Zhao Yan even thought in her heart, anyway, now that the soldiers are coming to the city, Daiguo has no chance.

In order to save the people of Dawn, in order to protect Daijun, it is better to give it a go!

Zhao Yan thought at first that this scepter was the embodiment of Gongzi's strength, and what could be summoned was the power of thunder, and the so-called army was just an exaggeration.

Therefore, Zhao Yan did not report much hope.

Now I see the troops standing behind me, and the momentum is menacing.

Zhao Yan couldn't help but scold herself in her heart for thinking too much, she

was extremely stupid! Why didn't she believe in

her master! It was impossible for the master to joke with her!

Zhao Yan lowered her head in shame, as if she had done something very wrong, and she was extremely guilty.

The master has a noble temperament and is calm, like a god in the sky, how can he do such a boring thing.

And at this moment, the army behind Zhao Yan was pressing, and even she was trembling with fear, only to feel that she was being choked from breathing, and she couldn't breathe.

This army is as powerful as this!

Zhao Yan couldn't help but think back to the spell just now.

Ancient Demon Seed!

The master was able to summon

the Ancient Demon Seed! Could it be that the master was also an Ancient God?

In this way, the army behind her, the so-called Ancient Demon Seed, should be the guard army on the side of the god tens of thousands of years ago.

And the thundering sun that appeared in the sky just now was the passage that the master guarded the world tens of thousands of years ago! A kind of symbol!

Thunder and scorching sun, thunder ......

Ancient gods.

The Yin and Yang family deceived the world and stole their reputation, and they couldn't be called gods at all.

The god who truly dominates all things is probably her master!

Zhao Yan, the princess of Zhao State, is not familiar with history, nor does she understand why the god suddenly came into the world and became the ninth prince of Qin State.

But at this moment, she knew it clearly in her heart.

On behalf of the country

, she has no doubt at this moment, in the eyes of these Thunder Legions, the seemingly fierce Huns are not worth mentioning at all, and they can be easily wiped out with a single move!

Zhao Yan was excited and extremely excited, she clearly remembered that all of this was brought by the master.

She wants to spend the rest of her life by her master's side, and this will never change

!" "What the hell is going on?"

"What kind of monsters are these

!" "Why is there still electricity flowing through the body?"

"Central Plains witchcraft! This is witchcraft!" The Huns looked at the terrifying scene in front of them, and immediately panicked and made a mess.

Some of the Huns had weak legs, so they had to lie down and lie on horseback to ensure that they would not fall

! Rao still felt that their whole body was weak, their strength was drained, and they could not even walk a step, and they could not even get up

! They were weak!

These huge figures were the guards of the gods.

They are ants, weak and small.

The Divine Guards have their own divine powers, and with their strength, they are nothing more than child's play in the eyes of the Guardians

! They were born in the grassland, and they grew up listening to the stories of the gods since they were young, and they believe in it in their hearts!

They only feel that the gods are sacred and inviolable!

At the same time, the war horses riding under the Huns were also frightened

, and they kept raising the sky and roaring! Rubbing the ground with their front hooves uneasily, they raised their heads and roared

! The instinct of animals, they were the first to perceive the danger than humans, and the terrifying aura, their first reaction was to immediately stay away!

War horses followed the Huns around to fight, and they had long been Xi to slaughter and blood.

But in the face of the huge thunder army in front of him, no war horse dared to step forward, and he didn't dare to kill him! Going up is just one word, death

! Shan Yu Touman saw this scene, and the thunder guards who calmly looked down on them not far away, and his heart was terrified

! But he knew that he was the backbone of the entire team! If he took the lead in retreating, morale would completely dissipate, and this was a big taboo!

Shan Yu's Xiongnu beside him said in a trembling tone: "Chief, this, The army summoned by this woman was terrifying, as if it were a god.

Shan Yu suddenly changed color, and said angrily: "Look at your appearance! What is terrible about just tricks! You see that their number is only hundreds, which is not enough evidence! We have 100,000 elites, even if we surround them, we can defeat them!"

"But, but, the war horses were frightened and refused to move forward. The Hun had obviously been frightened, and spoke upside down.

Touman was anxious and angry, and his backhand was a slap

! Suddenly

, the lieutenant general on his side fell off his horse

! "It's stupid, dismount me and charge

forward!" Shan Yu Touman turned to look at his 100,000 elites, and raised his arms and shouted, "Charge forward! Those who take Zhao Yan's head will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold! More than 100 beauties! The grassland is for you to choose from!"

