Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1304 Tyrell cannot carry courage!

"Constantine, what are you going to do!?"

Nick Fury asked anxiously.

Constantine has made himself a presence that cannot be ignored on the battlefield at this time, which means that he must have some plans!

Constantine is not the kind of guy who would stand up for no reason!

Now Constantine is likely to affect the current battle situation!

Whether Constantine plans to help Archangel or Baal, Nick Fury has to find out!

"I just want to do something for humanity. The best option now seems to be to help Imprius deal with the trouble first?"

Constantine laughed directly after taking one look at the battle situation.

His smile did not bring confidence to Nick Fury, but made most people present feel panic!

What this guy is going to do is definitely not what he says!

"Ah, time waits for no one, now I have to do something!"

Constantine said as he walked towards Malthael!

Malthael is still in the illusion of fear, but no one knows how long he will stay in this illusion!

Barr thoughtfully dismissed Gruchak's attack again, and began to weigh in his mind the possibility of taking action against Malthael at this time!

Compared to helping Aidan kill Iprius, it seems that the most correct choice is to directly attack Malthael here!

If Malthael was the target of attack, Gruchak's resistance might not be so fierce!

Even though Barr couldn't be defeated by Gruchak, Gruchak was enough to influence his actions.

Malthael is not as worthy of respect and hesitation as Imprius in the eyes of the Nephalem!

Although the Archangel of Wisdom itself is worthy of respect, if there is a chance to kill Malthael completely, and the Nephalem don't even need to take the initiative.

Then most Nephalem are happy to see it happen!

Malthael's threat to the Nephalem is no worse than that of the Demon God. On the contrary, humans in this world do not need to worry too much about Malthael.

This guy would not do anything to take advantage of human life and death unless he was forced to do so.

"Archangel Malthael of Wisdom, it seems that there is not much difference between you and us.

When you are wise and face fear, the things you encounter must be more terrifying, right?

After all, there are many terrible and disturbing things that we can’t even imagine in our heads. "

Constantine said teasingly.

His hand was directly pressed on the hand crossbow on his waist. This was his greatest protection at this time!

His legendary hand crossbow ensures that he can break through Malthael's defenses, although his attacks are not fatal enough.

But Constantine doesn’t only have this trump card in his hand!

When Baal is present, it is enough for him to directly use the appearance of destruction!

This will allow Baal to directly take over the damage to Malthael!

The wise archangel who once made many nephalem despair, now stays where he is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

"Constantine! Stop!"

Nick Fury finally reacted, but the impact of just speaking could not stop Constantine's next move!

If you want to stop other people's actions by shouting, you must at least have the power to make the other person have to consider the consequences!

But unfortunately, Nick Fury does not have this power!

"This is necessary, the existence of the Soul Reaver is not as good as you know.

It's a joke to rely entirely on Malthael and his Soul Reavers to fight against demons! "

Constantine's smile remains the same!

And his hand crossbow also burst out with brilliant brilliance at this time!

The arrow flew towards Malthael's head with a decisive momentum!

At this time, everyone present realized that there was a serious connection between Constantine and Barr!

The destructive power lingers on the arrow. This moment is enough to move everyone!


Gruchak launched an attack again, but this time his target was no longer Baal who could disrupt his offensive at any time!

His attack was directed at Constantine and Malthael, who was unresponsive!

Such a blow would be enough to severely damage Constantine, and even put his life in danger!

And Malthael won't fare well if he's unprepared, but at least he won't fall directly to this place!

"It's really fun."

Barr spat out these words with some indifference.

But when he spoke, he didn't stand still!

Barr's figure just flashed past, and he appeared directly next to Tyrell!

He would not use this opportunity when everyone focused on Malthael to try to kill Malthael!

This time is obviously the best opportunity to kill Tyrell!

And Constantine's attack has been unleashed!

This means that Malthael must suffer a heavy blow at this time!

If we can seize this opportunity to deal with Tyrael and Iprius, then it is possible to kill three archangels this time!

Such an opportunity is so rare that Baal, who is rare, cannot pretend he has not seen it!

Aidan saw Barr's actions, and he stretched out his hand directly towards the Glory of the Holy Feather with calm eyes!

The sword in his hand can only be used to cut with Tyrael, but if you want to restrict Tyrael's movements, seizing his Holy Feather's Glory is the best choice!

Even if this will cost him dearly, it doesn't matter!

Aidan was already prepared to die when he chose to launch this hunt!

The moment that hand shrouded in the light of justice grasped the radiance of the Holy Feather, the breath of death finally burst out from Tyrell!

Now there is no way for him to hold anything back!

The situation has taken a turn for the worse, to the point where it is very unfavorable for the Archangel!

Tyrael would not pin his hopes on the Nephalem and someone else would show up and try to stop Aidan and Baal!

Because he is very aware of the damage he has caused to the Nephalem!

To be more precise, among the archangels in the entire high-level heaven, only Inprius, who seems to be the most unkind, has not deliberately hurt the Nephalem!

Other existences, whether it's him or Malthael, or Israel and the seemingly fair and selfless Auriel!

They all had an impact on the Nephalem back then!

Even the irreparable kind!

At this point Tyrell can only choose to save himself!

The breath of death does not have a very obvious effect on Barr, but it is particularly effective on Aidan!

When Malthael had the power of death, even the powerful Nephalem could not resist the erosion of death!

Without the help of a large number of the dead, even Bulcaisel would be taken away by death!

As a human being, Aidan is powerless to fight death!

This is a destined thing!

In just an instant, Aidan's body became shriveled up, and it was no longer clear that he was a powerful warrior!

