Merchant ships began to sail directly from Bianjing to Zhengzhou upstream. From Xingyang, it will be diverted to the Huáng River, or directly into the hinterland of Jin through Qinshui.

It is also possible to travel south through Suisui to the wealthy state of Song, from where rich silk and cheap food can be delivered.

The docks in Bianjing are becoming more and more lively, and the moored ships and porters carrying goods have formed a busy scene.

There are also more shops on the street, displaying a wide variety of fresh goods from the north and the south.

Not far from the pier is a military camp.

Several women and old people are wiping tears, standing at the gate of the military camp, saying goodbye to their families who are about to go out.

A woman who was over fifty years old held her son's hand tightly, sobbing with snot and tears. In the end, she gritted her teeth and said, "No, don't go back."

Don't come back from the battlefield without getting a title.

Although she was very reluctant to her son.

But their family fled from other places. After migrating to Bianjing after hardships, their husband died early on the way to escape.

At the top of the house is the sick and weak Gaotang, and below there are four or five children who are waiting to be fed.

Although he was a native of Jin, it was far from enough to live on the 30 acres of land allocated.

Now only the only grown-up son can be counted on.

Only when he won the title on the battlefield and rewarded the fields can the family's life be hopeful.

Her son comforted: "Mother, don't worry, the child will be able to earn a high-ranked title and come back. You and sister have to work hard for a while, pulling your brothers and sisters, and waiting for the child to return at home."

The mother shoved the winter coat in her arms into his hand and let it go with a sob.

Adjacent to this camp is a more battalion.

The atmosphere here is much more relaxed and lively.

Most of the camp were young teenagers, and their parents were stuffing food and winter clothes into their hands, and they were doing trivial things.

The army is about to go out, but these young boys are on a one-month shift and do not need to go out with the army.

Therefore, although the family is full of concern, it is not like the next door is full of grief.

According to the latest decree of Jin State, as long as they settle down in Jin State, any family with a man between the age of 15 and 55 must send a male over 15 years old to participate in the one-month military service every year. It's called more service.

Men on duty do not have to leave their homes too far, they only need to serve in the county where their household registration is located, and they will be organized by a special person to perform military exercises for half a month, and participate in the construction of city defenses and infrastructure in the county.

At this moment, the two young men from the same village were holding the clothes given by their parents and walking towards the barracks of the more service camp.

"Look, brother, it's really lively over there, there's a lot of crying and crying." The younger man said to his brother from the same town.

The older man replied, "The army is about to go out. Once on this battlefield, who knows how many people will come back. If it really counts as parting from life and death, it's natural to cry."

"A man, a man, should make a contribution and make a career. If you chop off a few heads on the battlefield and come back, won the title, and the whole family will follow the glory, wouldn't it be great! The younger brother hopes not to serve this daily servitude that is just a show. Only Thinking that one day I will be drafted into the army, and I will fight on the battlefield with real swords and real guns."

"Don't underestimate the military service. This half-month exercise every year is the key to saving your life in the future. The battlefield is not as simple as you think." The older man looked at the military camp next door and comforted himself with his youthful spirit. fellow countrymen,

"What I'm most afraid of is a stunned young man like you who recklessly goes to the battlefield, and the soaring drums roared, and the sound of killing was heard everywhere. If you do anything, you will lose your life in an instant." He is older, and he has seen countless tragedies that go to the battlefield but never return home, and he is not so optimistic about the war. Is it what the village preached? This is to give our young men in Jin the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the training of Shiwu every year. When we really want us to go to the battlefield, fewer people will die."

The young man was stunned for a moment. His new-born calf's fearless heart also seemed to have touched a little bit of gunpowder smoke on the battlefield that was not far away from him.

After the autumn harvest.

The Zuo Shu Chang Mo Qiaosheng of the Jin state led an army of 30,000 to invade the neighboring Song state in one fell swoop.

Connected to nine cities including Lankao, Waihuáng, and Minquan.

The whole way was like a broken bamboo, and the army went straight to Suiyang, the capital of the Song Dynasty.

Song Xianggong, the monarch of the Song Dynasty, panicked, and with the concubine of the harem, the Manchu civil and military moved the capital from Suiyang to Pengcheng, which was far away from the Jin state.