This is the trick of the Central Plains people, pretending, you are all the most heroic warriors from the grassland, give me morale, charge!" When

the elite of the Huns behind him heard this, their hearts immediately became excited, and they forcibly took out their courage

and rushed forward! A loud rumbling sound came

! An army of 100,000 people rushed forward, and dust flew all over the sky

! There was almost no human figure visible!

Zhao Yan was a woman, and she couldn't help but feel chills in her heart.

However, she looked at the thunderbolt scepter in her hand, and thought of her master's calm and waveless eyes, and suddenly her heart was full of courage, and she was not afraid!

It's just a Huns, how can she be comparable to her

master! And she already belongs to the Ninth Prince, and she must not disgrace her master!

Zhao Yan also turned to look at the mighty thunder army, her slender arm raised her scepter, and her voice was full of anger, "Charge me

!" "Kill!"

The thunder army of hundreds of people responded in unison.

The voice pierced through the sky like a thunderstorm.

The hoarse sound of the blade slicing through the wall, but it made my teeth ache and shiver.

For a while, the hairs on everyone present couldn't help but stand up.

And that voice came

to the front of the Huns! The Huns all shuddered, only thinking that it was the summoning of the revenant souls

of hell! It was the clarion call of the messenger of hell to ask for their lives

! Suddenly

, the lightning and thunder in the sky, the current on the thunder army became more and more intense, and the thunder and lightning in the sky responded to each other, and the blood in their eyes could not be dissolved, which made people tremble!

I saw these Thunder Guards slowly raising their spears, and the spears were extremely heavy when they looked at them, and the tips of the spears flashed with sharp light! Pointing directly at the Huns

! The Thunder Guards were now alive!

The cold killing intent revived.

They raised their legs and walked firmly and heavily in the direction of the Huns, and with each step, the sound of war drums from nowhere roared, and the ground trembled.

The Thunder Guards shouted in unison.

Roar! Roar!

This is the voice of the ancient gods.

A low roar echoed through the heavens and the earth.

The thunder and lightning instantly split the sky and tore straight towards the Thunder Guards, each time as if they were replenishing their energy

! The heavens and the earth changed color, and the earth trembled!

The wind blew up dust, filling the sky, and the Thunder Guards could not see the figures of the Thunder Guards, and could only feel them rushing towards the Huns firmly.

Suddenly, all the Huns' faces turned pale, and their willpower continued to disintegrate, and they only felt that their death was approaching! The army's

heart was suddenly gone

! And at this moment, the soldiers guarding the king were also full of shock

, and their hearts were full of excitement! This is the strength of the Nine Princes, and this is the guard of the Nine Princes? This army is

unrivaled in the world!"

General, they are ready to charge. A soldier walked up to the commander and whispered.

The general defending the city nodded slightly, and a mighty killing intent rose in his heart, and he couldn't wait to rush down to fight the Huns!

The conversation between the two had just ended.

An extremely strong thunderclap fell from the sky

! Boom

! It shook people's ears

! At the same time, in the dust, those thunder guards suddenly charged forward and rushed towards the Huns!

Shan Yu Touman was even more frightened, but just by looking at hundreds of people, why was it so powerful, just looking at it, one could perceive the chilling killing intent and high morale!

Compared with the guards in front of him, his 100,000 elites seemed like child's play.

It's just that Shan Yu Touman doesn't want to accept this fact.

Shan Yu raised his arms again and shouted, "Rush forward for me!" Tou

Man Shan Yu secretly thought, when he led people to wipe out these guards in front of him, everything in the city could be snatched

! Beauty, gold, silver, jewelry, and slaves were all his own

! The two teams collided together in an instant, like two giant beasts, colliding with each other!

In the blink of an eye, they became a ball.

It was only at this time that the Huns saw the appearance of the guards clearly.

Just now it was dusty and far away, and they only felt that the guards were very tall.

Now that the guards were in front of them, the Huns suddenly discovered that the guards were not only tall, they were almost like a mountain standing in front of them, and when they walked, their armor would make a cold crashing sound, which made people's legs weak

! As they took a step closer and approached the guards, the Huns sensed a chilling murderous aura that could break them into pieces! Before the Huns could

react, the guards moved!

