Dali Temple Small Dining Room

Chapter 445: Scissor noodles (7)

  Chapter 445 Scissors Noodles (7)

  Wen Xiutang wondered how could she know this? All she had to do back then was to keep her color and please King Yu! But looking at Liu Yuan's face, this seal seems to be not that simple.

   While feeling uneasy, Liu Yuan spoke.

"This seal is King Yu's private seal, and many documents and letters with this private seal are related to King Yu's treason." Liu Yuan looked at her and said, "Miss Wen just said that the seal is in the Your place was left by King Yu when he affixed his seal on your place. He didn’t even hide such things as treason from you, if Miss Wen and King Yu are just the relationship between the gold master and the top card, it can’t be justified.”

  Wen Xiutang's face turned pale, and only then did she realize that she had fallen into a pit.

   This **** girl Wen Mingtang framed her! The so-called accusation of being hunted down that day was simply a cover, but the real purpose was to forcibly drag her into the closed case of King Yu's treason.

  Liu Yuan in that room naturally wouldn't wait for her to slowly think of a countermeasure, but continued: "Miss Wen also confirmed the complaint just now, so it can be seen that she is literate. Don't use the cover of being illiterate to fool her."

  Wen Xiutang broke into a cold sweat for a while, the crime of treason is not as serious as assisting King Yu in chasing down and killing an ordinary citizen, and chasing and killing Wen Mingtang, a dead girl, without direct evidence, the case can be dismissed. But once there is suspicion of such a serious crime as treason, not to mention direct evidence, even indirect evidence that is not relevant needs to be strictly investigated.

   Therefore, once implicated in a serious crime of treason, very few people can really escape.

After Liu Yuan finished speaking, he stopped and saw Wen Xiutang's face was white and silent, but his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He paused for a moment, exchanged glances with Bai Zhu and Wei Fu, and said, "So I'm afraid Miss Wen won't be able to leave." After saying that, she turned to the jailer beside her and said, "Change another cell!"

   Suspects of serious crimes such as treason will naturally be transferred to the innermost cell and kept under strict supervision.

  From the beginning to the end, Wen Mingtang didn't say a word.

Wen Xiutang was pushed and pulled out, and Wen Mingtang didn't make a sound when he shouted "wronged" and "lightly", and Wen Mingtang didn't make a sound when Wen Xiutang was escorted by the jailer to the inner room and abused her. From the beginning to the end, he just watched Wen Xiutang calmly being transferred to the innermost cell.

  Wait until Wen Xiutang's voice faded to the point where he could no longer hear it, Wen Mingtang turned his head and said to Liu Yuan and others beside him, "I'm sorry."

  The "I'm sorry" was really too polite, and returned the withdrawn complaint to Wen Mingtang, Liu Yuan said: "I can only wait for this matter to help run errands, and I am not the one who really contributed to this matter."

  Wen Mingtang touched the gold and jade seal in his hand and nodded, saying, "I know."

  If there was evidence, she would have shown it long ago, so why wait until now? This gold and jade seal was only obtained from the search of Prince Yu's mansion. Lin Fei brought the gold and jade seal together with Wen Xiutang's news.

  So, in fact, she has no evidence at all, and all of this was confessed by Wen Xiutang in order to evade herself.

  The seal is not important, what is important is that Wen Xiutang admitted that King Yu did not hide from her when he did things with her, including treason, the same is true.

  So how could it be possible that Wen Xiutang didn't know about King Yu's previous conspiracy?

   Fumbling for the gold and jade seal in his hand, Wen Mingtang gave a soft sneer, and returned the physical evidence to Liu Yuan.

   Your Majesty sent this physical evidence, of course, not to pursue the crime of treason against the dead King Yu, but to arrest Wen Xiutang justifiably.

   Regardless of whether Wen Xiutang knew about what happened to Wen Xuance back then, after Wen Mingtang was interrogated, Wen Xiutang was going to be interrogated. Wen Mingtang lowered his eyes: She has never been a generous person. It is unreasonable for her to be interrogated repeatedly when she didn't know anything about the Wen family's past. .

  Wen Xiutang...hid behind her, completely escaped these persecutions. What's more... She didn't believe that Ye Huai alone could clean up the matter of taking Wen Xiutang away last year, and only Ye Zhouxu took action to hide Wen Xiutang's whereabouts for so long.

  So, why did Ye Zhouxu take Wen Xiutang away? She doesn't believe in the nonsense of Wen Xuance's past, if it comes to Wen Xuance's past, can Wen Xiutang go past her? But Ye Zhouxu told her... Wen Mingtang sneered and shook his head when he thought of the fake death in his dream that turned into real death.

  Wen Xiutang must have some secret that deserves Ye Zhouxu's trouble, if not, why keep Wen Xiutang? Isn't it just adding to the trouble? Just like her back then?

   But right now, no matter what the secret is, Wen Xiutang, who has never suffered before, will always tell it in the prison.

  Wen Mingtang walked out of the prison. So far, Wen Xiutang has been arrested, and her mission has been completed.

  Moonlight leaked through the fingers and fell to the ground. Wen Mingtang lowered his head and looked at the shadows of his fingers. He wondered if the shadows were elongated by the moonlight. The shadows of his hands looked extraordinarily slender. Looking at the slender hand shadow under his feet, an inexplicable soreness suddenly surged up his nose.

   This came from the instinct of the body, Wen Mingtang took a deep breath, and looked at the shadow under his feet.

  Can Wen Xiutang's dim sum machine tricks really fool Wen Xuance's eyes and ears? cannot. Therefore, Wen Xiutang knew the secret, but she didn't.

  Actually, some things are not unnoticed. Before Wen Xuance's accident, he could deliberately arrange his subordinates to avoid Jiangnan, he must have known that something was going to happen to him. But before the accident, he treated the original owner and Mrs. Wen the same as before, and there was no difference.

  But... what about Wen Xiutang? Wen Mingtang didn't know. However, as the daughter of Wen Xuance, who is in charge of the Wen family, she will be bullied by Wen Xiutang. Although it is a rivalry between the daughter's family, it is enough to show Wen Xuance's attitude.

  The world praised Wen Xuance's intelligence. Since he knew he was going to die, how could he not know what happened to the Wen family after he died? Except for Wen Xiutang and Wen Mingtang, who were too young to fill the court, there would be no one else alive.

   But this secret will obviously not disappear because of Wen Xuance's death, but it will attract people to still focus on the only two remaining members of the Wen family.

  Wen Xiutang and her.

  She is Wen Xuance's own daughter, as Du Lingmou said, where would the secret be if it wasn't with her?

  She is a target, she has been a target from beginning to end, a target to protect Wen Xiutang from those secret snoopers.

  So, she didn't know anything, and Wen Xuance didn't tell her anything, because there was no need to explain anything. There will be countless people like Du Lingmou harsh on her, how long can a person live under such harsh conditions? She was going to die sooner or later under Wen Xuance's design. Wen Mingtang never forgot the icy lake water when he first came to Darong...

  What Wen Xuance hoped for was to follow her death secretly, so that those snoopers would stop completely.

  The truth is really cruel!

  Wen Mingtang sighed with emotion, lightly clenched his fingers, and the slender shadows of his hands immediately gathered together, clenched into fists without leaving any gaps.

  (end of this chapter)

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