By the way, after the collapse of the country, the members of the royal family would be sent as prisoners to the victorious country as hostages, but what about those people? What about the Yan royal family?

Yan Wangxi and Prince Dan were beheaded, and it stands to reason that there were others.

Now there is no one

now? Yingzheng was at a loss, "Wang Ben, what about the people of the Yan royal family, why don't you see those nobles?" "

Back to the king, everyone in the Yan royal family has been beheaded by the ninth prince, and he said that he wants to cut the grass and eradicate the roots! Before the minister left from the Yan Kingdom, he searched the royal family and nobles throughout the whole process, and he was caught and killed on the spot, there is no need to report, now that Weichen has set off for several days, it is estimated that the nobles in the city have been killed. "Wang Ben 1510, report honestly.

After saying this, everyone present gasped.

Prime Minister Li Si's pupils suddenly constricted

, and his heart trembled! The Ninth Prince was so brutal! This is the complete annihilation of the Yan royal family, and if you want to make a comeback

in the future, you will have no chance, and everyone will be killed! This move is unheard

of! The old general Wang Jian squinted, and was secretly surprised in his heart, he really didn't see the wrong person, the Ninth Prince is the god of war coming!

These lives are not worth caring about for Wang Jian at all, and there is no need to take them to heart.

When he was young, he joined the army and went to the battlefield, fighting for the Qin State all his life, opening up territory, and the most headache was the nobles, especially those nobles who were defeated.

They are clever and eloquent, but whenever they find the slightest opportunity, they will bewitch and support the people to expose the uprising

! Just sending troops to quell the chaos and suppressing it, they don't know how many times they have gone

! Again and again, they are simply so tired that they just hate to devour these lives alive!

On the contrary, they are very good at excusing themselves, and they are extremely cunning!

Jiugongzi's actions seem to be impersonal and kill innocents, but they can completely put an end to future troubles, and these people in the province will deceive people to revolt in the future.

Yandi will never make trouble again, and there will never be troubles!

Thinking of this, Wang Jian couldn't wait to applaud, and he also admired and admired Jiugongzi more and more.

On the contrary, it was Gongzi Fusu, after hearing what Wang Ben said, his face turned pale in an instant.

What did he hear

! The Ninth Prince actually killed all the people in the Yan royal family

! This is simply a sin

! When Fusu thought of this, he was really dizzy, and he trembled and took two steps back!

Win Changkong, this person, completely disregarded human life, it was like a murderous god.

Great Qin absolutely cannot do this, and he absolutely cannot become the next king

of the Qin State! The position of the crown prince will be decided by him! Benevolence and righteousness are the foundation of the Qin State.

If there is such a violent and cruel emperor, the Qin State is in danger!

A trace of confusion flashed in Yingzheng's eyes, and he subconsciously repeated, "Kill them all?"

Wang Ben nodded, and said with a straight face: "Your Majesty, the Ninth Prince said, ordinary nobles are just fine, and they will not be killed." But the royal family of Yan is different, they lie on the heads of the people to suck blood, they are completely a group of waste who can only enjoy themselves, even if they are sent back to my Great Qin, it is a waste of food, and maybe they will find a way to exploit the people of our land, and there will be no harm but no benefit.

As soon as Ying Zheng heard the killing, his heart trembled and he was startled.

But after the shock, I was ecstatic in my heart

! Changkong's action was really too wise! I had never done it before, but now Changkong has done it.

At the beginning, as the king of a country, he inevitably had a lot of concerns about doing this kind of thing, and once he couldn't do it, he would be laughed at by the world, so he inevitably hesitated.

Changkong is decisive!

However, after killing all the nobles of the Yan royal family, the ministers of the court and the central government will definitely take this opportunity to admonish Changkong and say that Changkong is cruel.

Ying Zheng didn't want to listen to these words, and he didn't want to win Changkong because of this.

Changkong is the core figure of unifying the world, and the capital must not be affected by this.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng immediately changed his serious expression and said angrily: "Send these boxes to the treasury."

"Obey!" Before

the others could react, Ying Zheng put on an even more angry face, and said angrily: "Changkong, this bastard boy, is simply bold and reckless! When he returns from victory this time, I will definitely teach him a hard lesson." After

saying that, Ying Zheng left in a rage! The

remaining officials were directly stunned in place, and it took a long time to come back to their senses.

Only then did they realize that they had not yet admonished themselves! Before they impeached the cruelty of the Ninth Prince, why did the king leave in such a rage?

They were angry and could not let it out! The

Ninth Prince was cruel by nature and went so far as to kill all the nobles of the Yan royal family

! Heaven does not tolerate it!

Fusu, the prince who had been impregnated with Confucianism since childhood, was also extremely angry!

