"Is it only 50,000 soldiers and horses? "

Hearing Fusu's answer, Yingzheng couldn't help but hesitate.

After all, Hannibal's Carthaginian army numbered as many as 200,000 men, and inspired by the successive capture of the Roman cities, their morale must have risen sharply, and the soldiers were in a state of invincibility.

Although they still have the aid of tens of thousands of remnants of the Roman army, with the inferior weapons and equipment of the Roman soldiers and their military quality, their combat effectiveness is very weak, and the help they can provide is basically negligible.

Otherwise, even if Scipio made a mistake in decision-making, he would not have been defeated by the Carthaginian army from outside in the home environment.

In other words, 50,000 Great Qin soldiers had to fight against Hannibal's Carthaginian army with oil bottles, which was much more difficult than Meng Tian leading tens of thousands of Qin troops to defeat Rome's 200,000 army before!

After all, in these two wars, the skills of the commanders of both sides alone are not at the same level at all.

Although Bliss is a famous player in Luo 10, he is also quite famous in the Western Regions, and his record is very good.

But it was just bullying and bullying those small countries in the Western Regions, relying solely on the numerical superiority of the Roman army and the Macedonian phalanx that was difficult to crack at that time.

Under such conditions, basically as long as the commander-in-chief knows a little bit of military knowledge, he can achieve such a record.

If you really want to count it, Bliss is also among the generals and commanders, not even first-class at all, at best, he is just a second-rate general, from the fact that he led 200,000 Roman troops, but was played by tens of thousands of Qin cavalry of Meng Tian, it shows that his military talent is weak, and Hannibal is far behind!

After all, Hannibal is different from him who can only play an advantageous game, not only saved the Carthaginian army from the moment of collapse, but also helped Carthage to return to the advantage from its original disadvantage in one fell swoop, and even now has captured several cities in Rome, approaching the Roman capital!

If it weren't for Fusu marrying Princess Sophie, Rome would have become the in-law state of Great Qin since then, and the Carthaginian army would have stood on the opposite side of Great Qin, maybe Rome would have been overthrown by him!

Although there is a reason for the weakness of the Roman army, but with this ability to turn defeat into victory and turn absolute disadvantage into advantage, Hannibal is definitely at the forefront of all generals, even if it is inferior to Meng Tian and other famous generals, but it is definitely not far behind.

In addition to the huge gap between the commanders, the combat effectiveness of the armies on both sides is completely different.

At that time, the Roman army was basically the same as the current Roman army, the soldiers had poor military literacy, backward combat thinking, and only a Macedonian phalanx could still be seen, and the combat effectiveness could be said to be extremely low.

The current Carthaginian army, although it is said that it is not much different from the Roman army in terms of weapons and equipment, is much stronger than the Roman army in terms of military quality and strategic planning.

Otherwise, the Roman army would not have been repeatedly routed by the Carthaginian army in frontal battles, and almost every time it was crushed.

Therefore, with the current situation of Hannibal's Carthaginian army, if the Great Qin army wants to replicate and realize the war myth of defeating 200,000 with tens of thousands of soldiers, I am afraid it will be dozens of times more difficult than before!

This is also an important reason why when Yingzheng heard Fusu say that he only needed to send 50,000 Daqin soldiers to support, he had always believed in Fusu, but this time he became a little hesitant.

Even the ministers below, including Meng Tian, Wang Jian and other capable generals, although they said that they did not directly express their opposition to Fusu, they were all deeply frowning at this moment, which obviously meant that they were not optimistic about the views put forward by Fusu this time.

Fusu stood next to Yingzheng and looked at the looks of Yingzheng and the ministers of the DPRK and China.

However, he didn't show too many expressions, obviously expecting such a reaction from them.

"I know that with 50,000 Great Qin soldiers against Hannibal's 200,000 Carthaginian army, it seems that there is indeed a huge disparity, and it must be too contemptuous of the opponent and too arrogant for both the father and the ministers. "

"But in fact, in my opinion, it is more than enough for my Great Qin to send 50,000 soldiers to support Rome!"

Fusu smiled slightly and said confidently. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oh, look at Fusu, you are so confident, you must have your own reasons. "

As the so-called knowing son Mo Ruo's father, Yingzheng immediately guessed the meaning contained in Fusu's words.

The ministers of the court were all interested, and they listened attentively one by one, wondering why Fusu only sent 50,000 Great Qin soldiers.

"Definitely. "

Fusu smiled and nodded. []

"The reason why you think that 50,000 Great Qin soldiers is not enough, firstly, because Hannibal's Carthaginian army has 200,000 people, compared to my Great Qin's 50,000 soldiers, there is a huge difference, and secondly, they have now conquered several cities in Rome one after another, making the Carthaginian army look like a bamboo, and even vaguely have an unstoppable momentum. "

"The 830 Carthaginian army is indeed at the forefront of combat effectiveness among the armies of many countries in the Western Regions, but what is the place in the Western Regions? Although it is also considered to be a vast territory, its development is extremely poor, and the combat capability of the armies of the countries in the Western Regions is basically weaker than that of countries in other regions. "

"Saying that the Carthaginian army belongs to the forefront, it is just a short general, in fact, the battle is not bad, but it is definitely not good, but it is commonplace, and it can bully and bully the weak army of Rome. "

"My father and the ministers will think that the Carthaginian army is strong, because you have all set your eyes on Hannibal's Carthaginian army, and only see that the fighting power they now showed when they fought against the Roman army was much stronger than the Roman army in that miraculous battle. "

"But you have all ignored that my Great Qin army is no longer what it used to be compared to the miraculous battle at that time, and great changes have taken place in all aspects. "

"Not to mention anything else, as my Great Qin's steel forging technology has improved year by year, the weapons used by my Great Qin soldiers and the armor they wear have all undergone a round of updates and upgrades, whether it is defense, sharpness or durability, they are all higher than before. "。

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