Yang Luhou stood up straight and happened to see under the stage, Yang Sheng stopped Mo Qiaosheng who had just stepped off the stage.

"Lord Colonel." Yang Sheng clasped his fists and gave a military salute, "Master Colonel took the lead for a lap, and he didn't feel tired at all. I really can't wait for it."

"I don't know if the adults are free today, so I will call the villain again." He said modestly, but his expression was a little arrogant. He closed the camp every day. As long as he could stop it, he would stop Mo Qiaosheng to compare, although every time They all lost, but they still didn't shy away.

Mo Qiaosheng didn't say much, he took off his shirt, "Yes, let's compare fighting skills today."

The two men's gibbous waists, with tight muscles, bent down and stared at each other.

Yang Sheng looked closely at the man opposite him.

This man has a pair of indifferent eyes, with a terrifying fighting intent, when he stared at him, it reminded him of the láng he met in the wasteland when he was a child.

When láng sees his prey, he will also show this kind of look, which makes the back of his neck chill, and he can't wait to turn around and run.

But he, Yang Sheng, had never run since he was a child.

The more powerful the opponent, the more excited he was.

Yang Sheng roared and rushed forward.

Before he could jump, his ankle hurt and suddenly lost his balance.

Yang Sheng rolled around on the ground, quickly got up, and rushed towards Mo Qiaosheng again.

This time, he saw that when he approached, Mo Qiaosheng quickly kicked out and kicked towards his lower plate.

Just after Mo Qiaosheng's surprise attack, Yang Sheng felt a sudden pain in the bend of his knee, which made his left leg go weak and he almost fell to his knees. He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from falling, and threw out a punch, hitting Mo Qiaosheng directly at the door, and at the same time kicked out a leg and kicked Mo Qiaosheng's crotch.

Mo Qiaosheng supported his arms and legs.

The two stood at a stalemate for a moment, Mo Qiaosheng opened Yang Sheng's arm and punched him in the chest, knocking him back a few steps.

"You can't do this, you're just fighting. Come on, I'll teach you the real fighting technique." Mo Qiaosheng stopped Yang Sheng who wanted to pounce again.

"Lord Colonel. Me, can we also learn?" A soldier onlookers asked with a red face.

"Yes, teach us too, Master Captain."

"Teach us, Mo Yan... no, Master Colonel."

Before returning to the camp, the soldiers who stayed to watch shouted one by one.

"Okay, what's your name, come over and demonstrate." Mo Qiaosheng pointed at the first soldier to speak.

"The villain's name is A Yuan, thank you sir."

Mo Qiaosheng caught A Yuan's arms and began to explain the key points of fighting techniques.

"That's right, your arm strength is very strong. On the battlefield, you can defeat ten times with one force. From now on, pay attention to continue to increase your strength." Mo Qiaosheng praised.

Helanzhen came to the outside of the school grounds, and heard the still shouting and shouting in the field.

This little Mo is too energetic, the time to close the camp has long passed, and he has tossed it so late every time.

In this moment,

A Yuan was blushing, but he still couldn't shake the iron pincer-like arm on the opposite side.

Suddenly there was a roar in the distance: "Xiao Mo, the lord has called, let you and I go to Xingyuan to answer."

The hands that were firmly catching A Yuan's arm suddenly loosened, and A Yuan refrained from the momentum and threw Captain Mo to the ground.

"Hold... I'm sorry." A Yuan hurriedly helped his superior.

However, he saw a suspicious blush on his face, who had always been strict and ruthless.

I must be dazzled, Yuan thought.

Mo Qiaosheng stood up, patted the soil on his body, made a few simple words, and hurriedly left the school grounds with Helanzhen.

The two came to the hall where Cheng Qianye was.

Several non-commissioned officers were in front of Cheng Qianye, reporting the recent military battles in various places.

Mo Qiaosheng stood on the periphery, looking at the lord sitting in the crowd.

The lord propped his cheek with one hand, and the fingers of the other hand slowly tapped on the desk, listening intently and contemplating.

Mo Qiaosheng suddenly became a little distracted. He found that he couldn't concentrate his mind. Whether his eyes were on the lord's fair face, on the lord's lightly pursed red lips, or on the lightly paused Above the fingertips, it seems to be very wrong.

"Captain Mo." Cheng Qianye suddenly called his name, "How well are your troops trained? What's the trouble?"

Xiao Mo is distracted, and he doesn't know what he is struggling with.

