Helanzhen was excited, got up and saluted: "I will live up to the entrustment of the lord. I will personally supervise this matter. I will write a letter to return to Jiangzhou, and ask my uncle, the middle order, to Helan Yanzhi. A brief and easy-to-understand military strategy will be distributed to the guards of various counties and counties. I swear to be the master and train an invincible Jin warrior for my great Jin."

After the crowd dispersed,

Mo Qiaosheng followed Cheng Qianye and walked along the long corridor towards the dormitory.

The bright moon is in the sky, and there are mottled shadows of the railings on the road.

The two walked silently for a while, and Cheng Qianye said, "What happened to Cheng Feng today?"

Mo Qiaosheng had become accustomed to the lord's keenness to detect Qiuhao, and he briefly recounted what he had seen and heard today.

"Song's envoy?" Cheng Qianye snorted softly, "I remember."

She hooked her fingers and Mo Qiaosheng got closer.

"That person is coming to see me tomorrow? You first find a few soldiers and wait for him in ambush on the street. As soon as he comes out, cover him with a bag and beat him up."

Mo Qiaosheng opened his mouth in surprise. In his mind, the lord has always been gentle and gentle, but unexpectedly, he also has such a side.

Cheng Qianye patted him on the chest with the back of his hand: "Gān what? There is nothing to be afraid of, now we are in our own territory, except that we can't kill him, we can do whatever we want. This is the most relieved, what I hate the most is This scum. Old and ugly and perverted."

Mo Qiaosheng smiled. For the first time, he felt that the lord was no longer so aloof and unreachable, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness.

"What about yourself?" Cheng Qianye put away his smile, "You're going to go out in two days."

She turned around and sat down on the railing, leaning against the breeze on the moon.

"You know what I'm trying to say?"

"My lord wants me to love myself, not be brave, win and come back safely." Mo Qiaosheng looked at Cheng Qianye sitting on the railing, knelt down in front of her, raised his head and looked at her, "I remember it all. , I will definitely do it."

"Qiaosheng, good fighters are not famous, do you know the meaning of this sentence?"

Mo Qiaosheng was a little puzzled.

"Real victorious generals fight steadily, siege the city without haste, seek progress in a steady way, and occasionally change. Those battles that rely on the risk of troops and win by ingenious tricks are actually helpless."

Mo Qiaosheng listened carefully.

"They may not have enough troops, they may not have enough backup support, or they may have to take risks because of the urging of the domestic lord. Although they have won and spread the name of immortality, many of them can't go very far. As long as they are not careful, their lives will be lost. , No matter how great a feat is, it's just a piece of legend, useless."

Mo Qiaosheng raised his head and looked at the man sitting under the bright moon. He suddenly understood everything. The lord worked hard day and night, day and night, and worked tirelessly to increase grain production and improve the military system.

It was all for me. For me who will go to the front line.

He suppressed the tears in his eyes and heard the voice of the lord,

"My general, you don't have to think about unnecessary things like them. I will be your solid backing. Whether it's food, grass or soldiers, I will try my best to provide you with a steady stream. Go ahead, that's fine, you know?"

Mo Qiaosheng reached into his arms and took out what he had been holding in his arms.

He clenched his fists and rubbed them without opening his palms.

"What?" Cheng Qianye smiled.

Mo Qiaosheng pondered for a long time, and finally slowly opened his palm.

In his large palm, lay a small black ring.

"This is for me?" Cheng Qianye's eyes lit up.

What a coincidence, he actually knew how to send this.

Mo Qiaosheng blushed, "This is Mo Fei, I've been looking for it for a long time, and when I saw it had ink characters, it's like... just like me..."

It's like I'm with the lord.

"You put it on for me." Cheng Qianye stretched out his hand.

Mo Qiaosheng looked at the hand stretched out in front of his eyes, and the pale skin glowed like jade in the moonlight.

His arm, which can lift thousands of pounds, suddenly couldn't hold this little ring. With a trembling hand, he slipped the dark blue ring into his white and tender fingers.

Cheng Qianye raised his hand and looked at the dark blue ring on his finger through the moonlight.

Under the moonlight, Mo Fei revealed a faint blue light.

"It's beautiful, I like it very much, thank you, Hashimoto."

"Hey, I haven't cried yet, why are you crying?"

