Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 918 The devil's tentative first round of offensive!

"Oh hoo~ look what our Wayne brought?

A brand new demon? Or half a demon? "

Tony spoke the moment he saw Wayne across the portal.

It's as if Wayne will find a way to monitor Tony, and Tony has been monitoring Wayne...

It seems a little weird to say that, but the two seem to have reached a tacit understanding with each other.

They all hope that someone can act as their own insurance to ensure that nothing will happen to them.

Even among the barbarians there are corrupted beings, so it is not surprising that they have this level of worry.

"Scarecrow, I don't care about names or anything.

He's not quite demonized yet, just stuff him into your machine now.

If it comes to the last moment, your soul cutting operation may be the last chance to save Reed.

We need his wisdom!

If it had been him, perhaps we would have gotten what we needed. "

Wayne said bluntly.

Then he threw the scarecrow directly through the portal.

Tony didn't procrastinate, but put on his saber suit directly, and then walked towards his instrument with the paralyzed scarecrow.

Wayne is still maintaining order in Gotham City, so he won't come directly.

Tony can understand this, so he doesn't invite him.

As for the half-demon Scarecrow, although he is still alive, he is powerless to fight back now.

Unless this guy can make himself a devil completely.

But he obviously won't do that.

He is a corruption of his own choice, which obviously has something to do with his original plan.

And his original plan is definitely impossible to implement, but he still hopes that he can be an individual.

It's a pity that this guy is obviously not smart enough, corruption is a way of no return.

The results of Tony's research so far can only be said to have a chance to reverse all this.

It is true that Tony's wisdom is indeed inferior to that of Dr. Reed...

But he was also one of the best scientists alive.

He could still handle a paralyzed half-demon.

"Agent Hill, I will trouble you to pay attention to Steve.

It's best for him to stay near the lab. I'm worried that something wrong with the experiment will hurt everyone here. "

Tony didn't forget to remind him.

This sense of responsibility is one reason he is a hero.

Tony had already paid out a lot of money for those injured in the fight.

But he doesn't care at all, because he is really rich.

And this compensation is also supported by Wayne.

Agent Hill nodded and went about his business.

Many people are waiting for the experimental results on Tony's side.

On the other side, Dr. Zhao Hailun has already seen the blade warrior who still has half of his body left...

To be honest, meeting such a person still feels pretty bad.

Even though Dr. Hailun Zhao is an excellent researcher, it is not that he has never seen "voluntary" researchers.

But seeing the existence of Dao Feng like this, it is inevitable that I will feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

"Has a sample of the toxin been extracted?"

Dr. Zhao Hailun quickly entered the working state.

What she has to do now is not to start researching directly, but to read all the materials generated by Blade Warrior during this period of time.

Understand the previous situation first, and then proceed to the next research arrangement.

"Blade blood has been extracted, and samples from it are largely classified.

But until now nothing that masked the toxin had been found.

We think that this toxin, if it really exists, is obviously not something in the conventional biological concept. "

On the one hand, the proud researchers gave the answer directly.

Indeed, the research here is very lack of high-end researchers.

Because scientists who are truly at the top of the industry are needed to point out the road and direction for the future.

Although these researchers are not top-notch scientists, they are all elites in the industry.

This is a researcher in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although these people don't perform much most of the time, their talents are far beyond ordinary people.

"You can't find what's biologically a toxin!?"

Dr. Helen Zhao was a little puzzled.

This is just the sample collection process, if there are problems even in this step.

Then it won't do much for her to come.

It's as if he doesn't even know who his enemy is and is about to go to the battlefield.

In this case, no matter who it is, it will make a murmur in the heart.

"There is no toxin in the remaining body of the Blade Warrior.

There is nothing that can be extracted from the pus that turned into it.

Perhaps there is no toxin in the biological sense remaining in the blade warrior's body now. "

The researchers added.

In this way, Dr. Helen Zhao has some direction.

On the way here, she already knew the basic situation about the Poison King.

"Now what we need to find is the carrier of the toxin!

If there is no problem with the information from SHIELD, there must be toxins on the Blade Warrior.

But it is very likely that it has weakened a certain part of the ability.

Maybe it's about the soul. "

Dr. Helen Zhao showed some distress.

Before the appearance of demons, Dr. Helen Zhao had no interest in occultism.

Of course, curiosity is still there.

After all, there used to be top scientists in this world who devoted themselves to the field of theology.