Mo Qiaosheng restrained his mind, avoided Cheng Qianye's gaze, bowed his head and said succinctly, "Please rest assured, my lord, thanks to the full help of General Helan, the training of the new army will go well."

He Lanzhen couldn't help replying for him: "Mr. Mo's army is rigorous and effective, and it won't take long to guarantee his humble position. His new army will definitely become a sharp soldier in my Jin army, and it can be of great use."

Come out of the conference hall.

Helanzhen leaned on Mo Qiaosheng's shoulders: "Little Mo, what's the matter with you today? How dare you get distracted in front of the lord?"

Mo Qiaosheng's face was slightly red.

"But it's okay, your military training is really effective, and you are diligent every day. Everyone and the lord are watching."

Mo Qiaosheng stopped and hesitated for a moment.

"What's wrong with Hashimoto? Just tell me if you have something to do."

Mo Qiaosheng's face was red,

He asked, "Dare to ask General Helan, do you have a wife at home?"

"Never married. There are only two concubines." He Lanzhen replied inexplicably.

"Then... Does the general have someone he likes?" Mo Qiaosheng avoided his eyes, "I don't know what the generals give gifts to the person he likes?"

Helanzhen was surprised, "So you have a crush, no wonder you're uneasy. Did you go to Tianxiang Pavilion last time, which girl did you like?"

He patted Mo Qiaosheng on the shoulder and laughed: "Haha, those girls, they just like some flowers. Qiaosheng, you are so beautiful, Qiyu Xuanang, which sister would not like it? Just buy one. Jewelry is a gift."

Moqiao escaped and left.

He Lanzhen added a sentence afterward: "Don't worry, according to what my brother taught, while saying love words in your mouth, you put them on yourself, so that you can easily capture the girl's heart."


Sima Tu tended the horses in the stable.

Although he is no longer a groom, he still takes care of Princess Tianxiang's mount every day.

He heard someone calling his name and turned around.

I saw Mo Qiaosheng, who was always reticent to speak, standing at the gate of the stable.

His expression was a little embarrassed, his face was reddish, and he looked like he was hesitating to speak.

"What's the matter, Qiaosheng, is there anything you can do to find me?" Sima Tu was quite happy that Mo Qiaosheng could come to him.

Mo Qiaosheng held back his shame, and hesitantly reiterated his intentions.

Sima Tu wanted to laugh but held back desperately, his facial expression seemed very strange for a while.

Mo Qiaosheng blushed and turned to leave.

"Don't, don't," Sima Tu grabbed him, "What's the point of giving the lord a gift, you wash yourself clean and put it on his lips, he will be the happiest."


Sitting in her room, Ah Feng looked at Xiao Qiu who brought her the soup and turned her face away coldly, "Put it down, I've said it many times, I don't need you to worry about my own affairs."

"No, lord Jiāo is staying. I have to watch you drink medicine every day this month, and it won't work for one day less." Xiaoqiu blocked the door, insisting on watching Ah Feng drink medicine, "Sister said, lord Whatever you do, no matter how big or small, you can't be sloppy at all."

A Feng was helpless, picked up the medicine bowl and drank it, "Can you go now?"

"Not yet, the lord said, follow the doctor's instructions, watch you walk around the house twice a day, don't go out at will, you must change the medicine every three days, and ask the doctor to come for consultation once every five days..."

When Mo Qiaosheng arrived, he saw a chubby little bun standing in front of Ah Feng's house. Ah Feng held his head helplessly and sat at the table in the house.

The author has something to say: Regarding the question of how many acres of land can be planted to be able to live as a family, I have checked the "Food and Goods". The area of ​​mu in that era was different from that of today. The saying that one hundred steps is one mu means that the side length of one mu is equal to the length of one hundred steps, which is about 130 meters.

At that time, productivity was low. One mu of land produced about 2 shi of millet or rice (the husks were not removed), and an adult man needed about 30 shi for food a year (just enough to eat, living expenses were not counted), and a household normally had five. Six people, including couples, the elderly, children, or some underage siblings. So I referred to some papers (who wrote it and forgot, sorry). During the autumn period, a family normally needed to rent 200 mu of land, which was barely enough to live on. The 200 mu of land produced about 400 shi, and after deducting rent, taxes, seeds, and fertilizers, the remaining roughly 100 shi of grain was enough. The family eats, and reluctantly sells a little replacement for daily necessities. This is also the case of a good year. So I set the old farmer's family to rent 200 mu of land in addition to their own 30 mu of land.

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