I saw that the guards who were walking at the front of the line waved the spears in their hands and swept across the whole area! The formation of the Huns army immediately dissipated

! The several Huns standing at the front could not help but let out a terrible howl

! Because they were directly stabbed by the spears and lifted into the air, their bodies seemed to be split in half

, and the pain was extremely severe! For a time, the frightened cries for help and the hoarse cries for mercy rang out in one piece!

Immediately after, the spears suddenly flicked.

The screaming Huns were directly silent, because their bodies were split in half in mid-air and fell directly to the ground, their eyes still wide.

The land in front of the city gate was directly dyed red

! Some blood was sprinkled on the ground, and some was sprinkled directly on the armor of the guards, and suddenly, the electric current on the armor was constantly sizzling, and in an instant, lightning flashed! As if they had drunk enough blood, they began to get excited!

The guards became even stronger, and everywhere the spears went, there was a burst of screams and wails.

Before some of the Huns could scream, they had already been pierced through the heart with a single shot!

The strength of the guards should not be underestimated!

After a while, the Huns also regained their strength and immediately adjusted their formation, and a group of Huns with shields in their hands approached one of the guards and surrounded him.

"Kill him

!" "Let's fight together!" a

group of Huns shouted and rushed forward.

The guards who were surrounded in the middle were not in a hurry

, and when they rushed up, they directly picked up their spears and swept around! Suddenly, they only heard the sound of dangdang, and it was metal colliding with each other!

Before the Huns could get close to the guards, they were swept away by their spears and flew out directly.

The Huns, who attacked en masse, were swept away by the power of their spears and fell heavily to the ground.

The shield collided with the spear, and it also brought a thousand powers, and smashed directly on the Huns' bodies, only to hear a snort, these Huns collectively spat blood, and were crushed to death by the shields

! They had no ability to fight the guards at all!

Without waiting for the other Huns to react, the guards quickly assembled into small teams and rushed forward in groups of five.

As they charged, they picked up the Huns along the road with their spears, and then threw them heavily on the ground, and after falling to their deaths, they provoked the other Huns again.

In just a

quarter of an hour, the Hun army lost thousands of soldiers!

Countless people were provoked by spears and fell to their deaths!

Not to mention, when the guards rushed over, the Huns' horses were frightened, neighed and raised their front hooves, and then fell heavily, trampling many Huns to death.

For a while, the battlefield at the city gate seemed to come to hell, the ground was completely stained red with blood, and all that echoed in my ears were the hoarse screams and frightened howls of the Huns.

It didn't look like a war at all, because the Huns had no chance to resist at all, and they had already been easily killed by the guards.


, a Hun screamed, the blood on his face disappeared instantly, and his eyes were extremely frightened, "Look there."

His expression looked like he was alive, his face was pale, his whole body was shaking, and his teeth were chattering.

Many Huns heard this voice and subconsciously looked in the direction they were pointing.

"Oh my God

!" "What is this!" "

I don't want to fight, let's go back to the grassland! Let's run away!"

Everyone looked at the horrified scene in front of them, and suddenly their bodies were cold.

Not far away, dozens of Huns besieged the guards together, and there were so many people that the spears did not have time to provoke, and they were about to succeed.

Suddenly, the guard grabbed one of the Huns and threw him high into the air.

Suddenly, the sky was lightning and thunder, and the thunder and lightning seemed to be catering to the guards, and directly rained down thunder and hit the Huns.

The Huns, who were held high in the air, immediately convulsed, and before they could let out a scream of pain, they were silent again, and they were scorched black from head to toe.

And that's not all, the guards threw the corpse into the crowd again.

The electricity instantly spread to everyone, and after a strange sound, everyone trembled, as if they had been struck by lightning, and they kept twitching, and even their skin was trembling.

They opened their mouths wide and could see that they looked very painful, but they could not even scream, and could only tell from their trembling pupils that these people were worse than dead!

After being tortured like this for a long time, the Huns who had been struck by the electric current fell to the ground with a bang.

Some people came up to take a look at it

, and they were immediately frightened crazy! Those Huns were directly ripe, and their skin was fibrous

! They looked like people who had been roasted

! This is not a human being, and these guards are not human beings at all! The

Huns were directly frightened crazy, and they could not raise any fighting spirit, and they just wanted to immediately kneel on the ground and beg for mercy in agony!

Some Huns even knelt down on their knees directly, learned the etiquette of the Central Plains and kept kowtowing, and said humbly: "Please let me live, I won't fight, I want to go back to the grassland!"

"I will kowtow to you, please ......".

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