It is almost every scientist's instinct to be curious about the unknown.

"Mr. Stark has achieved results for the soul, right?

At least confirm the existence of the soul?

Talk to the person in charge over there, I need basic information about souls from Mr. Stark! "

Dr. Helen Zhao did not intend to wait for the results quietly.

She started arranging the work directly. This performance can be called excellent.

The researchers also jumped into action immediately.

At this time, all the researchers in the Buster Building were busy.

And the defensive forces outside are also facing the first wave of demonic attacks in such a long time!

Although it's just some offal-level demons.

But this signal was enough to tell them that the demons were impatient.

These demons were all sent by Vedien.

Although he is not yet one of the Seven Demon Kings of Hell, it is not a problem at all for the title of King of Jealousy to order some low-level demons.

If Azmodan is still there, Azmodan should be responsible for these things.

But who made the Burning Hell's current power extraordinarily empty?

A Lilith outside didn't know what she was doing.

Baal sat in the Burning Hell without any major movements at all.

It just involves the two combat powers of Vera and Yin Na.

Compared with the Burning Hell, the nephalem are far from being overstretched!

"Ross, I think these demons are just testing us.

This is the time for those who come to help to fight with the army.

Although I don't know what the battlefield looks like, I know that the soldiers must understand the enemies they will face! "

Dr. Banner talked to his father-in-law while looking at the computer in his hand.

It is very common for people in this place to call the elders by their names.

When you arrive, don't worry about anything.

"I'm planning to take two steps on the battlefield soon.

After all, at this time, the form of war is completely different from before.

Devil... If someone told me this thing a year ago, I wouldn't have believed it.

Compared with demons, I still think aliens may be more real. "

General Ross twitched the corner of his mouth abruptly.

"Banner, are you really not going to reconcile with Hulk?

Or do you think there is no problem with the current situation where two people manipulate two bodies?

Without Hulk, you are too weak.

This makes me a little worried about your future with Betty. "

General Ross said that he directly turned into a red giant.

That is to say, the interior space of the command vehicle is large enough.

This thing is also unique, and they have to thank Stark Industries for their help.

In order to be suitable for the transformation of the giant family, the interior space of this car is a bit scary.

"I reconcile with Hulk?

This is not an easy task.

But at least we now have no conflicts.

Maybe there will be a day of reconciliation. As for Betty, you don't have to worry about it.

She mastered Betty's ability very well. "

A smile appeared on Banner's face.

Apparently things are going well between him and Betty Rose.

"Well, don't let Hulk get too far away from you.

I don't want the Hulk to disappear because of your death. "

After General Ross expressed his concern a little stiffly, he opened the car door and went out to fight.

The relationship between the old general and Banner can only be described as reluctant.

But the relationship with Hulk is good...

It's kind of weird, but no one cares.

Even General Ross would love to see Hulk and Banner become one.

Banner didn't say much, he was still holding the computer in front of him.

During this period of time, Dr. Banner is not simply proud of building a defense line or something.

As a top researcher, he has produced many energy weapons during this time.

Although these weapons were all handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D. for manufacturing, he still left a bottom box for himself.

General Ross was right.

Hulk is no longer in his body, if he is killed, Hulk will die!

And Hulk's combat power is something that is very much needed at this time!

Banner continued to look at his computer, typing twice on the keyboard from time to time.

He won't go to the front of the battlefield, but he can collect the information he needs through video!

And this information will be an important part of what he uses to measure the effect of his weapons!


Wonder Woman in the Buster Building didn't make a move.

On the contrary, one of the two combat teams from Candulas has already sent out.

They are broadcasting their own situation on the web. If there is a fight and they don't show up, it will affect Candulas' reputation.

So Javelin has gone to the front line with his team.

The situation at this time is not considered critical, so Wonder Woman is still sitting in Buster Building.

"Rumlow, you've been around me since you came to Buster Mansion.

Do you have any doubts? "

Wonder Woman's eyes were calm.

She is well aware of her current situation.

After Diana and Cassia merged into one, although she still has some aura from Sanctuary.

But that wasn't enough for Rumlow to be sure she was a nephalem.

You must know that the Amazon female warriors in Sanctuary are not the kind with strong Nephalem blood.

After being influenced by Diana's bloodline, the aura of Sanctuary in Wonder Woman's body is no longer discernible.