Cheng Qianye broke Mo Qiaosheng's face and gently placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Come back safely, my general."

Chapter 59

Cheng Feng came out of the council hall, walked through the long corridor, and walked on the flagstone road.

A small figure stood there by the roadside, holding a beautiful cloth tiger, looking at him with round eyes full of worry.

The corners of Cheng Feng's mouth were raised imperceptibly, and when he passed by, he suddenly reached out and rubbed the little head.

"Oops." Xiao Qiu called out, holding her head in one hand, looking at the crimson figure who was walking away in surprise.

"Qiu, what are you looking at? Come and help." Biyun shouted with the tea set in one hand and the kettle in the other.

"Come, come." Xiao Qiu hurried over, took the heavy water bottle from her sister's hand, and followed behind her with a little difficulty.


Sister, our lord is really a very powerful and very gentle person. "

"You little girl, what did you hear again?" Biyun smiled and glanced at her sister behind her.

"Brother Feng looked sad and sad when he went in. After a few words with the lord, he came out with a smile."

"Just your sharp eyes, a cold-hearted person like General Feng, you can tell whether he is sad or smiling."

"Sister, what are you talking about? Brother A Feng is very gentle. Look, he gave me this, Buhu."

"Oh, what a cute cloth tiger."


Chu Yezhi, an envoy of the Song state, got up early in the morning and bathed and changed clothes in the post house.

Today, he will be received by the lord of Jin, the Marquis of Jinyue.

The state of Jin was originally just a small newly rising state, and its lord had just died, and several sons in the country were busy fighting for the position of monarch. Never been looked down upon by princes.

But who would have thought that the newly succeeded young lord Jinyuehou, with slaves as his teacher, defended Bianzhou alone and repelled the Quanrong army, which was known for its bravery.

Song Xianggong, the lord of the Song Dynasty, who was close to Bianzhou, couldn't sit still.

In addition, he also heard that Duke Wei Heng of his neighboring country did not know when, he had already taken the lead and married his sister, who had been married once, and the Marquis of Jinyue as his wife, and the two countries were quietly married.

The territory of Song is small and the national strength is weak. Being sandwiched between such two countries of marriage, Song Xianggong feels more and more uneasy.

So he sent envoys to Bianzhou. First, he congratulated Jinyuehou and brought his feelings closer; secondly, he explained the difficulties of Song Guo's failure to lend a helping hand while watching Bianzhou besieged. The third is mainly to explore the reality of Jin.

There are many monarchs who think like him, so Bianzhou has recently added a lot of envoys from other states.

I heard that the Marquis of Jinyue was an elegant scholar who advocated elegance.

Chu Yezhi really dressed up before going out.

He has a high crown and a tassel, fresh clothes and Bo robes, and walks out of the crown, boasting a twelve-point romance.

The only downside is that the state of Jin did not send a chariot to pick him up, so he had to go on horseback.

Unexpectedly, just a few steps out of the inn, two groups of rioters rushed out from nowhere, and they quarreled with each other, rushing him and his entourage away.

Chu Yezhi was dizzy, holding the tall hat in one hand and the reins in the other, shouting, "Don't be crowded, don't be crowded, make way, I'm the envoy of Song."

Suddenly someone pulled him off the horse, a sack fell from the sky, wrapped around his head, and dragged him into a dark alley. Countless fists kicked and beat him mercilessly, making him cry.

The entourage searched everywhere, and finally found Chu Yezhi in a dirty alley, only to see him stripped of his coat and robbed of all his belongings. His hair was disheveled, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he was wailing in the corner.

The group of people returned to the inn in embarrassment.

What made them angry was that Yicheng's accusations against them were just perfunctory, saying that it was wartime, there were many refugees in the city, and the law and order were chaotic, so they should pay attention to their own safety and so on.

Chu Yezhi could only recuperate in the post house.

A few days later, before the bruises on Chu Yezhi's face had completely disappeared, he heard that the Marquis of Jinyue sent 10,000 troops to Qixian County.

Chu Yezhi hurriedly took his entourage and mixed in with the crowd in the market to watch the Jin army marching out.

I saw the flags and flags shrouded the sky and the sun, and the long men and horses could not see their heads and tails at a glance, and the vast dàngdàng went through the city.

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