the bet is lost, there is no so-called after.

Obviously, Raven won the bet this time. Not only did he win almost all the Shadowsteel Golems, but he also won another guess—the Master and Disciple of the Thieves never had any good intentions, and the Shadowsteel Golems here may really be at the Bronze Rank when they are not activated. However, in the shadow ceremony, the soul energy of the slain candidates is not only replenished to the victor, but also replenished into the bodies of these shadow steel golems as the last line of defense.

Therefore, the strength of these golems is no longer at the bronze level, but at the silver level.

Of course, all the upgrades are cheap for Raven.

Unlike the three shadow steel golems that directly contacted his soul, the golem Raven who temporarily joined his command could only vaguely sense their existence.

This is enough!

"Tornado Whirling Phantom Killing Formation!"

As Raven yelled out in Common, Ellison was tense. In terms of speed, he is at an absolute disadvantage here.

What kind of tornado, what kind of maneuver, sounds very tall, and no matter what, it looks like a wolf pack, using high speed to distract the enemy's attention, and then delivering a fatal blow.

Ellison shrank the team almost subconsciously.

But in the next second, he realized that he had been cheated miserably. The mechanism golem doesn't know the common language at all! For the mechanism golem, the owner will either give the order directly in Neras, or the golem will judge the order by tone and syllable.

By the time Allison realized it was too late.

Lei Wen seemed to want to play a guerrilla game, but in fact, he started out with a typical chess strategy—duizi.

The eight shadow steel golems launched a fatal charge, rushing into the center of the black hole monster like a thunderbolt, and then launched negative energy to self-destruct.

If there is no black hole monster, Lei Wen suspects that he will see the mushroom cloud of the alien version.

It's a pity that almost all of the huge negative energy was eaten by the black hole monster.

"How could you..." Ellison couldn't understand why Raven let the precious golem explode.

Lei Wen sneered: I have the right not to use it, and it will become invalid after the expiration date. Since he joined the camp temporarily, there was a possibility of leaving the camp and fighting back afterwards.

Instead of waiting for these golems to return to patrol mode afterwards, it is better to sacrifice them honorably first.

"keep away!"

With a cry, Lei Wen took Sheng Yi and the shadow steel golem directly under him and withdrew first.

The black hole monster is not a real black hole, it is essentially an undead creature, but immune to light, acid, and cold. Depending on the body size, the total amount of bioenergy it can eat is also different.

A gold-ranked black hole monster is absolutely unable to swallow the self-explosive negative energy of 8 silver-ranked shadow steel golems at the same time.

Originally just in the form of clouds and mist, the black hole monster like a big ball suddenly turned into a big cloud, thickened and solidified quickly, and finally turned into a huge black balloon in midair like a substance.

Raven ran away, and even the rope was carried away by three shadow steel golems.

Compared with typical assassins with long legs and fast speed like Raven and Shadowsteel Golem, Ellison and his party are a negative example. Everyone knows that when the black hole monster can't hold on, it will be a negative energy explosion that sweeps the audience, but here are all short legs.

Faith Guards and Shield Guardians are extremely typical heavy armored units. Although Ellison can choose to disband them, the number of daily magic spells is limited, and they cannot be recruited after disbanding.

And when running, you have to prevent Lei Wen from sneaking, and you can't run fast at all.

After retreating thirty meters, Ellison also gave up. The volume of the black hole monster has expanded by a full ten times...


"Holy Shield!"

"Pious Shield!"

A series of magical spells were released, allowing the shield guards to stand at the back, and the more powerful guards of faith stood in front, with Ellison in the middle.

This is going to be tough.

"Number Seven, attack! Will of Destruction."

At this moment, the frenzied Lei Wen said a word from a distance, causing a shadow steel golem lurking near Ellison to launch a suicide attack.

The attack itself was not fatal. Ellison could barely withstand the self-destruction of a silver-grade shadow steel golem. What made Ellison vomit blood the most was that due to the attack of the Shadowsteel Golem, his formation fell apart. Guardians of Faith and Guardians of Shield instinctively fought back at the Shadowsteel Golem.

Just at this moment, the black hole monster exploded!


The jet-black negative energy turned into a hurricane that swept across the entire space in an instant. It also included a large number of stumps of the shadow steel golem and various things that had been eaten by the black hole monster before.

