With a gentle beckoning from Ying Changkong, Mo Qilin was only stunned for a moment, but she also understood.

Soon he blushed and walked to the carriage in the sky.

It is her blessing to be able to serve the gods......!

At this time, in the wilderness, the whole person of the hidden bat was still tormented by thunder.

Especially when I saw that Mo Qilin actually fell to Ying Changkong, and even became a woman in Ying Changkong.

In addition to the physical pain, the heart of the hidden bat is cold.

Didn't he fall into such a field just to save the ink unicorn, the world is unpredictable, the world is unpredictable.


The next day, it was bright and bright.

The scorching sun had returned to nothingness, and no Assassins had been encountered in the second half of the night.

Pulling back the curtain of the carriage, Mo Qilin poked out, looking around, until he found that there was no one else around, and then he stepped out of the carriage.

At this time, in addition to her original clothes, she also put on a robe with a thunder and lightning mark, and her figure staggered a little.

Mo Qilin finally realized the horror of Ying Changkong, not only ...... combat effectiveness

At this time, Mo Qilin was really dead set on Ying Changkong, after all, the gods only needed the most loyal servants.

"Help, help!" This

voice was somewhat familiar, and Mo Qilin frowned slightly, following the prestige.

In the field, the hidden bat is still nailed to the ground by small but pure lightning bolts, through the shoulder blades.

"That, you, are you okay?" Mo

Qilin was still crisp when he spoke, it seemed that last night, he was in full swing in the carriage with Ying Changkong.

The hidden bat was nailed to this wilderness all night, dying.

"Are you really going to betray Quicksand?" Hidden

Bat's voice was even hoarser and drier than before.

"Now, I only follow His Highness!" Mo

Qilin directly stated her attitude, this was her truest thoughts.

After hearing this, the hidden bat was quite helpless, this time he really lost himself.

"Then now, can I still leave here and return to the quicksand?"

Listening to the bold question of the hidden bat, a smile appeared on Mo Qilin's delicate and cold face.

"If you want to go back, you can try, but think about the price!" The

cold voice revealed a naked threat, and the ink qilin was now a transformer, a servant of the gods.

Letting go of the Hidden Bat is tantamount to betraying the gods, that's not what a Dao Cultivator should do!In

an instant, the Hidden Bat quickly shook his head: "Don't run, don't run, I think it's good here." Recalling

the boundless horror that Ying Changkong showed before, the hidden bat still has palpitations in his heart.

It turns out that once a woman falls in love, it can be so terrifying.

Didn't you say that two people came to assassinate together, and now, after the defection, Mo Qilin's mind is so vicious!

It seems that there is only one choice left for the hidden bat, and that is to surrender to Cheng.

But even if he is willing, Ying Changkong is a servant of the gods, not any broken copper and iron.


South Korea, in an attic.

The carrier pigeon flew and landed in Wei Zhuang's hand, took out the letter paper and swept it, and Wei Zhuang, who had always been calm, changed his face.

"My lord, has something happened?"

Next to her, Bai Feng's soft voice came, and for some time, she didn't see this expression on Wei Zhuang's face.

Wei Zhuang took a deep breath, his tone was still cold: "The assassination failed, and that Ying Changkong seemed to have a divine means to defeat the Mo Qilin and the Hidden Bat almost in one blow

!" "What! There is such a thing!"


Lian was shocked when he heard this.

The strength of the Hidden Bat and the Ink Qilin, he knows, is proficient in assassination.

Even if you meet a stronger person and can't defeat it, you can still get out of it, now, how can you be taken down by Ying Changkong in one fell swoop

? Also, gods, is Ying Changkong really gods?

The shark tooth sword was pinched hard by Wei Zhuang, and his fingers turned white, Wei Zhuang himself and the shark tooth sword all had a strong interest in Ying Changkong.

It didn't take long for the quicksand to stab the sky, but it failed miserably, and the news spread all over the rivers and lakes in an instant.

The knights who were going to assassinate the sky all shuddered and began to retreat.

Legend has it that how strong Ying Changkong, who has the power of the gods, is so strong that the quicksand is planted.


the rivers and lakes, the eight directions shook, and countless forces and all the top assassins stopped in an instant.

Sure enough, today, Ying Changkong didn't even meet a single assassin.

And, now it's on the edge of the water.

The rising sun reflects the trees on the shore, and the river shimmers with a faint golden light.

The water and the riverside are scattered with fallen leaves, and now it is late autumn, and the river is rippling and long.

In the carriage, Ying Changkong looked at the scenery and muttered to himself.

"This is Yi Shui, it really lives up to its name, and the army rests here!" In

an instant, the army stopped, and the wheels of the carriage slowed down, crushing against the yellow fallen leaves on the shore.

There was a cold wind blowing all around, and the water was rippling.

Mo Qilin played the role of a servant, helped Ying Changkong to get out of the carriage, and then went to spray tea and make wine for Ying Changkong.

As for the hidden bat, he is moving some sundries according to Mo Qilin's order.

The dignified Quicksand Assassin is now a qualified coolie, and the Hidden Bat himself does not feel any dissatisfaction.

As long as he can live, even if he is a coolie, he will enjoy it!

Along the way, he felt the terrifying coercion emanating from Ying Changkong's body more deeply, and the more so, the more he felt in his heart.

On the shore of a river, the fallen trees are Xiao Xiao, Ying Changkong sits upright on the wooden rattan chair, there is a black unicorn cooking wine next to it, and the scenery of easy water is in front of him.

"Here, this is the place where Prince Dan sent Jing Ke farewell!"

Ying Changkong remembered Yi Shui's farewell, which was indeed enough to be called a good story, but unfortunately, Jing Ke met the gods!

At this time, Wang Ben and Wang Li came behind Ying


"Childe, right now, this Yishui River bank is really a little close to Yan Kingdom, I'm afraid it's not safe enough.

However, as soon as he said anything, wolf smoke immediately rose all around.

Bursts of roars and shouts of slaughter suddenly appeared, stirring in the air above.


, kill, kill!"

was overwhelming, black and oppressive, and as far as the eye could see, there was an army of nearly 200,000.

The leaders were Prince Dan and Daiguo's Gongzi Jia!

They had been in ambush in Yishui for a long time, and they finally arrived.

On the other side of Yishui, Prince Dan's eyes were staring at Ying Changkong, but Ying Changkong still looked indifferent and indifferent, still making tea with warm wine.

It seems that he didn't see Prince Dan at all, nor did he see the army of Yan Guo on the opposite side.

Prince Dan felt contempt: "Ying Changkong, the matter of cash is indeed disrespectful in Yan Kingdom, but the matter has come to this."

"Today, if you are willing to withdraw your troops and restore diplomatic relations between the two countries, the army of Yan will not move you at all!"

Ying Changkong's expression was still calm and did not answer.

Prince Dan frowned, he couldn't figure out Ying Changkong's thoughts, he could only guess that Ying Changkong might be thinking.

However, after a few breaths, Ying Changkong not only did not open his mouth to agree, but instead raised the warm wine and sipped it gently.

The so-called Prince Dan, as well as the 200,000 troops, Ying Changkong can't see it at all!

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