Only at Yin Na's level can one identify her bloodline.

As for Rumlow's strength, he could only detect a little familiar aura.

"I'm a little skeptical.

Although I am not strong as a nephalem, I am the top agent among the nephalem.

I know that Natasha and Barton are the best kind of all-round agents.

But in terms of intuition, I think I am the best.

I think you seem to have some kind of connection with the nephalem.

That's why I'm curious. "

Rumlow became a lot more straightforward after becoming a barbarian.

If this kind of character was designated in the original S.H.I.E.L.D., it would not be a good mix.

But in the current situation, his character at this time has received a lot of praise.

"I'm not going to answer that question for you.

So don't ask any more.

All you need to know is that I may be the last line of defense in the Buster Building.

This should be a tacit agreement reached by the three parties.

The Burning Hells, the High Heavens, and the Nephalem.

There is a tacit agreement among the three parties.

Confrontation and cooperation are all in one thought, and it is impossible to achieve this level without tacit understanding. "

Wonder Woman's words basically confirmed Rumlow's guess.

That's enough for Rumlow to know.

He knows how to advance and retreat, and doesn't need more questioning.

"There won't be an opponent at the level of the Seven Demon Kings in the final battle?"

Rumlow seemed to be talking to himself, but he still tried Wonder Woman a little.

Wonder Woman's fighting power is just like what she said,

Then it is very important to know how strong she is.

It doesn't matter at all if Wonder Woman answers Rumlow.

He has nothing to care about here.

It's just a little bit of curiosity about the strength of the stronger as a fighter.

"You just need to work hard to become stronger now.

Setting the stage or creating opportunities, these things don't need to worry about you.

It is natural for the strong to make decisions better than the weak.

It's not that the strong will not make mistakes, but that the strong plan is based on their own strength.

Even if the weak are correct, they can have little impact on the situation. "

Wonder Woman said a few words casually.

It was not clear whether it was pity or simple kindness.

Rumlow nodded and left Buster Building.

He has not forgotten that the celebration on the holy mountain is still in preparation.

He hoped to be able to catch up with this celebration, so he planned to solve the problem as soon as possible.

After Rumlow's figure disappeared, Wonder Woman slowly opened a portal.

"Say something quickly.

I'm not the Cassia you are familiar with, although I'm quite surprised that you found me.

But what surprised me even more was why did you appear here?

Isn't it your first goal to find Jorez? Reco? "

Wonder Woman didn't go through the portal, she just communicated with Lecco through the portal.

"I just noticed a little familiar smell.

I just miss the days when you fought alongside Amazon.

It's just that I didn't expect that you actually chose to exist in this way.

Sure enough, in the midst of the destruction of Sanctuary, your strength is not enough to keep your soul intact, right? "

Looking at the figure of Wonder Woman, Lei Ko said slowly.

Her sight mainly hit the spear "Valkyrie" in Wonder Woman's hand and the jewelry "Princess" on her head that resembled a monk's spirit stone.

Lai Ko is not a good blacksmith.

But she won't be unable to recognize even legendary level equipment.

"Two souls are merged into one, and the extra part is made into a legend?

This approach felt familiar to me. "

Lai Ko's words were ridiculed.

"Indeed, I learned it from Bulkeso.

Although speaking of it, you should be considered my senior.

Fortunately, Amazon has a way of inheritance in terms of soul.

Otherwise, I might not even be able to recognize you. "

Wonder Woman is just kidding.

There are not many strong women among the barbarians, and only Leko and Sonya still exist at this time.

Sonya is in her own domain, and Sonya is much younger than Reiko who is on the other side of the portal.

There is no such thing as Lei Ko's identity being unrecognizable.

"I feel like Jorez may have disappeared.

If my feelings are correct, then you may be dealing with a demon more powerful than the Venomous Lord.

I'm not sure, but I think it's very likely. "

After saying this, Lei Ko directly forcibly closed the portal opened by Wonder Woman.

She has said what needs to be said!

"A relationship between husband and wife?

It is the strangest thing that such a connection can survive between a barbarian and a hell lord.

But I will remember.

Anyway, it's normal for the devil to play tricks in tacit understanding.

Not for the first time.

A tacit understanding is not a contract, and contracts can be exploited. "

Wonder Woman tightened her grip slightly on the spear "Valkyrie" in her hand, and the words in her mouth were somewhat disdainful.

She is ready!

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