At the same time, he urgently issued his credentials and asked for help from the neighboring states of Wei and Lu.

The monarch of the state of Lu ignored it.

Duke Weiheng Yao Hong was unambiguous, and immediately dispatched his general Yuan Wu, leading tens of thousands of navy divisions, along the Jishui, intending to rescue the Song state by attacking the state of Jin.

It's not that Yao Hong has much friendship with Song State, but he sees the situation very clearly, and he can no longer tolerate Jin State to continue to grow.

The position of Song State is sandwiched between Jin State and Wei State.

If the Song Kingdom is beaten down by Cheng Qianyu, the Jinyue waiter, then they will become the next obstacle on the road of the Jin Kingdom to defend the country, and sooner or later they will only have to be swept away.

The Weiguo Navy sailed to Huáng Pond, north of Bianjing.

There, he was intercepted by Yu Dunsu, the long-awaited right concubine of the Jin State, and the guards were defeated and returned.

Song Xianggong had no choice but to compromise, ceding the land and paying indemnity, agreeing to cede the delta area of ​​the Tongji River in Sishui to Jin.

Ji Ang, the crown prince of the Song state, endured the humiliation and came to the border.

Facing him was a man in a wheelchair.

In his eyes, Zhou Zixi, who should have been a waste long ago, is now sitting in the position of the victorious envoy, looking at him indifferently.

He was forced to retreat step by step by this crippled former classmate, and handed over Dingtao, Caoxian, Waihuáng, Lankao and other cities to Jin, and he had to agree to a series of unequal trade and business treaties.

Ji Ang gritted his teeth and dropped his name on the contract of Qu rǔ.

He suppressed his anger and stared at the person opposite him, barely able to control the shaking of his facial muscles.

Zhou Zixi calmly signed his handsome handwriting on the contract.

The prince of Song country gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from his throat, "I really regret it, I should have..."

Zhou Zixi was unmoved. After signing the letter, he raised his hand slightly, and the entourage of the personal guard pushed his wheelchair away. When he passed Ji Ang's side, he indifferently said a word.

"In the future, I'm afraid you will regret it even more."

When Cheng Qianye received the good news, he was sitting in Concubine Xu's palace, looking at a white and tender little bun, staggering and learning to walk in front of her.

She received the military newspaper urgently delivered by the front line, unfolded it, and couldn't help but high-five it.

The little bun was startled, and when his feet were crooked, he fell to the ground and rolled in a circle.

Several palace maids hurried to reach out to help,

"Don't help." Cheng Qianye nodded at the military newspaper in his hand, "Peng'er, come here, stand up by yourself."

Cheng Qianye said so, Concubine Xu had already stretched out the double soft weeds in midair and retracted them, stopping the maid by the way.

Concubine Xu's son, Cheng Qianye's only son on the bright side.

The name Cheng Qianye gave him, the surname is Cheng, and the single name is Peng.

It is the meaning of taking the journey of thousands of miles.

In addition, it also secretly expressed Cheng Qianye's homesickness that he was far away from his hometown and could never return.

This one-year-old boy has inherited the advantages of his parents' appearance, and is no longer the wrinkled appearance he had when he was born.

At this moment, he was wearing a short jacket with a red bottom and a black border, his white and tender face was pouting, and he wanted to cry and was a little afraid of this "father" who had just seen him for a few days.

Those wet eyes looked around,

I saw his mother looked at him with a smile and encouragement, but did not pick him up like in the past.

The surrounding maids bowed their heads, and did not rush to coax him as usual.

The "father" sitting in front, with a shiny orange-colored stone spinning on his finger, was luring himself to him.

"Come on, Peng'er gets up by herself, as long as you come to me, this stone will be given to you to play with."

Since no one came to coax, the little boy felt that there was no need to cry.

He quickly got up and walked up to the man who was said to be his father. He stretched out his fleshy little hand to reach for the beautiful stone in his hand.

"That's right, isn't it great?" Cheng Qianye rubbed the little bun's head and put the orange jade in his palm, "Boys should teach this way, if he falls down in the future, let him Get up yourself."

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