Behind the Ninth Prince is the Qin State, and if he does such a move

that is not tolerated by heaven, the people of the world will not scold him, but will only scold the people of the Qin State for being cruel! When he does this, he wants to make the Qin State bear the infamy that is not tolerated by heaven

! From then on, no matter where the people mention the Qin State, they will tremble, how can they surrender with joy and sincerity, and the people will definitely panic in their hearts!

Hu Lai!

Gongzi Fusu couldn't wait to rush forward immediately, pulled Ying Zheng to express his anger, and scolded Ying Changkong for being insensitive!

Who would have thought that before he could get close to Ying Zheng, he was stopped by the guards around him.

Fu Su hurriedly shouted: "Father, Win Changkong's nature is cold and cruel, and he is too much to use, let my Qin State bear the infamy for him, you must punish him severely!

Ying Zheng, who was not far away, paused slightly when he heard this, but ignored Fusu's words.

After a few seconds, he made an even more angry appearance and left!

The officials behind him understood at a glance.

Wang Shang said that the Nine Princes were messing around, but in fact, he didn't think so at all

! All his actions were to stop the mouths of the courtiers and protect the Nine Princes!

Killing all the nobles of the Yan royal family was a heinous crime.

When it came to the king's mouth, it was just a hard lesson, and there was not even a punishment.

Everyone immediately understood that in the king's heart, the ninth prince was the most important!

The sky of the Qin State is about to change! Zhao Gao's

expression was extremely ugly.

Win Changkong's position in the king's heart is unshakable, and his own ability is also very good.

Zhao Gao hated Ying Changkong in his heart, but when he thought of this person, he couldn't help but feel fear.

I only felt that Ying Changkong was like a mountain, weighing heavily on his back, which was suffocating.

"Childe can't help it, the king doesn't want to see anyone at this time, and I ask you to come back next time.

The guard beside Ying Zheng said to Fusu.

Hearing this, Fusu was extremely angry in his heart.

The feeling of jealousy began to take root again, slowly taking root in his heart.

Why is this?

My father attached so much importance to winning the sky that he did not hesitate to protect him in this way!

And he was no longer important to his father.

The more Fusu thought about it, the more angry he became, he only felt that everyone didn't understand him, and the benevolence and righteousness he advocated was the foundation of governing the country, and the Qin State could no longer kill innocents in the situation of war.

He is more determined, and righteousness is the most important thing.


At the same time, the remaining countries, Wei, Chu, and Qi, received information from the spies that the Yan State had perished!

Half of the world was already Qin's, and their hearts were trembling.

In particular, I heard that the Nine Princes of the Qin State won the sky like the god of war descending, and the momentum was unparalleled.

After setting up a five-day period, he wiped out the allied forces of Yan and Dai within five days, a whole hundred thousand people!

Directly led troops to destroy the imperial court of Yan and beheaded Yan Wangxi, and since then, Yan no longer exists, and all belong to Qin.

What was even more terrifying was Ying Changkong's subsequent move, he actually killed all the members of the Yan royal family

! This method was unique! The nobles of the other countries were so frightened that they wanted to flee immediately.

They knew very well in their hearts that the nobles of the Yan royal family exploited the common people, and they did the same, even more cruelly.

They lie on top of the people's heads to suck blood, wantonly collect money, disregard the law and human ethics, disregard human life, and do not treat the people as human beings at all.

It is no different from pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep.

The Nine Princes' actions frightened the remaining nobles into silly, as if they had already seen their own future

! That is to say, life is better than death, and they will die directly without a whole corpse, and they will be eaten by wild dogs!

The Nine Princes' means reach the sky, like a god descending, but with a wave of his hand, thunder and tribulation fell from the sky in an instant, and the coalition army was killed in anger.

Even the immensely strong walls were not a problem in his eyes, and in the flash of lightning and thunder, the walls had already collapsed.

The walls of Jicheng are extremely strong, and everyone knows it.

Such walls were breached, not to mention the rest.

This means, this strength, is simply moving.

From now on, what else in this world can stop Win Changqing?

It still sounds like a dream.

But the fact is that within five days, Win Changkong will level the Yan Kingdom, and it is useless for them not to believe it.

How did this happen

? How did such a god fall into the Qin State

? How did Ying Zheng cultivate such a child?

Win the sky, I'm afraid it is really a god.


At this time, Xiang Yan of Chu State.

"Report!" The

person who came in was the scout of the Chu State, who sent a tube of bamboo slips.

Xiang Yan picked up the bamboo slip and looked at it, and instantly became angry!

Xiang Yan looked at Xiang Liang, his anger could not be contained, "What is the ninth prince of the Qin State, it is obviously a little trick played by Win Changkong, in this world, there is no so-called god at all!" "

But when he raised his hand, he controlled the thunder and lightning in the sky, which is real.

Otherwise, how can we explain the battle on the banks of the Yishui River? However, I think that no one is perfect, and people always have weaknesses, and there are also long-term victories. "

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