"Everyone has worked hard during this time"

"It just so happens that today is bathing time, and our family just happens to get together to celebrate together! Fusu said with a smile on his face.

During this period, he has been very busy, and Yu Shu has been helping him and giving him the greatest support.

Gong Shuyue has been leading the craftsmen in the shortest time. Twenty thousand sleds were built in a short period of time, and the tired ones lost a lot of weight, which made him feel distressed.

Lu Pheasant and Lu Su also made great contributions.

As far as Fusu knew, this time In fact, Lu Gong just wanted to raise funds.

The reason why he was so generous in the end was entirely because of Lu Pheasant and Lu Su.

This made Fusu change his view of Lu Pheasant a lot.

This famous beauty in history, although in Sometimes, she may seem a bit powerful, such as deliberately approaching Fusu, etc., but the essence is still very good.

The reason for this is mostly due to the influence of Lu Gong, her father.

And Lu Su, she has always been silent and low-key. , being able to do such a move made Fusu very satisfied. As expected, they were all girls he admired.

Therefore, after leisure, Fusu decided to gather several girls together to celebrate together and enhance their relationship.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Lu Pheasant's eyes were suddenly full of surprise.

Lu Su, who was relatively slow to react, was also pulled by his sister to salute Fu Su.

His heart was also filled with warmth.

Although Lu Su He is a bit introverted, but his love for Fusu is real.

Especially during this period, he witnessed everything that a dignified prince in Fusu did for ordinary people, which made him have a strong impression of Fusu. Lu Su fell even deeper into it.

And before he came, Lu Gong had repeatedly explained and instructed.

Although Lu Su was embarrassed like her sister Lu Zhi, she tried to get in touch with Fusu more, hoping to gain Fusu's approval. In her heart, Among them, he also began to regard himself as a person from Fusu.

After all, Daqin was still a place where parents made an appointment. According to the matchmaker, a woman’s marriage is mainly handled by her parents.

And for two daughters to marry into the prince’s palace , both Lu Gong and the mothers of the two sisters are extremely recognized.

This is His Highness Fusu who is famous all over the world and deeply loved by the people. He will definitely take over the entire Great Qin in the future.

Even if he is a side chamber, he is It is a great honor for the Lu family.

Lu Su himself was not disgusted with it in the first place, and had even regarded Fusu as his idol.

But now, due to various reasons, this admiration has gradually become stronger and transformed into another kind. More complicated feelings.

Gongshuyue's eyes were full of surprise.

Although she was indeed very tired during this period, she was already full of joy to be recognized by Fusu.

Yushu smiled sweetly and led the maids to All kinds of ingredients were prepared, and there was no trace of jealousy on his face.

Yu Shu was very satisfied to be able to follow Fusu and be so pampered by Fusu.

Not only did Yu Shu not object to having a few more people around Fusu, he even I fully support it.

As the Prince of Fusu and the Qin Dynasty, it is unreasonable for Yu Shu to have only one side chamber.

Many courtiers have been repeatedly talking about adding a few side chambers to Fusu so that Fusu can flourish as soon as possible.

Among them are Including Ying Zheng.

After all, Fusu was already in his early twenties, and he was already quite big in the eyes of the people of Da Qin. He still had no descendants, so it was difficult for the courtiers to feel at ease.

And Ying Zheng was even more anxious to see the third son of his grandson and Da Qin. The third generation of successors wanted to enjoy the feeling of being under the knee of their children and grandchildren Chenghuan.

The reason why Lu Fei had the opportunity to contact Fusu was because of Yu Shu's acquiescence.

Fusu smiled and took in the reactions of several girls.

Being able to be He really enjoys admiring and admiring such a beautiful girl.

Food and beauty complement each other!

Fusu's mood immediately improved, and the fatigue of the past few days was swept away.

At this moment, a familiar smile came from outside the door. Voice

"It seems that the father came at the right time!"

Ying Zheng walked in with a smile and said

"Father, every time my son wants to cook, Father, you come here in time. Is there any clever trick that you haven’t passed on to me?"

Fusu couldn't help but laugh.

"This shows that our father and son have a tacit understanding, haha!"

Ying Zheng is also in a better mood.

Now that the work-for-relief program proposed by Fusu has been successfully promoted in Daqin, the victims who have been given the opportunity are infinitely grateful to the court, and the pressure on local counties has also been reduced. Many.

The modern method of recycling agricultural tools and seeds has also begun to be promoted, and businessmen have also responded positively. Many businessmen simply said that His Highness the Crown Prince is so generous, and we cannot fall behind. They directly promised that as long as they are disaster victims , it is free to buy farm tools and seeds in their stores.

And all the expenses are borne by the merchants themselves, without any subsidies.

Several wealthy businessmen such as Fan who are far away from the disaster area have also mobilized a large number of production materials and donated them free of charge. Disaster area.

Coupled with the previous massive donations, everyone in the entire Daqin now looks at these generous businessmen with admiration, and completely admires Fusu who led all this. Even the court is full of people who are interested in the disaster area. The praise of these virtuous businessmen

"Yu Shu, please arrange for a pair of bowls and chopsticks and a jar of good wine!"

Fusu said with a smile.

Anyway, he has prepared everything very well, and with one Ying Zheng, it's not too much at all.

"By the way, Fusu, why are you putting so many vegetables and raw meat on the table? You won't let your father just eat it, right?"

Ying Zheng glanced at the plates of materials on the table and said doubtfully.

"Father, what we are eating today is hot pot, which is the coal-burning stove in the middle. After the soup is boiled, you put all the ingredients in and swish it, then dip it in some sauce and you can eat it. Fusu said with a smile.

In the winter, there is no more atmospheric food than hot pot.

"Then my father was looking forward to this."

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Looking at Lu Zhi and Lu Su who were a little restrained next to him, he nodded slightly.

This son has finally come to his senses. Before, he almost made his father anxious to death.

Although Lu Pheasant and Lu Su Lu Su was both from a merchant family, but his ancestor was also a master like Jiang Taigong, so Ying Zheng didn't take it seriously.

Moreover, this time the two persuaded Lu Gong to donate generously, Ying Zheng also heard about it. He was also very satisfied.

Sure enough, being able to stay with his son would not be any worse.

Ying Zheng, who was full of the heart of an old father, quickly integrated into the joyful atmosphere.

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