Three full days have passed since the military parade, and the entire Xianyang City is still in a jubilant atmosphere. The people even walk with great vigor and energy.

The trial operation of the curfew in Xianyang City was extended to three quarters past midnight (early 0 o'clock), which made the people even more happy. Many people who were originally planning to go back after watching the military parade stayed to enjoy the prosperity of Xianyang's never-ending city.

Each and every performance of the opera was performed to full houses and won unanimous applause from the people. It has become the new signature of Xianyang City.

Merchants also took the opportunity to launch various discounts and promotions, attracting people from all counties and counties in Daqin to buy enthusiastically. The skyrocketing business taxes directly made all the courtiers laugh.

"Your Majesty, according to the news reported by the Xianyang Order, in the past three days, the commercial tax in Xianyang New City was more than ten times the usual amount. The increase in commercial tax alone was enough to cover all the expenses of the military parade, and there was still a surplus."

"Nowadays, many people have begun to look forward to the naval���Team parade and celebrations!"

Feng Quji reported the report with a beaming look on his face.

"Great kindness!"

Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

Although the military parade has many benefits and is talked about by the government and the public, it also costs a lot. Ying Zheng has always been worried about whether it will be criticized by corrupt scholars because of the excessive expenditure and appear imperfect.

However , Now, as Fusu said, the increase in income is far greater than the expenditure, which has completely promoted economic growth. Ying Zheng can feel completely relieved.

"It was the cancellation of the curfew for several consecutive days that made Xianyang City's lamps, oils and candles a bit urgent!"

Nei Shiteng showed an awkward smile on his face.

These days, Daqin's lighting is mainly based on candles and oil lamps. Both of them require the use of a large amount of animal fat, and the price has never been low. In addition , The reason for the low daily consumption under the long-term curfew is that the Internal Affairs Bureau does not have much reserves of lighting oil. After the curfew was opened for several days, a batch of them had to be urgently transferred from various counties to barely keep up with the consumption.

"It doesn't matter, the prince has asked General Shaofu to develop a new type of lamp oil. Once it is popularized, there will no longer be a need to worry about the lack of lamp oil, and the brightness will be higher."

Fusu said with a slight smile.

During the previous system lottery, Fusu had obtained a Daqin oil map, and then ordered the exploration craftsmen within the General's Shaofu to start looking for oil in the corresponding area of Guanzhong. In fact, the Central Plains region , was originally the first person in the world to discover, exploit and utilize oil.

As early as the"Book of Changes" of the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were already records about oil.

"There is fire in the swamp, and the fire is above the swamp and the swamp is below." A swamp is also a lake or a swamp.

""There is fire in the lake" means the phenomenon of oil vapor catching fire on the surface of lakes and swamps.

This fully illustrates that there is not only oil in Guanzhong, but also oil fields that directly overflow to the surface and can be easily exploited.

Although the reserves are different from those of later generations , Those super oil fields are completely incomparable, but they are more than enough for the current Daqin.

Moreover, the Middle East region with the largest oil reserves and the highest quality in the world is still an uninhabited area, and it is right on the edge of Daqin's Persian County. It is completely within the control of Da Qin.

Although with Da Qin's current technological level, it is beyond the power to achieve the advanced petroleum refining that would be achieved in later generations. However, with the advent of glass, some simple distillation can be carried out to separate a finished product similar to kerosene. It can still be done.

And kerosene lamps, before the advent of electric lights, have always been the brightest and most popular lighting fixtures. They are most suitable for Daqin today.

"A new oil lamp that’s brighter and easier to use?"

Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

He would review memorials until midnight every day. He was often troubled by the lack of brightness of the oil lamp. It was not until Fusu came up with a whale oil candle that he was able to solve the problem.

But whale oil is a rare thing after all. It would be too extravagant for the Great Qin navy to hunt giant whales for the purpose of lighting the palace. Therefore, when Ying Zheng heard about the new lamps with higher brightness, he immediately became interested.

"If my father and other courtiers are interested, they may as well follow this prince to become the young master."

Fusu said with a slight smile.

The group of people immediately followed him with great interest.

Anyway, the young master general's residence was already in the palace, and it was only a quarter of an hour away from the Chaohui Hall.

"It's only been half a year since I came here, and the young master has changed completely!"

As soon as he entered the young master Jiang Zuo's mansion and saw the busy scene that was completely different from the past, Li Si couldn't help being surprised and said

"Since Mr. Gongshu took office, he has reorganized the entire Jiangzuo Shaofu and divided it into multiple categories according to different research contents. Each category has its own corresponding project, and a survival of the fittest system has been implemented."

"Today's general is completely different from the past."

"In just over half a year, many new equipments have been invented, especially the water-powered vehicle, which has been applied to many workshops in Daqin. The new equipment of the soldiers in the military parade a few days ago was all made of this water-powered vehicle. Stamped out of a car"

"Not only is the production efficiency much higher than in the past for hand forging, but it is also stronger and can be made thinner!"

Nei Shiteng, who had the most dealings with General Jiang Zuo, looked at Fusu Road with admiration.

Although it was a reform carried out by Gongshuyue, everyone knew that it was Fusu's idea, and the effect was so good that everyone No one had anything to say.

Wang Jian also nodded with deep understanding.

He is extremely experienced in the battlefield and naturally understands that better equipment, like accurate and effective tactical command, is a weapon for increasing the army's combat power.

Now he will do The lighter and higher-hardness armors and weapons produced by the Shaofu mean that the soldiers can conserve more physical strength during long-distance marches and can wield their swords more briskly.

This is very important to the Qin Dynasty where the cavalry is king today. For the Army, it was like adding more wings to a tiger.

Even Wang Jian replaced the bronze sword he had carried for many years with a new stainless steel sword.

"Let’s take a look at this new style of oil lamp first! Fusu said with a slight smile.

The eyes of Ying Zheng and the civil and military officials were immediately attracted to the new lamps held by the order of the stone chamber.

"This lamp looks no different from an ordinary glass lamp, right? Dunruo looked at it for a long time and asked with curiosity.

Nowadays, the price of glass in Daqin has dropped a lot, and its transparency has long been favored by lamp craftsmen, and it has become one of the main materials for making oil lamps in Daqin.

"If there is a specific gap, you will know after testing it!"

Fusu smiled and brought Ying Zheng and the courtiers into the hall, and then asked people to cover the doors and windows with curtains, and then lit up Da Qin's version of the kerosene lamp.

I saw a slightly dim light in the dark room. appeared in the middle, cutting through the darkness.

As Fusu continued to adjust the knob that controlled the lamp oil, the brightness of the kerosene lamp continued to increase, and soon reached a level that was too intense for people to look directly at.

The entire hall was suddenly as bright as day. Average.

Wang Jian and others immediately took a deep breath.

This was too bright.

It was much stronger than the brightest whale oil candle before Da Qin.

Nei Shiteng was even more overjoyed.

As long as it is hung in the streets and alleys With such a bright new lamp, why are you worried about the security problems caused by the opening of the curfew?

Daqin's nightlife is completely guaranteed.

It can be called a lighting artifact!

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