Even the power of justice and authority cannot prevent Aidan from losing his life!

But Aidan's hand firmly held onto the Glory of the Holy Feather!

The hand had completely turned into a skeleton, but it was this gesture that made Tyrell change his expression!


Tyrell exclaimed the name!

"No, my father is not here.

I just made an exchange with him. Death can kill life, but it cannot take away an immortal monster!

Perhaps the archangels have fallen into this state, and the one you should most swear to swear is the immortal king of Volusk! "

Aidan said in a loud voice.

The exchange between him and Leoric was actually in front of him!

This skeleton arm belongs to Leoric!

That's why Tyrell screamed out Leoric's name at this moment!

Aidan exchanged arms with his father!

This is just an insurance, so that Aidan at least has the means to resist when facing death!

Of course, the same goes for Leoric!

If Leoric is attacked by Baal, then he can get another chance through this arm!

The price is that Aidan will lose an arm forever.

But compared with Leoric's existence, this price is still worth it!

But Leoric didn't expect that Aidan would be the first to use this trump card!

When the power of death began to wash away this arm, Leoric, who was far away in Khanduras, already understood what was happening!

"Tyriel, you may be the most damned one among the archangels!"

Aidan shouted with a bit of weird excitement!

Even his chest was stretched out with fists that were always covered with thick armor!

The armor is red!

The courageous and unyielding holy flame baked his gradually withered body even drier. At this time, Aidan looked more like a burnt corpse!

But his blond hair is still flying!

But the light of justice is still shining brightly!

The light of justice cannot prevent death from taking Aidan's life!

Even with the arm of this immortal monster, it only slows down the process!

"Warriors, I respect each of you!"

Prius said in a strange tone.

The wound on his chest is still spraying blood like light spots belonging to the Archangel of Courage!

The blood spilled on Aidan's body, burning Aidan's body into green smoke!

Because the blood of Prius is far hotter than the blood of those demons burning in hell!

A guy who can easily take Perseverance in his hand and mold it into his favorite weapon, his body temperature itself is already terrifyingly high!

"Then how about you die with me!?"

Aidan said with a laugh!

He is not afraid of death because he has already died once!

Although he returned to the world with the help of the archangels, he still couldn't give up everything about himself as a human being!

Aidan, who became a human again, met a brand-new Canduras, and also met his daughter who he didn't know how to get close to!

He even had a profound exchange with his father who fell into madness!

Aidan has no regrets whatsoever!

There will be no regrets!

All he wants now is to die together with one of the archangels, the source of endless pain to the Nephalem!

How could a hero who once wandered in Sanctuary not be crazy!

"This is the first time I have felt the smell of death so clearly."

There was relief in Prius's tone.

Aidan did not look back to see the situation of Imprius. He stared at Baal's huge body appearing behind Tyrell who was unable to wield the radiance of the Holy Feather!

"Well done, Tyrael, Imprius, and you, Aidan. Such a victory is really wonderful!

It's a pity that I am not the strongest one. Even if I get the sweet fruit of victory, I can't taste the sweet taste safely. "

Barr sighed and waved his arms!

He didn't use the power of fear this time!

Using the power of fear in front of Imprius is completely contemptuous of this Archangel of Courage!

If Prius hadn't been directly weakened by Aidan's surprise attack before, he wouldn't have used the power of fear to affect Malthael!

Fear and courage are never mutually exclusive, these two things can exist at the same time!

So Barr is also looking forward to what he will look like after gaining the authority of courage!

Although he knew that even if he became the Great Demon God again, he would not be able to defeat Bulcaisuo.

But what he wants to do this time is to surpass the Great Demon God!

When Malthael first gained the power of death, he was still able to fight Bulkatho.

But where does he still have this ability now! ?

Barr just thought that after obtaining these powers, he would be able to see clearly the location of some Bulkesso!

Only after understanding Bulkaiso's situation and knowing Bulkaiso's limits can he make a better judgment!

Now is the perfect time to kill Tyrael, Imprius, and Aidan!

And Aidan will help him at this time!

Barr will never miss this opportunity!

"Tyrrell, you need courage to help you face this desperate situation.

It's a pity that I will never entrust you with the authority of courage! "

Because the Prius let out a hearty laugh!

Courage begins to breed, then surges, until it spurts out like lava from an erupting volcano!

Tyrael felt powerful, the power of courage!

But he knows that this is just because Prius protects him as a brother!

Just like Imprius said, he will not hand over the power of courage to Tyrael!


Tyrell roared and let go of the Glory of the Holy Feather!

Every time he lets go of his side sword, it always has a big impact!

The last time he released his sword when facing Malthael's Reaper of Souls, Malthael created endless deaths along the way!

It also completely reduced the sanctuary to ruins!

The last time he sent the Glory of the Holy Feather was on the Holy Mountain of Arreat, when the sword he threw hit the World Stone hard!

Unlocking the seal on the nephalem's talents, it also destroyed the barbarian's homeland!

This time will be no exception!

The power of courage covered his hands, and the radiance of death and courage intertwined to form an armour-like shape!

Then Tyrell bravely faced the fist of destruction wielded by Baal in front of him!

"I knew this day would come."

Barr was excited and didn't give in at all!

In addition to destruction, his fists are also densely covered with words so small that even the archangel can hardly distinguish them!

Different people see different words. Even those who do not understand the existence of any words see the carrier of knowledge that they can understand!

At this time, Barr finally used the power of knowledge directly!

Although the method he used was too rough, "knowledge is power"!

Even if the authority of knowledge is wielded as a blunt weapon, the power of knowledge will not be weakened by half!

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