An indestructible storm of destruction launched an all-round indiscriminate bombardment towards the shrunk shadow space!

"Crackling!" Within a second, the Faith Guard resisted countless attacks. There are sundries, and there are still deadly metal limbs of the Shadow Steel Golem, more of which is to resist the almost majestic and endless negative energy explosion.

The priest prays daily, giving the strength of his faith to his god. The magic of Faith Guard is to obtain the power of faith from the gods at critical times to ensure the existence and defense of Faith Guard.

Ellison didn't feel well. In just a short second just now, he was tantamount to getting back the year's power of faith he had provided to Cyric. He also had to keep injecting spiritual power into the Faith Guard, otherwise if the Faith Guard was wiped out, he would directly fight against it.

In order to save his life, he had no choice.

The explosion of negative energy is still going on, but Lei Wen made a move at this moment.

Shengyi's rope appeared when Ellison least wanted to see it. Dozens of ropes were like Squidward's tentacles, instantly enveloping the shield guard, pulling it into a small shadow space, and then there was the faint sound of the sharp claws of the shadow steel golem.

"Bastard!" Ellison's eyes were red.

Shield Guardians are heroic spirits summoned by priests from their own god's spirit kingdom. These heroic spirits were all believers of the gods during their lifetime. Because of their piety, the gods redeemed their souls from the god of death, making them the exclusive heroic spirits of the gods after death.

There are no special circumstances. After being destroyed, the heroic spirit will still be reborn in the kingdom of gods.

During the Shadow Festival, all souls are forcibly drawn by the guild.

Then once the shield guardian heroic spirit is finished, the soul can't go back.

This heroic spirit is the direct property of Cyric! When Ellison thought that he couldn't explain to his boss, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

That's not counting, taking advantage of Ellison's attention being attracted.

Three shadowsteel golems burst in.

Their target is Ellison's Guardians of Faith.

Ellison raised the flail, and a heavy blow stopped one, but it couldn't stop the other two from digging their limbs and claws into the empty backs of the Faith Guards.

"I'm so mad!" As Ellison yelled, a burst of intense light burst out from the Faith Guard.

The strong secondary explosion shook the entire space!

The dust was flying, and there was the crackling of falling rocks everywhere.

Ellison stood in the middle of the space exuding the unique gloomy radiance of Cyric's divine power. He was panting heavily, like a king at the end of his life. He was clearly at an extreme disadvantage, but he still refused to be humble in his eyes. The enemy bowed his head.

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha! Boy Raven! Well done! Unfortunately, what you're doing is meaningless! Do you know why? Do you know?"

Raven didn't answer, and in the space for the finals of the Shadow Festival, Ellison continued talking to the empty surroundings.

"The difference between me and you is not age, strength, talent, money, or secular power. The biggest difference between me and you is that there is a god behind me! The powerful 'Dark Sun' is my greatest reliance! You may Can beat me, but can you beat a god? Tiny mortal! Hahahahaha!"

Ellison's maniacal laughter was very harsh, and Raven thought he had never been a good-mannered person. He finally sneered and said, "Hehe! Are you really so sure that you can obtain eternal favor from that capricious scum god?"

Ellison raised his eyebrows angrily: "You despicable boy, no matter how much you slander the supreme Cyric, it is meaningless! My god will not be lowered by your slander!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Raven's calm voice echoed in the space, and a very bad premonition flashed in Ellison's heart. The priest smelled a strong smell of conspiracy.

Suddenly, Ellison found that the light of a small Soul Diamond on his wrist went out. This means that the owner of the Soul Silmarillion is dead.

Ellison trembled and his face changed drastically, because the owner of this gemstone was another right-hand man of his, Medyaj, a low-level priest who murdered the church. Before that, he was responsible for presenting [Pure White Frost Dance] to Cyric through Ellison's private altar.

Who killed Medyaj?

His stronghold will not be shaken even if it is attacked by a legendary powerhouse.

who? Could it be Raven! ?

Just when Ellison was in doubt, he heard the oracle from his boss Cyric: "Ellison, you idiot! Is your head full of pig shit? How dare you do such a stupid thing?" Get lost! I don’t want you to be such a waste again!”

Ellison's sky is falling.


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